
in naruto as a sarutobi clan member

this a fanfiction story about a guy who reincarnated in naruto as a sarutobi clan member my mc doesn't care much about people in general he won't sacrifice himself for other or any nation -mc will start weak to strong ( im not going to make a very Op mc he won't be invisible) - smart mc / mc who don't give a fk about anyone ▪︎I DON'T OWN NARUTO THIS A FANFICTION. -im not a creative person so if you have an idea to add to the novel write in the comments plz (im just a beginner/noob writer/ and I'm writing this for my enjoyment)

nicewolf007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


after arriving at the village we were sent back home to rest and go and meet the Hokage the day after that, but I chose to ignore that and send a clone instead since I already know what was going to happen and as I anticipated my clone got back from the meeting late afternoon, apparently now I'm a chunin medical-nin shinobi which is now I'm now one step closer to my goal which is being a lazy/powerful jonin.

even though I'm now technically a doctor I rarely go to the hospital and I just send my clone. helping others in need makes me feel better and glad but I still don't have the intention of making contact with others I prefer to stay home chilling and at the same time increase my strength hoping to reach kage leave as soon as possible, another thing I was thinking about is Minato's death, I was considering influencing the Cannon and save him but I decided to back up and let Fate takes its course, after all, death is an inevitable result plus Minato is too clean and it wouldn't take him too long to discover the Hokage and the elders illegal and immoral actions against the innocents, therefore, a fight is bound to happen a political fight and a physical fight will definitely happen and even if somehow that didn't cause too much damage to the village it wouldn't be impossible for a 4th war will start since Minato and Hiruzen Sarutobi are one of the strongest Kage level ninja if not the strongest there is,

plus the power of the Uchiha and Hyuga and three legendary satins.

that alone makes Konoha the strongest among the 5 great villages which makes it a target after all Konoha managed to best each one of the 4 great villages, so Konoha needs to lose for the greater welfare. This might sound cruel but that's how life is.

another thing I was wondering about is my summoning animal/partner and sage mode which I was tempted to try and learn on my own

but I quickly gave up on the idea since it, is not a descended of an alien race that can destroy planets, so I decided to just wait after Minato dies and ask for the summoning contract as a reward for my contribution to the village as a medical-nin

and after leaving the village with the excuse of learning sage art/mode.

<<<<<<< Several months later >>>>>>>

in the night as the shines above the hidden leaf village and the loud steps of the nine tails fox that with each passing second destroys the houses and shops and kills whoever is unlucky to get close, I head out running already wearing my armour and ready for battle or any scenario that might happen,

but I cross paths with the elder of Konoha and head of roots Danzo and Kakashi along with Several others individually among them are the jonin instructors that appear in the show (Asuma. guy. Kurenai....)

I stop for a few seconds to understand the situation but I quickly keep heading forward since I already know that he is just trying to obstruct them to increase Minato's chance of dying and I can tell that all their eyes are focused on me when I passed them but I didn't care about it my goal is just to increase my reputation shows that I'm a medical-nin with the strength of a low jonin and use that in the future to get a reward from the Hokage,

I have no intention to even listen to them nor the patience to care,

when I made it to the scene of falling houses and buildings along with the screaming and shouting of the civilians I start immediately helping and healing people thankfully soon after I was aided by other shinobi, and soon after a Tailed Beast Ball was heading our way obliterating everything that comes in its way but thankfully it was sent away with Minato's  Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder which indicates that this attack will soon be over after Minato releases the Kyuubi of Obitos control, therefore, sealing half of it inside of naruto, and that reminds me of the third Hokage and he will live and of course how long I'm gonna have to wait for his death which is 13 years to be exact if everything goes OK and hopefully no major changes happen that may affect the timeline since knowing the future is my trump card.

2 weeks later, after the gloomy night for the citizen of the hidden in the leaf village, the Third Hokage announced the death of the fourth Hokage Minato Namikaza while protecting the village from the nine tails Kyuubi and of course keeping the identity of the new jinchuriki a secret for now at least, another thing that happened was an invitation/order to meet the Hokage along with several other shinobi some whom I know and some I don't know, and the meeting itself was boring I reserved a scolding for my attitude towards the elder (danzo) and few complement for quickly responding to the crisis which was not special or in any way unique since everyone else got the same treatment and we all also got to hear the same will of fire🔥(BS),

"It is a place where every year shinobi are born, raised, grow old, fight, and die to protect their home. These people are precious to me. We share a home, we share a life, and though we may not share ties of blood, they are precious to me. They are my family. And if I do fall, you still will fail. I am only one of a long line. I carry this title in trust for that Hokage who came before and those who will come after. I am the Third Hokage!" – Sarutobi Hiruzen.

and that was only a fraction of the BS he was saying before luckily I was sent home with 1 day off (what a stingy old man) but on my way out I noticed that a few shinobi are still standing there which I assumed must be the jonin from the tv show ( Kakashi, guy, Asuma...) which made me glad that despite having the profile of a talented medical-nin chunin that is good in kenjutsu and Bōjutsu didn't attract too much attention since my goal is to lay low until Tsunade takes the third Hokage seat 💺 because that is when the dark shadows of Konoha will be permanently eliminated.

several months later I decided to apply for the position to be one of the shinobi to protect the daimyo apparently After the Kyuubi attack on Konoha a request was sent to the Hokage that he wants more shinobi to protect his family and himself since I already have enough experience, strength and position (chinin) plus having medical-nin among your guards is always welcomed so I knew I had a high chance of getting accepted.

** A Daimyo is the leader of a country. They are also referred to as Feudal Lords. They possess more influence over a country than Kages and usually are the ones Kages must answer to and ask permission for certain requests.**

and to be honest, in the eye of other shinobi this might be a waste of talent and time since technically and realistically I will probably be assigned to what over the kids of daimyo but that didn't matter to me because my purpose is actually to stay away from Konoha Twelve

my plan is simple I will work here for a few years gain some credit then show the strength of jonin and hopefully join The Twelve Great Guardian Ninja 

**the twelve great guardian ninjas, are the bodyguards of the Land of Fire's daimyō. Membership is indicated by the waistcloth they wear, marked with the kanji for "Fire" (火, Hi).**

##### week later ######

well after a week of basically getting interrogated by Anbu and testing me I finally got accepted, as expected,

as I'm travelling along 9 other ninjas which makes our number in total including me 10 shinobi,

I hear from my left side the voice of a girl

" hi, you must be Akira that genius medical-nin "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

nicewolf007creators' thoughts