
20. How Calm The Water(1)

Breaking the surface of the water Julia looked around for her friends before their heads were coming up out of it as well. "I guess I lost," she said, trying not to laugh.

"That seems like a really dumb competition," Dawn said. "Why would you hold your breath for a long time?"

"Did we tie?" Ava then said. She laughed when Dawn splashed her, and she started to do the same back before she moved to splash Julia as well. But when she looked where the girl had been she was startled to find she was gone. "Julia?"

"Where are you going?" Dawn asked. When their friend didn't answer she said to Ava, "I think she's going back to where she found that rock."

"No I'm not," Julia replied wryly. "I just wanted to see if there was a tree I could climb up."

"I don't think you could," Ava said. When Julia looked back at both her and Dawn she said, "Sorry but the counselors would swim over here and stop you."

Julia paused, as she had to admit her friend was right, and she sighed saying, "If I were back at home I could do that."

"If your mom would let you," Dawn pointed out.

Shrugging Julia said, "My dad would."

"And then your mom would get mad at him," Dawn said. When her friend gave her a startled look she couldn't help laughing softly and tell her, "Sorry, but I know your parents."

"Yeah," Julia said. "Why don't we just skip stones?"

"Could we do that?" Ava asked in surprise.

"Sure, just take them from the lake," Julia said with a nod. She then picked up the flattest rock she could find before she threw it, trying her best to skip it. "Awesome! Two," she told her friends."How do you do that?" Ava asked.

"You never did before?" Dawn said. When the girl shook her head, she smiled and then began to teach her how to hold the rock, both forgetting about Julia while they were talking to just each other.

Watching them Julia smiled but eventually started to throw the rocks as she thought to herself. It was Thursday and nearly time for lunch at the camp which she was getting hungry for. She, Dawn and Ava had decided on the camp's free day to go swimming first and were on their own as Peter had gone with Tristan to compete in the obstacle course race that was being held that day. She smiled, wondering at the time the two boys would get, but then walked further into the water before she ducked underneath it and swam back to the other side of the lake before she realized her friends were following her. "Sorry," she said as she turned to them. "I wanted to swim again."

"So did we," Ava replied. "Are we still going to swim?"

"I'm going to go to the stables," Julia said firmly then. When the two girls looked at her she said, "I'm not going to ride, I just want to see Lake one more time before we leave tomorrow. What about you?"

Sharing a look with Dawn, Ava then said, "I think we're gonna stay."

"Cool," Julia said with a smile before they then went back to swimming until they were walking up onto the shore. She dried herself the best she could until she could put her uniform back on and she waved goodbye to her two friends before she hurried to the path that would take her to the stables. She saw that Lake was out and she called to the mare as she stood up on the railing, reaching out to her to take her head into her hands and kiss at her nose. She had just started scratching at the mare's forehead before she realized that someone was walking over to her and she looked to see that it was Natalie. She was a little startled before the girl was speaking and she relaxed as she quickly explained to her why she'd joined her at the corral.

"I thought you were going to ride," the girl said. "Without the saddle."

"I would," Julia replied. "But I can't really do that they won't let me."

"Too bad," Natalie commented.

Julia nodded and then asked, "Where are April and Misty?"

"They went to do the obstacle course," Natalie replied.

"What were you doing until now?" Julia asked as she had to turn her attention to Lake since the mare was nibbling at her.

Smiling as she watched them Natalie said, "I was walking around."

"You should have come with me, Dawn and Ava," Julia said, smiling at her. "We went swimming."

"I saw," Natalie told her. "Are they together now?" she asked after some silence between them. When the girl next to her froze she said, "I saw them holding hands when we were hiking." Seeing the look that Julia was giving her she said defensively, "I wasn't spying on them, I just looked back to say something to April and I saw they did that."

"Really fast," Julia mumbled as she knew she couldn't deny it then.

"Yeah," Natalie said. "So… Peter?"

"What?" Julia said in confusion.

"Do you like him?" Natalie said.

Julia started to groan but cut herself off as Lake shied away from her and she hurried to calm the mare quickly, murmuring gently to her. "Sorry Dawn and Ava thought I did too but I don't, he's like my brother," she told the girl. She smiled and said, "I guess 'cause I'm brown haired and he's blonde it would be cute but nope, we don't like each other like that. But you won't tell anyone about them, will you?" she finished with worriedly.

"No, I didn't even tell April or Misty," Natalie replied seriously. "They don't want anyone to know do they?"

"I think they're wondering if that's how they are now," Julia replied. She then studied her closely and asked, "You're not going to hate them, are you?"

"Why?" Natalie asked in confusion.

"A lot of people hate two girls liking each other… or two boys. Or if a girl likes both and the same if a boy likes both."

"Sounds like too much trouble to hate that much," Natalie said. "And I don't hate them I…"

"What?" Julia asked at her trailing off.

"Could we play with you guys?" Natalie asked in a rush.

Julia was slightly surprised but she hurried to get that expression off her face so she could answer the girl's question when Natalie was talking again, still hurriedly, making her pause to see what she would say exactly.

"You guys always look like you're having fun," Natalie explained. "And we want to… well not play but just stick with you guys."

"We play sometimes too," Julia replied. She then thought of something and asked, "We're not a clique, are we?"

"No, not when you have your little sister with you," Natalie reassured her.

"Good… we didn't really want to be," Julia replied. "But would you want to do stuff with us with my little sister there?"

"Sure," Natalie replied.

"Also, there aren't a lot of recesses and lunches left," Julia said. "Come on, let's go back to the lake we're going to go canoeing but I was gonna be by myself." She reluctantly left Lake and walked with the girl over to the lake where she could see Dawn and Ava were getting life vests from a counselor. She grabbed Natalie's arm and said, "They need to know that you do about them, but we should say it out on the lake."

"Okay," the girl said with a nod before they continued to walk again.

"Hey, is it okay if Natalie comes with us?" Julia asked her two friends when they had reached them on the shore.

"Sure." "Hi," Dawn and then Ava said.

"Let's go to the middle of the lake and then we'll stop there for a little," Julia said as she was putting on her life vest.

"Okay," Dawn said, glancing at Ava at the strange request. She wanted to say more to Julia, but they were told to go into the canoes before they were taking off. "Hey," she called out to the others. "We never did the arts and crafts stuff."

"I know," Julia said with a smile. "But didn't Misty tell you that stuff was boring?"

