Yeah, i know i know. I'm quite annoying with my questions, huh ?
Well this time it's really not my fault! Honestly i've been writing this novel with a friend of mine and we've come to a disagreement regarding the hidden information thing.
As i already said before, i've decided to let some things hidden from you so that you may discover them when they happen. Like per exemple, Orochimaru is planning to attack a village and you won't see how he's planning the attack so that you will be surprised when everything happen.
However my friend told me that it would be annoying and boring, because Orochimaru's schemes and plans will need to be explained so that the readers won't be completely lost when something big happen.
So.....What do you think of this ? Do i continue to let some things hidden, or do i need to write every single plans and schemes that Orochimaru will create ?