
In My Solitude (gxg)

A girl drowning in her own isolation meets a girl who's mind is amongst the stars. Drea is anything but normal. Suffering from social anxieties, ADHD, a weird disorder, and her past. Trying to survive a life she doesn't fit in and a world that seems to be against her is quite difficult. Not to mention her having to mask it all of with a fake persona. Will she let darkness swallow her whole or will she realize that all her problems are just in her head? Emma has her own problems to deal with. Being compared to her twin her whole life and finally having the spotlight while battling against OCD isn't quite easy either. How can she adjust with all the attention she never even wanted? Two very different lives meet in a world so against them. A slowburn.

Solitude_daisy · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Trips


"Drea! Good news!"

A loud voice booms across the bedroom.

"What. The. Fuck."

I say as I was tragically awakened from dreamland.


Mom yells as she scolds me.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I'm just irritated!"

I quickly apologize knowing what happens if I don't.

Mom shakes her head as she calms down. "Anyways, I've found us a private driver, so pack up, we're leaving at 2am tomorrow." With that, she leaves the room.

I look at the clock and see that it's 9:43am. Great. Just great. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly process what happened.

"Something about a driver..." I mumble half asleep and confuse.

"Ohh. That's right. The trip."



Maybel yells from the phone. So loud that I had to hold it away from my ear so as to not go deaf.

"I know, I know, I'll try to tell mom that you want to come so stop yelling" I roll my eyes. Maybel has been my only real friend since senior highschool. We met and instantly click. For some God knows what reason, she never stopped hanging out with me, even after knowing who I really am. I'm greatful to have her. Sounds cringey I know.

"Bitch as you should! You know damn well how lonely you would be without me!" I laugh at this. She was right.

"Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night" I say sarcastically.

I can almost feel her rolling her eyes through the phone.

"Alright I'll talk to you later Dre"

"Bye" I say as she hangs up.

"Yaya!" I call for her.

After some seconds she comes in my room.

"Yes madam?" She asks.

"Is mom busy today? Did she go somewhere?

"I'm afraid so. She's finishing up her work so she has time for your trip."

"Oh. Tell her that Maybel wants to come too" I wave a dismissive hand signalling for her to leave.

"Of course"

"I am so excited! It's been a while since we travelled!" Maybel exclaims as she paces around my room. Not even bothering to help me pack.

"I know, me too! I miss the cold temperature of Baguio. Especially their delicacies!"

I'm quite excited myself. Neatly folding my clothes, I can't help but stim to calm myself down. Counting to 10 in my head.




"Oh! I heard there's a new restaurant near the SM Mall!"




I noticed a shiny ring on the ground. It's so shiny, I went to pick it up.

"Dre? Stay focused! Are you even listening?"




"Oh sorry. Just got a little bit too excited" I chuckle, fidgeting with the ring. What number was I on again?

"Have you took your meds this morning?"

"I forgot." I deadpanned. It's true though. The ring has an even more shinier diamond!

"Here. You're lucky I pack these things for this specific situation." She hands me a bottle of ADHD pills. I took 2 and swallowed them whole.

"It still amazes me that you can swallow pills without water." Maybel says, bewildered.

"Thank you. Now let's get this trip on the road!" I raise my fist and exclaimed.

Maybel laughs and we proceed to carry our baggage to the van.

All we did was fell asleep during the trip. When we woke up, the van was climbing a mountain road. City Lights of Baguio. And it was a sight to see. Different houses scattered around the hills and their lights illuminated the darkness. Like tiny Christmas lights. We were close to the destination, but I proceeded to sleep. My head laying on Maybel's shoulder.


The next time I woke up, we were there. In the big city of Baguio. People were scattering around the streets, trying to get to their destination. I admired the big buildings.

We got out and went to the resort we were staying at. It was gorgeous. With everything made of white marble and concrete, the led lights filled the morning darkness.

We went straight to our rooms, not even bothering to unpack and slept.

The whole week was fun, we went to the mall and bought clothes- mostly Maybel's, and tried many different delicacies. I of course bought 5 books, and I was satisfied. Not having to worry about anything. But there was still this unexplainable nervousness lingering across the corner, following me around.


Ladies and gents (mostly ladies) chapter 2!! You got to see more of Drea struggle with ADHD. Next chapter, It's Emma's POV. So stay tuned! Also, I asked my ADHD cousin about their experience and way of coping so it helped me a lot ;)

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