"Yeah… just normal arts and crafts stuff," Natalie replied. When they stopped in the middle of the lake she looked at Julia who was behind her, hoping that she would take over.

"What's going on?" Dawn asked, watching the two in the canoe next to them.

Julia, trying not to outright glare at Natalie for handing the responsibility to her, was about to speak when Ava was suddenly doing so and surprising the three of them.

"Did you tell her?" the girl said.

"No!" Julia said, doing her best not to yell too loudly. "No way you said not to tell anyone."

Natalie; since she'd seen Julia was looking at her; quickly explained what she'd seen and she then asked, "So you're girlfriends?"

"Sweethearts," Dawn said, sharing a smile with Ava. "I dunno if we'll date yet but for right now this is nice."

"It is," Ava said quickly. "I guess you didn't tell anyone?"

"Nope," Natalie said quickly. "And I still won't 'cause Julia said you didn't want people to know."

"Not before we tell our parents," Dawn said. "I guess…"

"What?" Natalie asked after they watched a canoe with two boys from one of the other classes go by.

"Well… I don't know if I just like girls," Dawn told her after she made their boat bump up against the other canoe, keeping her voice down.

"Oh…" Natalie said. "But you must if you like Ava."

"And I did like Peter," Dawn said.

"Do you think you could like another boy? You didn't like Ollie either," Julia pointed out, feeling bad her friend sounded so upset as she spoke.

"I don't think a lot of people like Ollie," Natalie said. "I mean girls."

"But-" Dawn said in surprise.

"They think he's cute but liking and thinking someone is cute are different," Natalie said. "My mom told me that," she told the three other girls. "When I said he was cute but really mean."

"Still like him?" Julia asked.

"Do you?" Natalie shot back."Never did," Julia replied, crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue. When they all finished laughing she then said to Dawn, "It's not bad if you like both. I told you about my parents' friend Rudy; he's really nice like I said. He wasn't sure about himself either but my parents-"

"Your mom," the three other girls said at the same time.

"My dad can talk to people like she does," Julia said in protest. "But I think it was her and her friend Patrick who just likes men, they talked to Rudy and he's better now. You just need some time I guess."

"What about you?" Natalie asked Ava.

When the girl shrugged Julia said, "It doesn't matter if you just like girls."

"Thanks," Ava said a little shyly. "But I need to think about that too."

Seeing that both her friends were distressed Julia called out, "Splash fight!" and she used her oar to throw some water on them both. The two started to playfully fight against herself and Natalie and then continued until they were falling out of the boat as they'd rocked it too much. Laughing with the girl she called, "Alright you win!" before they righted the canoe and threw the oars back in before Dawn and Ava were joining them in the water from their canoes. After one of the counselors told them to head for the shore she told them, "We can portage now."

"Port what?" Ava asked.

"Portage, that's when people take their boats over land," Julia said. "I read about it all the time in my Dear Canada books when they travel over the country and they can't go in water anymore."

"I don't think we can carry these," Dawn said, looking at the canoes doubtfully.

"No but it would have been cool if we could," Julia said. They swam back to the shore, pushing the boats before she saw that Peter was there, waving to them. "We gotta ask-" she began before the bell for lunch rang. "Hey," she said to Dawn and Ava. "Natalie, April and Misty want to hang out with us."

"Cool." "Awesome," Ava and then Dawn said.

"We don't mind," the former said. "But we don't play all the time."

"I know and that's okay," Natalie replied. "Oh, Misty and April are back too," she said, looking ahead of them.

"We're almost there," Julia said. "Good thing, I'm hungry," she couldn't help saying.

"Me too," Natalie said, the others agreeing.

Julia laughed with them as they then hurried the rest of the way to their friends so they could get out of the lake and have their lunch. She couldn't help thinking; as she, Dawn, Ava and Natalie had to dry off; of her little sister and what she would be doing with their parents. Not jealous; as she was suddenly delighted at having more friends; she smiled at Peter while he was telling them about his time in the obstacle course and went with them over to the cafeteria so they could eat together.

Breaking the surface of the water Becket was startled for a moment to find a figure standing at the end of the pool but she soon saw it was her husband and she continued to the steps before she had her feet flat on the bottom one. "Decided to join me?" she asked with a smile as she got out of the pool.

Nodding Castle watched her kissing their baby on the cheek quickly before she went to get her towel. "You don't need to stop."

"I'm ready to, I've been going back and forth for a while," Beckett replied, drying off her face before she moved to dry off her hair. "So how hard was she crying?"

"Oh, she wasn't crying," Castle said, moving his arm slightly as he was cradling Josie in it. "She just whispered to me-" he started to say before he laughed when Beckett smacked his other arm with the back of her hand. "She was fine," he continued. "I saw she was awake and decided to take her for a walk."

"I'm sure she's glad you did," Beckett replied, going to one of the lounge chairs. "It's also almost time to go isn't it?" she asked her husband.

"If you want to take a shower yes," Castle told her. "But are you alright?"

"Of course," Beckett said, startled at the question. "Why?"

Castle hesitated for a moment before he said, "For exercise?"

"Oh, not you too," Beckett said in mock exaggeration. "First my dad… I'm not doing that because I want to lose weight, I just wanted to swim. Also to keep up my muscle strength."

"You'll be able to ride soon," Castle said with a smile as she stood up then. Since he'd sat down he reached for her and took her hand, squeezing it tightly before he said, "Sorry I just got worried."

"I figured," Beckett replied with a smile. "But I'm set with that so you don't need to worry about me." When he was about to speak she quickly said, "For that reason."

"Thank you," Castle said with a smile. "Should we go?"

"I need to," Beckett said, kissing Josie's forehead. She then reached up and cupped her hand on the back of her husband's neck so they could kiss which they did deeply. Once they had parted she took his hand and tugged him after her before she let him go as they made their way up to the house.

Inside Castle waited until his wife was out of sight upstairs before he went to the family room to lay Josie back down in her bassinet and he sat down next to her, waiting for Beckett and keeping an eye on their youngest.

Upstairs, after she had hopped into the shower as quickly as she could, Beckett dressed and dried her hair before her phone on the counter started to ring. "Hello?" she asked.

"It's me Kate," Skye said with a smile. "Didn't bother to check, did you?"

"You startled me," Beckett replied, smiling herself at her friend's tone.

