
In Naruto As An Uzumaki

A guy named Yuki, who was mostly average except for the fact that he had a photographic memory, worked as an accountant. He lived alone and had no family or friends. One day after work he gets visited by truck-kun as he was crossing the street. Naturally, he dies and I think you know where this is going He finds himself in Uzu as a baby, right before its destruction. That isn't good. . No romance for Yuki is planned, so don't be disappointed about something, later on, the amount that left shocked me I'm trying to revive this story after a couple of months of inactivity I will be copying this story to Wattpad to branch out, I'm Onade123 there I'll try to make this 'realistic' in the sense that the mc isn't a dumbass as much as possible, though please criticize with solutions in mind so I can change it appropriately

AnimeLemonade · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5: Nice co- boat

(1st POV)

(Timeskip, 1 year, 6 year old Yuki)

(Finally, out of this dammed fortress) I think happily as I run around in the forest surrounding Uzu.

After yet again pleading to my mother about being able to go outside the village, she finally relented after 2 damn years.

I also got her to teach me more advanced fuinjutsu which has been going well

Now, the reason why I wanted to go outside the village is of course to build a boat for my escape.

My escape plan is this: during the invasion they would need to take out the barrier surrounding the village, the same barrier preventing the walls from being destroyed. So I plan to use this and when the barrier comes down to destroy a piece of the wall with my Chains and escape since the front gate is going to be flooded with enemies—that hole in the wall leading to the boat I've yet to build.

I can now summon 4 long Adamantine Chains or 5 shorter ones

Since I plan to take my mother and a few others if I see them with me, it'll have to be big enough to accommodate at least 5 people.

The whirlpools problem is in progress to be solved as I want to scout out the water and I think I can maybe get some information from sailors by eavesdropping

The reason for my running around is just that, scouting. Also, I'm trying to find a good tree to build my boat out of.

(Timeskip, a few weeks later)

And with one last hit of the hammer I totally didn't steal, my boat is finished. Both of my objectives are now complete

I figured out the whirlpool problem by the second week.

Now that that's finished, I can start testing my jutsus without anyone looking

Jutsu-wise I haven't gotten anything good this past year, only a few low-rank jutsus copied by memorizing other ninjas' hand seals.

Though I have improved my elemental training to where I'm about 1/4 done with the 'waterfall' stage aka cutting a waterfall in half with wind like Naruto, controlling lightning to not shock me after inserting lightning into it with my hands and trying to reverse the waterfall with water manipulation which is by far the hardest.

I haven't tried using Kekkei Genkai since I want my base elements to be sturdy first

(As soon as I am in Konoha, I'm learning the shadow clone jutsu ASAP) I make a mental note to myself

Taijutsu mostly stayed the same except for more proficiency in Waterfall style, but I have learned to coat my fists in chakra, not like Tsunade for explosive power, but like an armor of sorts so that when I punch something hard I don't feel pain. I can also lessen damage from hits with this of course.

Kenjutsu stayed the same. Though I do plan to 'borrow' a sword from an unsuspecting civilian and stash it in the forest and finally start to learn the kenjutsu styles that have been staying in my head rent-free

What didn't stay the same, however, is my chakra-sensing ability. When before, I could sense chakras within 10 meters, but now, it has skyrocketed to 65 meters.

Now, back to the boat, It has a nice and sturdy frame, made out of clean and fresh wood with a beautiful master-crafted sail

(A/N Wake up to reality, image here)

Ok, you can't blame me for not finding any big-sized cloth better than that, and the frame may be a little bit rotten here and there but it will be strong enough to make it to the mainland and back a few times. If you are wondering about space, it is just about big enough for at most six, some may have to lie on the boat floor to fit in under the sail.

And yes, I did model it from a game

But all that matters is that it works, alright? For now, ill be putting the boat on the ground, covered in greenery until the fateful day.

With everything prepared for the escape, a massive weight is lifted off my shoulders, I walk back to the village with a smile on my face, though dread and uncertainty still stayed in the corner of my mind, increasing as the days till the invasion tick down like a timer

(Later that night)

''Goodnight, sweetie. Remember to be careful outside the village, alright? Love you'' My mother says from the door

''Goodnight mom, yes I'll be careful, love you too'' I reply back

She nods and closes the door.

When I hear her retreating footsteps completely disappear, I open my eyes, get up, and walk towards the window, hopping out and landing on the ground

Today marks the day I begin my training schedule for the next year, every night, I will be leaving and heading towards the waterfall nearby. There, I can train my elements and body.

Every week, ill be alternating between the waterfall and the forest. How can I get outside the village at night? Well, since the guards already know me and my everyday leavings, it was not hard to come to them and offer a deal. For the low low price of letting me out at night, let's just say, I offered a deal they couldn't refuse for such a price.

In the forest, I had already prepared a 'borrowed' sword so I will train kenjutsu there, alongside training my jutsus. May have also taken a handful of shurikens and kunai alongside the sword so ill be practicing that as well.

Without further ado, I began training for that fateful day

(3 hours later)

I fall to the ground, panting, after finishing my exercises.

I stay there for a few minutes, resting, until I decide to get up and go home.

After passing through the gate and going towards my house, I sense three chakra signatures trying to sneak up on me. Recognizing the signatures, I sigh and turn into an alleyway

Walking inside, the three decide to jump me from behind, but before they could even get 1 meter toward me, 3 golden chains burst out of my back and catch all three of them in midair.

I turned around to face the same three genin I beat up a year ago. It seemed they gathered enough courage to try and fight me again.

Bringing them all to my eye-level, I see they all have scared faces alongside regret.

''Didn't I tell you what would happen? Oh well, I guess I did say you would feel triple the pain if you told anyone so I guess this isn't telling'' I talk more to myself than them

''Fine, I'll unleash my final ultimate move on all three of you'' I say with a dark smile as they start shivering

''Bitch slap x3'' I say and slap all three of them so hard it left giant red marks on their faces

I then throw them with my chains

''Don't let me see your faces again'' I say with a dark face as I leave the alleyway

Once I was sure I was far enough, I burst out laughing and walk home with a smile on my face.

(A/N Thank you all for the collections, power stones, and comments. Again, lemme know if something can be done better and if I agree with you, ill update it. Word count for today is: 1247)

Gimme power stones, or else ill do the most heinous thing known to Webnovel kind... not upload a chapter a day

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