
Beach Volleyball Reward

"Uwah~ It was so fun! How about you, Airi? Did you have fun?"

"It was really fun. Thank you for inviting me."

"I'm glad you said that. Let's come again."

"Yeah. Well then, see you later, Shiori-san."

"See you!"

In the evening, on the way back from the pool facility, Minato parted ways with Kazuma and Momose and was left alone with Airi.

When they went to the pool, Airi grabbed the hem of Minato's clothes, but the closeness at the pool didn't escape her, and she immediately grabbed Minato's hand.

"Can I at least do this for the rest of the day?"

"…Yeah, for today at least."

Perhaps it was because she was fresh out of the pool, or perhaps she had taken care of them in the changing room, but Airi's hands were moist and comfortable to touch.

Today, he was by Airi's side to ward off men. There was no need to hold her hand now since he had already achieved his goal.

Moreover, if someone were to see this situation, they would have no excuse.

He really should stop now, but he couldn't bring himself to say the words.

Instead, different words came out of his mouth,

"Like Momose said, did you have fun today?"

"Yes, very much. It was all because of you, Minato-san. Thank you very much."

"I didn't do anything significant. I was just there with you."

"And that was enough to keep me from getting picked up."

"That's good then."

If Airi was able to enjoy herself, it was a good thing that she had come today. It was all worth the effort Minato had put into it.

As a matter of fact, the jealous glances were only occasionally strong, but no real harm was done.

As Minato was feeling proud that he was able to help Airi even with his appearance, she looked up at him in a good mood.

"Then I'll have to give Minato-san a reward."

"What? What reward?"

"It's your reward for staying with me and getting so many stares. Now, please excuse me."

Airi switched the way they were holding hands. Their hands were only connected before, but now their fingers were intertwining.

Minato thought they had agreed that the only time they were going to hold hands like lovers was in the pool. Even just holding hands was hard enough, but this was just too much.

"Oi, Airi."

"It's just until we get home… Just a little longer, if that's okay?"

Even though it was supposed to be a reward for him, Airi was in the position of asking.

Minato's heart tingled sweetly at the clinging and the expectant look in her eyes.

"…Do what you want."

"Yes, I'll do just that."

Minato said it as if he was pushing her away, but Airi softly laughed, as if she could see through his inner thoughts.

He was so happy to be able to do something like a lover with the person he loved that he ended up not being able to say anything.


Perhaps tired from playing in the pool all day, Airi was absent-mindedly yawning much earlier than usual.

"Are you tired?"

"Yes, I've had too much fun. I've reached my limit…"

"I'll be awake for a bit longer, so you can go ahead and sleep first."

"No, I'll stay up until Minato-san goes to bed…"

"Don't worry about me."

"I'm awake, so it's fine…"

While they were talking, Airi's body started to move unsteadily to the side, as if she was getting sleepy.

She was still rubbing her eyes and trying to stay awake, so he tried to think of a way to get her to sleep, and came up with one idea.

"Airi, stand back for a moment, I'm going to lay out the futon."


"Now, lay down on the futon and put your head on my lap."

"…Eh, is that okay?"

Airi's sleepy eyes widened at Minato's words.

She was probably surprised as Minato had never made this kind of approach to her before.

However, there was a good reason for this.

"It's a reward for the beach volleyball. I said it could be anything, but I'll be the one to specify it. If you don't like it, I'll give you something el–"

"No, please, I'd rather have this!"

"Oh, okay…"

Minato thought that if he specified the reward for Airi, the damage would not fall on him.

For a moment, he thought this was too much and wondered if this could be considered as a reward, but it seemed to be okay because she denied that thought vigorously.

"Well, be my guest."

"I-If you'll excuse me."

Minato tapped his knee lightly and Airi gently placed her head on his lap.

The silver hair spread out right next to Minato, creating a fantastic sight.

As he took his mind off the sight that he could never get used to no matter how many times he saw it, he called out to her.

"Is your head at the right height? Is it hard to sleep?"

"Yes, it's fine. However, it's harder than my usual pillow. It feels like a man's thigh."

As Airi laughed in a funny way, the vibrations were transmitted to Minato's knees and tickled him.

Although she was laughing, her words were criticism, so he thought perhaps this was not the kind of thing a man should be engaging in.

"That means it's hard to sleep. Do you want me to stop?"

"This is fine. No, this is good. Now Minato-san, are you just a replacement for a pillow?"

"…I get it. Excuse me then."

He asked her if she preferred her usual pillow, but she smiled contentedly and denied it, so this appeared to be fine.

Then she urged him to stroke her head, so he touched her smooth silver hair.

As soon as he stroked it, his hands and eyes began to melt.

"Does it feel good?"

"Yes, I can't get enough. I just want it to go on forever."

"I'm just stroking you normally, though. I'm glad you're satisfied."

He stroked it with his whole palm, and then again with a combing motion. It seemed that she found the combing motion to be the most comfortable.

Airi's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she seemed about to fall asleep.

He didn't really mind if she fell asleep, or rather, he wanted her to, but she kept closing and opening her eyelids in a desperate attempt to stay awake.

"You can go to sleep if you want, okay?"

"No, it'll be, a waste, if I, fall asleep, now."

"What do you mean, a waste? If this is what you like, I'll do it as many times as you want. Now go to bed."


She smiled at him with moist eyes.

Minato knew there would be no need for a lap pillow, but if she wanted it, he would do it as many times as she wanted to make her happy.

Airi's tone was slow and childish, as if she was on the verge of falling asleep, which made him feel protective of her.

However, she had a debauched expression that went against her cuteness, and he could feel the sexiness in it.

He desperately tried to keep his composure while suppressing the beating of his heart that was getting faster.

"Yeah, so don't worry about it. Go to sleep."

"Thank you, very much. Minato, san, could, you, please, squeeze, my hand?"

"Alright, here."

He held out his hand in front of Airi, the opposite hand from the one stroking her head, and she wrapped her hands around it like it was a treasure.

She must have been very sleepy. As soon as Airi's eyelids closed, he could hear her breathing in her sleep.

She had a peaceful expression on her face, as if she had no worries at all.

Minato had always seen her sleeping face, but now, she looked like a young child trying to keep her precious things from being taken away.

"Minato, san, I'll, do, my, best, so…"

"You've worked hard enough already. Get some rest."

" Fufu , Minato, san. Mina, to-san."

She kept calling Minato's name in her sleep. He wondered what kind of dream she was having.

Airi's words about doing her best made him shudder a little. She had been working so hard all by herself until now. He wondered what she had to work so hard for any more.

However, her expression remained pleasant, so it didn't seem to be a painful dream.

…I'm glad that Airi was pleased, but I think I overdid it.

As Minato continued to stroke her head, he reflected on today's events and felt his cheeks burning as he realized that he had done something daring.

Minato's and Airi's behavior at the pool might have been too much, regardless of how much they were trying to ward off men. And he even gave a lap pillow to Airi even though the distance between them was out of control.

Although it was good that she was happy, he let out a sigh as thought he had been too rash.

However, he couldn't bring himself to stop stroking her, and continued to watch her peaceful face as she slept.