"Oh… you're not in the shower, are you?" Skye asked. "More specifically you're not there with Rick, are you?"

Laughing Beckett said, "I wouldn't have answered. So no, I'm not. How come you're calling? And early for you."

"Not too early and I'm in my office at West," Skye said. "Mind going to wherever your husband is now?"

"Oh, now you want me to do that," Beckett said in mock annoyance. "Can I call you back?"

"Are you talking to me nude now?" Skye asked laughingly.

"No, my hair," Beckett said, rolling her eyes though she knew her friend wouldn't be able to see that.

"Then give me a call back once you're with him," Skye replied quickly.

After they'd hung up Beckett hurried to finish up with her hair until she could head downstairs to where Castle was sitting looking down at Josie in her bassinet before he looked up at her.

"What wrong?" he asked when she pulled him up off the floor.

"It's Skye, she called me after I got dressed and apparently wants to talk to us both," Beckett replied before she sat on the couch with him joining her.

"Hopefully this is about something good," Castle commented as he watched her calling the investigator on her phone.

"I'm sure it is," Beckett replied with a smile.

"Hello to you both," Skye said once she had answered her phone. "Rick?"

"I'm here, anything wrong?" Castle replied.

"No, no," Skye said quickly and firmly. "Good news in fact. Remember we had talked about us using a private plane?"

"Did you find one?" Castle asked, startled.

"I did indeed," Skye said. "Neil Sappington is in London right now though his plane is parked over by you."

"At the Hamptons or the city?" Beckett asked.

"The city, La Guardia in fact. He flew it to London with a friend who flew it back and he's asked if I'll bring it back to him so we can fly it to LA," Skye told the two.

"And us?" Beckett said, glancing at her husband.

"You can go he's fine with that," Skye said.

"Wait, you take us and then you guys fly back to LA abandon-" Castle began.

"No, we fly you back to the city and then refuel before we head back to LA," Skye interrupted him. "What do you think?"

"Great… what about Mary and your girls?" Beckett asked.

"We're bringing them with us and I hope you don't mind," Skye replied.

"Why would we?" Castle said. "Are you taking them to Oxford though?"

"No, no, we'll stay in London since Fleur's never been there," Skye answered. "We'll wait for you there."

"How is she going to be flying in a plane though?" Beckett asked.

"Mary will be with her and I'll let her sit in the cockpit before we take off," Skye replied. "Better she stays with Mary though."

"And her sisters and our girls will be there too," Beckett commented.

"Hopefully Josie will be alright," Skye said then.

"We'll do our best with her," Castle said easily. "Thank you so much though Skye."

"You're welcome, the least I could do since you're letting us come over in July," the investigator replied, obviously smiling. "How's Julia doing before I let you two go."

"Alright, homesick but she's been enjoying it," Beckett answered.

"What about those showers?" Skye then said.

"She's taking them quickly and she hasn't complained about them," Castle answered.

"Great to hear," Skye replied. "Whenever you can tell her I hope she'll have memories from this and that my girls will be going with you guys."

"And you," Beckett added with a smile.

"And me," Skye said. "Alright, I'll see you lot next month until then have a great time with Julia back home."

After thanking the woman and then saying goodbye to her Castle and Beckett had to rush to make it to the school in time to pick up their middle daughter. They managed to get there before the classes were let out and as the students came out they looked for Eliza until she spotted them and was running to them as she called out at the same time.

"Mommy, Daddy school is over!" the little girl said before she threw her arms around them.

"We figured," Castle said slightly laughingly. "You're ready to go?"

"Yep," Eliza replied before she went over to the stroller her father had in front of him. "Hi Josa," she told the baby. She only waved at her before her mother put her hand on her back and they left the school to walk home. "Did Jules call?" she couldn't help asking.

"She's too busy," Beckett said with a smile. "She'll call us later tonight though."

Eliza couldn't help sighing saying, "I wish it was Friday."

"We do too but for now we need to have lunch," Castle said.

Nodding Eliza said, "What're we gonna have?"

"We're not sure yet," Beckett said honestly.

"I was thinking of boxty for dinner," Castle commented.

"That's dinner," Beckett said. "And if you're doing that I'll take care of lunch."

"Sure," Castle said easily since he knew she was going to insist on that. When they reached the house, he followed the two inside; since Beckett had gone after their daughter who'd run to the porch; and he watched Eliza wash her hands. He was going to comment it looked like she wanted to hold her baby sister when the little girl was leaving the bathroom past him.

"I think she knew what you were going to say," Beckett said with a smile as she left the bathroom as well. She went after Eliza to the stroller that they'd left just outside the room and she said, "Mind taking her to the family room?"

"Can we stay at the kitchen table? Or does Josa want to go out and move?" Eliza asked, watching her mother take the baby out of the carrier.

"You can and no," Beckett said, smiling when the little girl giggled at her reply. "For now, you can hold her," she said, helping Eliza take the baby.

"Tomorrow Jules is gonna be back and she'll carry you… probably all around the house," the little girl was telling her baby sister as her parents led her to the kitchen, both staying close to her.

"I don't think she will, she'll want to play with the dogs and I'm sure do some other things," Castle commented.

"She'll still hold you," Eliza said to the baby.

"Of course she will," Castle said, taking Josie and putting her back into the carrier. "What do you want to do while we let your mom cook?"

"Um… work with my beads?" Eliza asked.

"You can," Beckett said as she'd easily heard the hesitation in her daughter's voice. "You just need to be careful where the beads go."

"I will," Eliza promised with a fervent nod. She then went with her father to the family room and she asked, "Josa?"

"Your mom can see her," Castle said as he'd turned the high chair with the carrier on it towards the kitchen. "But we still need to hurry."

"When Jules comes back we can go to the ocean?" Eliza asked once they were grabbing the supplies she needed.

"Of course, if she wants to," Castle said. "She needs to decide."

"Kay," Eliza said with a nod. She then smiled and said, "Did you go swimming?"

"No," Castle said. "Your mom did for a little bit. Do you want to go?"

"Can I?" Eliza asked while they left.

"We'll see what she says but I think we should," Castle said. "And if you're wondering about your sister we'll see."

Eliza nodded and hoped her mother would say yes as they went over to the kitchen table and she sat next to her sister's chair. She took a piece of paper from the supply she had, getting a pencil to make her design while she was listening to her parents talking, waiting for her father to ask about them swimming.

"What would you say," Castle eventually told his wife after he'd poured out a glass of lemonade for Eliza to have with lunch. "To swimming after this?"

"Did you tell her I went?" Beckett asked with a smile.

"She asked if I'd gone," Castle replied. "I had to tell her the truth."

Beckett's response to that was to lean over, kissing her husband's lips gently before she said, "I think we should, but we'll have to take care of Josie."

"I can hold her," Eliza called from the table. She smiled when her parents looked at her and she waved at them saying, "I want to."

"She could," Castle told his wife.

"I know but if I need to nurse her sweetie I'll take her," Beckett told the little girl.

"Kay," Eliza said simply, turning back to her art.

"That settles it," Castle said in amusement, looking at his wife. "Will we go for the rest of the day?"

"We could," Beckett said, going back to preparing the salads that would be their lunch. She studied her husband and asked, "You're going to leave for dinner, aren't you?"

"I'll need to, but we can always eat by the pool," Castle pointed out to her.

"Alright," Beckett said with a smile. "But we'll go down there a little after lunch."

"Not right after?" Castle asked.

Beckett merely smiled at him and then motioned him to her after she had set down the knife she was using since she'd finished with the lettuce. When he reached her, she wrapped her arms around him but didn't touch him with her hands while they kissed deeply.

Since he didn't need to worry about touching his wife Castle held her tightly to him as they continued for a little longer until she ended the kiss. "Do you need help?" he found himself suddenly asking as a distraction.

"Not really but if you wanted to you could get the ham and turkey and cut those," Beckett replied.

Eliza glanced at her parents then and smiled when she saw they had parted and then she looked at her baby sister who had her fists up next to her head. "They were kissing," she whispered to Josie, leaning her head closely to her. "So good thing you didn't cry."

"Hey," Castle said, going over to her. "You need to set out forks and napkins."

"Is it ready?" Eliza asked in surprise when she saw him. "I thought you were helping Mommy."

"I finished," Castle said, looking at Josie to check on her. He leaned over and gently kissed her forehead before he sat down next to the baby while the little girl stood up. "Did you finish your picture?" he asked before she could go to the kitchen.

"Yeah," Eliza said with a smile at him. "What do you think?"

"I think it looks great," Castle replied as she'd placed her smallest beads in a pattern of colors. "But it probably really needs to dry."

"Bring it over here so I can see," Beckett said.

"Hold it flat on your hand," Castle told the little girl.

Eliza nodded and then hurried over to her mother, holding the picture with both her hands. "Like it?" she asked.

"I do, that's beautiful," Beckett said, leaning over and kissing her daughter on the cheek. "And that'll go on the fridge once we're sure the beads won't fall off."

"Thank you," Eliza told her mother with a wide smile. She then looked thoughtful and asked, "Did Jules make stuff too?"

"I don't think she did," Beckett said slowly before she looked at her husband.

"She never mentioned it," Castle said. "I guess she wanted to be outside more," he said with a slight laugh. "Which is good of course. But too bad she didn't make us a souvenir from camp."

Eliza watched her mother nodding her head and she wanted to suggest that her big sister might do that that day when her parents talked together about taking Josie down to the pool. She smiled a little at them and then turned her attention to what she was doing, wondering if her sister would make something for their parents in the end.

"What do you think?" Peter asked the others.

"Cool," Julia said. "Your mom will like those?"

"I think so, with the frame and everything," Peter replied as he studied the art that he'd made.

"Are you gonna leave now?" Misty asked him.

"Nah I'll stay," Peter said, raising his hand for one of the counselors so they would take his square pieces of blue paper that he'd stenciled some flowers and leaves with white spray paint on, four different ones all together in a frame he'd made from twigs. "I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow."

The others agreeing with him Dawn said, "And we don't have to stay at school either."

"Are you happy to be going home or missing school for most of the day?" the counselor asked as she was taking Peter's finished craft.

Laughing all together Julia then said once the woman was gone, "I will like showing my mom this."

"I know, that's so cool," Ava said.

"It is," Natalie added. "You think she'd use those?"

"Maybe… I hope so," Julia replied, studying the tiny Mason jars she was marking with water to make patterns on the frosted glass. When she was finished a counselor would help her hang light bulbs in them and she could string them together on a beaded wire she'd made first.

"Are you guys making something for your dads?" Peter asked as he was watching them.

"We are but remember I told you you can help me make that coaster for my dad," Julia told him.

Shaking his head Peter told her, "It's better if you do that, he's not my dad."

"What will you do then?" April asked as she, Misty and Natalie looked uncomfortably at each other.

"Go out to the lake," Peter replied. "I think that's what most of the other kids are starting to do."

"Cool… are we going to have dinner together?" Julia asked him.

"Why not?" Peter said, standing up. "See you guys later."

"How come he's okay spending so much time with girls?" Misty asked Julia, Dawn and Ava.

"He'll probably spend time with some boys right now," Ava said.

"But I was friends with him first and since we don't do girly stuff all the time…" Julia said slowly.

"You're lucky," April said. She then lowered her voice to a whisper and said to the other girls, "That he's not like the bullies in the classes."

Julia was relieved they were alone and she turned her attention to the coaster she was making out of clay. She had gathered some pebbles from the river all the times they'd been there during the day and once drying them she decided she wanted to make something of them. "It's weird we decided to do this," she suddenly said.

"Yeah but they suggested it to you," Misty said pointedly to the girl before she smiled at her to take any sting out of her words.

"I like the water," Julia said with a shrug. "But we're going right back."

"Definitely," April said before they all started to laugh together.

Once they had stopped Natalie thought of something and said softly, "So… have you ever seen a ghost?"

Glancing at Dawn and Ava who were looking at her in slight shock Julia quickly said, "I don't know about ghosts being real."

"You do," Natalie said. "And I believe in them," she said earnestly. "They do too."

"I'll have to tell you that outside," Julia said with a sigh. "I don't want people to know."

"We won't say," the three other girls said at the same before they were all laughing together.

"I know but outside will be better," Julia told them earnestly. She was relieved when they agreed to that and then went back to their crafts that they were making. After she had finished pressing in the pebbles on the clay in a swirl pattern she painted a layer of sealer on it and it was taken away to bake. Since her friends were all finished as well they left together before heading down to the lake where they saw that Peter was with Tristan and another boy named Chris from Ms. Winsted's class. She wasn't surprised when Natalie asked her to tell them about her experience with spirits, so she had them follow her down the shore of the lake as she related what had happened to her.

"So they're at our school," Misty stated. "But I've never noticed anything."

"You know that shed over in the playground? The downstairs one," Dawn said.

"Yeah, the creepy… is that because of a spirit?" April started to say in surprise.

"It is," Julia nodded. "But it's not a bad spirit; he's appeared to my sister mostly."

"Your sister… so she's seen spirits too," Natalie said.

"Yeah but not too much, just Alfred," Julia replied.

"That's his name?" Misty asked.

"It is," Julia said. "But that's all I have to say."

"We told her she should be on Ghost Adventures," Dawn commented then.

"Yeah, her parents' friends were on that," Ava added. "They could tell Zak about her and she could be on."

Laughing Julia said, "I'd love to, but my mom would probably never let me do it now."

"What about your Dad?" April asked.

"Oh, he'd be fine with it," Julia said before they started to laugh together. "For now though, let's go swimming again." She was glad when they all agreed with her and they made their way back to where the counselors were so they could head into the water with them. She was the first into the lake and as she resurfaced she realized she'd forgotten to make something for her three sisters. She sighed heavily, startled when Peter called her name as he swam over to her.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked her.

"Oh… I forgot to make something for my sisters too," Julia said. "I need to get out."

"What will you make them?" Peter asked as he then followed her back to the shore.

"The bracelets but I think I'm going to string the pebbles I found that I didn't use," Julia replied, thinking that over.

"For your baby sister?" Peter asked in surprise.

"That'll be a smaller one," Julia said with a smile before she got out of the water and then started to dry off as quickly as she could. When she was finished she waved to her friends and put her uniform back on before she started to walk back over to the cafeteria where the arts and crafts were. She realized she wasn't alone quickly and she said to Peter, "How come?"

Smiling at her question the boy said, "I figure I could make one for my mom… that's not weird right?"

"No," Julia said simply before they reached the building. She talked to one of the counselors before they went to an empty table and she took the pebbles she still had out of her pocket. She put them on the tabletop and was about to tell her dance partner that he could use hers if he wanted when he took some out of his own. Looking at him in surprise she was about to ask him when he'd gotten them when he answered that before she could even speak it aloud.

"I saw you picking them, so I had to too," Peter said with a smile.

"Copycat," Julia said, playfully sticking her tongue out at him.

"Yep," Peter replied before they started to laugh. "But I don't know if I'm going to use them."

Julia wanted to reply to that but the counselor came over so she gave all the pebbles she'd picked up before the man left and she said to Peter, "No?"

"I don't think so, my mom would like beads a lot more," the boy said.

"Cool," Julia said simply before she started to look through the beads there were at their table.

"Here," Peter said suddenly. "She'd like these," he told his friend, showing her the red beads that looked like they were glass. "And the clear ones."

"Looks good," Julia replied with a nod.

Watching her Peter said, "Does your family just like blue?" as the beads she was pulling towards her were like the red ones he had.

"Well… it's our favorite color," Julia said after thinking for a moment. "But 'lexis does like red so can I borrow your box?"

"Sure, clear ones?" Peter asked.

"Then it'll look like an American flag," Julia said before they then started to laugh together. When they'd calmed down she then started to pick out the beads to see how she would like to set them up before she saw her pebbles were being brought back so she could start making the bracelet in earnest.

"I guess you're making more than one," Peter eventually said to his friend.

Julia smiled up at him and told her friend, "For my mom, sisters and then Gram."

"So five of them… what about one for yourself?" Peter said.

"I wasn't finished," Julia told him as she'd paused to run a bead through the string she had. "Also for me and Mari."

"BFF bracelets?" Peter said.

Making a face Julia said, "I don't really like that, just bracelets."

"Cool," Peter replied, nodding his head.

"Yeah, I wonder if Josa will be able to wear this one…" Julia said slowly.

"How come you call her that? Her name's Josie isn't it?" Peter asked, looking up at her.

"Yeah but we call each other a special nickname, no one else does," Julia replied. She paused and then said, "Mari did try calling me Jules, but it didn't really work so she just calls me Julia."

"How'd you come up with the names?" Peter asked as he'd wondered for some time and never asked her.

"Well 'lexis started calling me Jules," Julia replied. "I asked her why 'cause that was that's a nickname for the name Julian and she said that if Paul knew me he would call me Jules too."

"He does know you," Peter said.

"And he's fine that my name is Jules," Julia said, smiling widely at the memory of the singer being at the house.

"I know, that's so cool he went to your house," Peter told her.

"And you got to meet him too," Julia told him with a smile.

"Yeah, but what about your name for you big sister?" Peter asked.

"It just got easier for me to say that," Julia said. "It's funny but I called her Alexis at first and then just dropped the A. But she never cared, I think she liked it 'cause she did tell me she'd always wanted a sibling and then my mom and I came along and there I was."

"Automatic little sister," Peter said, pronouncing the first word carefully. "She is happy with you, I never see you guys fight… anyone."

"We do… disagree," Julia said before she corrected herself. "Mom and Dad don't want us to fight and they try to make us see that it can be silly if we don't share 'cause we're a big family."

"Happy family?" Peter asked.

"Family, the happy we gotta work at," Julia said.

"What?" Peter said as he watched her and saw the slight smile on her face.

"No, my grandmama used to tell her that," Julia replied. "Mom says that too now sometimes. And when me and Lizzy fight she says her grandpa said there's no hair on a seagull."

"What?" Peter asked, startled.

Laughing slightly Julia then said, "It's just a saying from Liverpool where his family was from. It just means why fight when there's no hair on a seagull?"

"Okay," Peter said. "I didn't know you had family from Liverpool."

"Neither did I," Julia said, nodding. "Grandpapa just told us that 'cause he found something in Grandmama's stuff that showed him with his brother in front of the Royal Liver Building."

"Do you have any family there?" Peter asked.

Shaking her head Julia replied, "No, his brother never got married."

"Do you have any family at all?" Peter said.

"Yeah, in England," Julia replied. "My mom's cousin."

"Oh, that's right…" Peter began. He then shook himself and asked, "What about your sisters' names?"

"'lexis named them after they were born," Julia replied. "She knew the name Lizzy already and she had to look up Josa's name."

"Cool," Peter said. He looked at her and asked, "Are you finished?"

"Yep, you?" Julia asked him.

"Yeah, swim?" he asked.

"I'm ready," Julia said, standing up from the table and taking the bracelets so she could take them to the cabin and drop them off. She was a little startled when she turned and found Evelyn coming towards them in a rush and she suddenly became worried that something had happened to either of their families before the woman was waving to them.

"Sorry Julia, your mother contacted your teacher and said she was sending something to you," the counselor told the girl. "And she wanted you to see it now."

Julia was startled when the woman handed her her phone and she opened it, seeing the message from her mother marked urgent. She was a little worried but opened the e-mail before she let out a gasp and then a cry.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked in concern.

"Skye made two videos!" Julia exclaimed. "With Paul!"

"She did?" Peter said, moving to stand right next to her so he could look at the screen.

"Yeah but… could we watch this on a big TV or something?" Julia said, looking around them. "Them I mean?" she asked. She gasped and told Peter, "Go get everyone so they can see."

"You can… but you want everyone at the camp here?" Evelyn asked the girl.

"No, just our friends," Julia began. She then looked around the main cabin and added, "And I guess anyone who's here too."

"Alright," Evelyn said, taking her phone.

"What happened? Peter didn't tell us anything," Dawn said once she and the rest of their group were together.

"My mom's friend Skye made two music videos," Julia explained. "I wanted you to see them."

"Cool, new songs?" Natalie asked.

"No, my mom said they're old ones of Paul's with ideas that he let Skye do," Julia said. "That sounds weird huh? But she said they're gonna test them and see if people are okay with Skye singing with him."

"Can we start?" Ava asked eagerly.

"Okay, this first one is for the song This One," Julia said before they looked at the TV. The video started with Skye standing in front of a microphone in what she guessed was a building. When Paul stepped up in front of her; the camera to the side of them filmed them looking at each other; she smiled and said hurriedly, "Skye's left handed too but she can play with her right," as the investigator was holding the guitar in her hands to mirror Paul's. The first drumbeat began, and Skye started to play her guitar before the two started to sing the first verse, letting go of their guitars after the first line to allow them to float in front of them while they watched the two.

Did I ever take you in my armsLook you in the eye, tell you that I doDid I ever open up my heart?Try to get inside

At that moment Skye turned and the back of her coat spun out before she seemed to turn upside down and she and Paul sang the next verse with their heads next to each other.

If I never did it, I was only waitingFor a better moment that didn't comeThere never could be a better momentThan this one, this one

Julia smiled when Skye was righted, and she then held what she guessed was supposed to be a glass sphere before the camera zoomed in on it. There was a swan inside of it, Mary sitting on it dressed in a blue sari while Paul and Skye sang together.

The swan is gliding above the ocean,A god is riding upon his backHow calm the water and bright the rainbowFade this one to black

At the last line the sphere went black and Skye was sitting on a window high up on a wall, Mary underneath her playing acoustic as Paul sat crossed legged; obviously meditating; and all three were singing together.

Did I ever touch you on the cheekSay that you were mine, thank you for the smileDid I ever knock upon your doorAnd try to get inside?

Julia glanced at the others as Skye flew down from the window and walked around Mary, staring at her before she made a rose appear in her hands. She knew her parents had taught the investigator how to do that trick, all the while the woman was singing with Paul and her wife.

If I never did it, I was only waitingFor a better moment that didn't comeThere never could be a better momentThan this one, this one

The screen faded into a pinhole and then reopened to Paul, Skye and Mary with the latter two's band, all of them standing together in a row with flowers all around them. Julia gasped a little when she saw that all the blooms were yellow, but her attention was soon taken by the fact that Fleur was suddenly appearing, dressed in a peasant blouse and long skirt that flowed over the fake swan she was on as the whole band and Paul sang below them she could tell.

The swan is gliding above the ocean,A god is riding upon his backHow calm the water and bright the rainbowFade this swan to black

The scene stayed with all six standing together in a row before their instruments floated down while the swan and Fleur disappeared. Paul and Skye sang on their own, the investigator lifting at the end.

What opportunities did we allow to flow byFeeling like the timing wasn't quite right?What kind of magic might have worked if we had stayed calmCouldn't I have given you a better life?

Skye then began to sing, moving so she was floating next to Mary, looking like she was almost whispering the verse to her wife.

Did you ever take me in your armsLook me in the eye, tell me that you do?Did I ever open up my heartLet you look inside?

The investigator was setting her feet on floor then and yellow petals began to rain down on them before Skye was singing together with Paul, the two leaning in to each other.

If I never did it, I was only waitingFor a better moment that didn't comeThere never could be a better momentThan this one, this one

The entire band began to sing together, all of them floating a bit at the same time when they took their instruments in hand. But the drummer; Barry Julia reminded herself; started to sing the line after the end of the ones everyone else was singing, reaching up to brush against the wings of the swan that Fleur was on above them again.

This swan is gliding (Gliding)Above the ocean (Above the ocean)A god is riding (God is riding)Upon his back (Oooh)How calm the water (Calm the water)And bright the rainbow (Bright the rainbow)Fade this swan to black

This swan is gliding

With that last line Julia hugged herself tightly to contain her excitement as the guitar became a little rougher and the screen was flashing as slowly the band disappeared before Paul was last and then they all appeared on the swan with Fleur before that disappeared in a flash as well. The video ended, and she looked at her friends and the others that had gathered to watch it before they all seemed to talk at once though the counselors were quiet.

"Wait, wait," Greg said before that could go on for too long. "I think we're all wondering about the yellow flowers."

"Yellow was Linda's favorite color," Julia quickly explained. "Paul's first wife. And they dressed in Indian clothes in one of the original music videos for the song so I think that's why they did that again."

"And the little girl?" April asked.

"That's Fleur, the youngest kid of Skye and Mary," Julia explained. "I guess she was small enough for the swan."

"Why swan?" a boy named Aaron asked.

"Paul likes to play with words. This one, this swan," Julia said. She then looked at the counselors and asked, "Can we watch the other music video?"

"What's the song for this one?" Peter asked.

"Press, it has a really good music video and I bet you they filmed the same sort of music video but over in LA," Julia commented as she answered.

"Why?" Ava asked her.

"I don't think Skye can really just go out of the city when she has vacation in July," Julia replied. "So they filmed it there. We can watch right?" She was delighted when the counselors all seemed to nod in response and she turned her attention to the TV as it began. With the beginning of the music she did her best not to squeal when the scene opened on a subway train; what she guessed was the one in LA; pulling up to a station before Skye and Paul stepped out of one doorway, the rest of the band appearing down the station platform before the two began to sing the first verse of the song together. Since the next verse began right after the two walked next to each other before they went up some escalators with the band right behind them in a line, Paul and Skye standing apart, so the others could be seen since they were singing back up. At the middle of the second verse she was startled to see a flash of light and she recognized where the group was as they continued to sing in their new location.

Darling, I love you very, very, very muchAnd I really am relying on your touchBut with all these people listening inI don't where I ought to begin

Maybe we could hit upon a wordSomething that the others haven't heardWhen you want me to love youJust tell me to pressRight there, that's it, yesAh, when you feel the stress don't just stand thereTell me to press

While the group was walking in a row together the rest of the band then sang the backup line, making Julia laugh slightly as the man she knew was the keyboardist was giving the thumbs up before his husband pushed his hands down.

Press, press, tell me to press, tell me to press

The scene changed to a neon light of what Julia guessed was King Kong; and seeing that she knew she was right about where they were; and a second later fingers were 'pinching' the ape. She smiled as the camera pulled away to reveal it was Paul doing that with Skye taking pictures with a Pentax camera; she could tell; as they were singing together. The two started to walk again before Mary joined them and for a while Skye was singing to her before she and Paul pointed to each other on the last line.

You can give me what I want, I must confessMy body needs attention, my mind is in a messOklahoma was never like thisNever like this, it was never like thisEvery like this, say was it ever like this?Oklahoma was never like thisOh, it was never like this

The song went to an instrumental there and Peter took the chance; while they were all watching the band and Paul walking around a fountain, the singer seeming to be trying not to get wet; to ask Julia, "Where are they?"

"It's Universal Citywalk, outside Universal Studios," Julia whispered. "Hollywood," she added rapidly as the video showed Skye splashing the camera before the band and Paul reappeared walking between the stores and restaurants again with people taking pictures of the singer and he and Skye began to sing the next verse.

Darling, I know it really wouldn't be a crimeIf I say I want to love you all the timeBut with all these people listening inI don't know where I ought to begin

When Mary and Skye hooked their arms on either side of Paul's as the next verse began Julia smiled when Mary and the rest of the band joined in again. They sang the backup lines once more and she couldn't help mouthing them herself since she knew the song so well.

Maybe we should have a secret codeBefore we both get ready to explodeWhen you want me to love youWell, just tell me to press

Peter glanced at his partner, trying not to laugh at the way Julia was mouthing the lyrics, "Tell me to press, tell me to press," as the band was singing in the video.

Right there, that's it, yesWhen you feel the stress, don't just stand thereTell me to press

Julia stopped then as she had thought the song would go to the next verse but was startled when instead the band sang the last back up line.

Won't you tell me to press? Tell me to press

Dawn, thinking there was going to be an instrumental there turned to Julia to ask her something when just Paul was speaking and singing which cut her off.

Smiling at her friend; as she'd seen her out of the corner of her eye; Julia turned back to the screen and watched as Paul was standing in front of Skye, the investigator taking pictures for that verse as the singer's voice went lower.

My minds in a messOklahoma was never like this

When there was an instrumental there for sure Dawn said, "How come a hundred people aren't bothering him?"

"They probably only let a couple people go there at a time," Julia said, studying the screen where Skye was taking pictures of the others while they were walking again. "Or it's in the morning and there weren't that many people there."

"They must have filmed it fast," Misty commented.

Julia nodded as the next verse was about to start and she wasn't surprised when the rest of the song was essentially different scenes around the Citywalk area that she found interesting as she'd never seen it before. But she loved the way Skye was handling the way the music was; since it was the same as the original recording; and the band as well as they were singing after some lines too.

Tell me to press (Never like this)Right there (Never like this, never like this)When you feel the stress (Oh, oh, oh, oh)Oh, come on now (Never like this)Won't you tell me to press? (Never like this)Will you tell me to press? (Never like this)Oh, right there (Never like this)That's it yes (Oh, oh, oh, oh)Yeah, yeah (Never like this)Won't you tell me to press, press, press, pressPress, press, press, press

Won't you just tell me to press?Oh, I feel so goodLike you know that should (Never like this)You tell me to press, yeah (Never like this, never like this)A little bit harder (Never like this)Oh, that's right (Oh, oh, oh, oh)Oh, when you feel the stress (Never like this)Come on, baby now press (Never like this)A little bit harder (Never like this)A little bit harder, yeah (Never like this)And a little bit finerAh, come on now (Never like this)Won't you tell me to press? (Never like this)Yes, right there (Never like this)That's it (Never like this)That's it (Never like this)When you feel the stress (Never like this)Won't you tell me to press? (Never like this, never like this)

Julia was relieved when the video ended; on Paul, Skye and the band going down to the subway again and waving to the camera before they turned around and went out of sight; that some of the kids that had joined them were applauding. She did so as well before the counselors were urging them to go back outside or go back to the arts and crafts tables before dinner that night.

"That was really cool," April commented as they were all going outside once Julia had given her phone back to Evelyn.

"I know, I guess that means she might record with Paul now," the girl said.

"Would you get to go see it?" Peter asked once they were at the lake.

"I don't know… I hope so!" Julia said before they took off their shirts and shorts covering their swimsuits. "And I hope my parents saw it too." She smiled when her friends all said they probably had and she raced with them into the water to enjoy their last time in the lake as evening was soon approaching.

"The reactions so far have been mostly positive," Castle said as he set down the plates in his hands on the table.

"They have, and they still are," Beckett said as she was checking her phone. "So that's a good sign. But remember what I told you, Paul spoke like she was going to be recording with him… well the whole band."

Nodding Castle said, "Did he give you a specific time?"

"No, just next year," Beckett replied. "I'm assuming early next year."

"Mommy?" Eliza asked then.

"Yes sweetie?" Beckett asked. "Is your boxty okay?"

"Yeah, did Jules get to see the movies?" Eliza said.

"Most likely," Beckett said. She wasn't surprised when her husband glanced at her and she told him, "Really I have no idea if the counselor would let her do that. We can only hope."

"How come?" Eliza asked.

"Because we might have less time to talk to her later," Castle said first. There was no surprise when the little girl looked dismayed and he said, "She's coming back tomorrow so we'll be able to talk to her as long as possible." He was relieved when Eliza nodded before she went back to her food and he was about to ask his wife if she liked what he'd made from the boxty when she beat him to speaking by telling him her answer.

"It's good Rick don't worry," Beckett said simply.

"Well I had to wonder," Castle said before he smiled at her. "Or make sure I should add."

"Yes," Beckett told him before she turned to look at Josie who was in her carrier on the table next to her. But the baby was still asleep, so she then turned to the two across the table from her and said, "But if we can't talk to her for too long we won't mind right?"

"No," Eliza said quickly. "But what will she think?"

"She'll probably think it's fun," Castle commented after finishing with the bite he'd eaten. "And she'll know they aren't supposed to be official so at least there's that."

"Oh," Eliza said slowly.

"It just means the first music videos will be the ones that people watch," Beckett explained the best she could.

"Kay," Eliza said after thinking that over. She then smiled and asked, "Can we go swimming after?"

"I think we'll wait for another day," Castle said first. He wasn't surprised when Eliza appeared about to protest and he reminded her, "Your sister might want to swim tomorrow too."

"Or on the weekend," Beckett added. "Now that she knows she can go swimming in the ocean."

"Yeah," Eliza said with a nod before she ate some of her boxty cake. "Then what do we do after?"

"We'll probably play a game, but your sister will need to go to bed first," Castle said. "She couldn't stay up for Julia?"

"I don't think so," Beckett said, not surprised he'd asked that. "Tomorrow she'll see her of course and while I'm eager for it we should probably stop talking about it."

Castle nodded and said, "Did you talk to Mari at recess?"

"I played with her," Eliza explained.

"Great, how's she doing?" Castle then said.

"She's kay," Eliza replied. She ate some of the boxty fries her father had made and then said, "She still misses Jules and she says does she really get to come over?"

"She does," Beckett said with a smile at her. "Remind her about that at recess."

"Kay," Eliza said. She then smiled and said, "Does Jules know?"

"We're still keeping it a surprise," Castle commented. "Don't say anything when we talk to her later."

"I won't," Eliza replied, shaking her head with a smile. She finished the last of her boxty bread and said, "Now?"

"We can go," Beckett said. She and Castle made their way in three trips, so they could get Josie back in the house with Eliza and then everything off the table before they began to clean up. While she was setting a plate into the dishwasher a bit after they were in the house she heard the baby beginning to cry and she moved to hurriedly dry her hands before she left them with Josie in her arms.

"Do I help you now Daddy?" Eliza asked, going over to him once her mother was out of sight down the hall.

"You don't need to, I'm almost done," Castle replied with a quick smile for her. "But if you want to you could go upstairs and try and get your pajamas on."

"By myself?" Eliza asked, startled.

"I think you can at least change into your pajama pants," Castle replied.

"Kay," Eliza said, a little unsure she could but ready to try. "Does that mean I'm a big girl?"

"Yes," Castle said but very hesitantly. "But still our little one."

"I know," Eliza said with a giggle before she left and rushed up the stairs as fast as she could holding onto the railing. Once she was on the second floor she ran until she got to her room before she walked carefully to Josie's room. "Mommy?" she whispered.

"She's not asleep," Beckett said with a smile as she looked over at the doorway. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"No, Daddy said I can get dressed," Eliza explained, stepping up to her mother with a smile.

"You can try," Beckett told her. "But don't worry if you have a little trouble."

"Kay," Eliza said before she went to her room.

Beckett, having been watching her go, wondered if the little girl would be alright before Josie pulled away from her right breast. Since she had to focus her attention on the baby and getting her set, she forgot for a moment about Eliza. When she realized she had she quickly called her name and became slightly concerned when she didn't hear anything in response.

"She's alright," Castle said, walking into the room then.

"Did she not hear me or did you keep her from answering?" Beckett asked him with a smile.

"No, she heard you and I didn't do that," Castle said quickly as he leaned over to kiss the side of Josie's head. "She's determined."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Beckett said with a smile.

"I think that's from us both," Castle commented, going to get a towel from the changing table. "Mind?" he then asked her.

"No and I was implying that love," Beckett said.

"True," Castle said with a distracted tone as he was draping the towel over his left shoulder. "I checked the time and she should be calling us very soon."

"I looked at the time myself," Beckett replied. "And I know but when she's home she's taking a very long shower."

Castle smiled, as he knew she was joking, but didn't have a chance to say anything since Josie was finishing nursing. He reached for her quickly and sat on the edge of the bed, beginning to burp her carefully. He then was going to say the joke that had been in his mind, but he was interrupted again though that time by their middle daughter as Eliza stepped into the room looking very proud as she walked straight up to her mother and stood in front of her before she spoke.

"I did it," Eliza said simply.

"You did," Beckett said, trying not to laugh because the little girl was so proud of herself. "But you got the pants backwards I think," hating to say but needing to.

"That happens," Castle said quickly.

"Oh…" Eliza said before she than took off her pajama pants to put them the right way.

Beckett was really fighting her laughter then as they both saw what their daughter had forgotten to do. Standing up she quickly stopped the little girl and said, "You forgot your under… let me take you sweetie," as she noticed her husband was glancing away from their daughter knowing he was trying not to show his laughter.

"Will you come back?" Castle asked, watching his wife.

"It won't take that long," Beckett replied before they were leaving.

"I was excited Mommy, I forgot," Eliza said.

Looking down at her Beckett saw the tears welling up in her eyes and she said, "Don't worry, once when I was around your age I was trying to get into my pajamas too and I ended up trying to put my pants on my arms."

"You did?" Eliza asked in surprise.

"I did, luckily your grandmama came in and helped me put them where they needed to go," Beckett replied.

"Will you help me now?" Eliza asked as she watched her mother walk back to her from her dresser.

Beckett nodded and helped her daughter step into her underwear before she heard footsteps down the hall. "Rick she's almost done," she called out in amusement.

"Josie wants to see her sister," Castle commented.

"Go," Beckett told Eliza when she had her pajama pants on. She followed her out and said, "Is she asleep?"

"Close," Castle replied as he was cradling the baby by then. When they entered Josie's room he went to the bed and sat down so Eliza could say her goodnight to the baby.

"Love you Josa, sweet…" the little girl started to say before she looked at her father.

"You can finish," