
In My Next Life I'll Win the Heart of the Male Lead

There's nothing wrong with Adelaide's life. There's nothing wrong with being cheated on. After all, half of marriages end in divorce and most end from infidelity. There's nothing wrong with getting addicted to an otome game. After all, everybody has something they're obsessed with. There's nothing wrong with reincarnating as the villainess instead of the heroine. After all, the villainess is richer and more powerful. There's nothing wrong with the villainess chasing after one of the love interests. After all, it's not like he's the canon route. There's nothing wrong with Ophelia's life.

Amesaya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
350 Chs


Torrens is reasonably remote, and so we only get the opportunity to stay at one more indoor inn on the way to Torrens. 

It's mid-morning when we finally ride into the town where this life of mine started.

The houses and roads look remarkably well-kept.

People go about their business with smiles on their faces.

The damage from the fire in my youth is completely gone now, and it seems the effects of the Angel's Tear haven't currently reached this place.

I wonder if that's to do with the sorceress living somewhere near here.

"Hmmm~" Lucas glances around the place curiously. "This place sure is peaceful looking. Kind of makes me want to retire here." He cracks a grin. "Is that terrible?"

I take a slow, deep breath. "It's a pleasant enough place for a farm..." I agree, my voice a little distant as I remember my life in this village. "Gentle folk live here, farmers mostly, so the pace is slow."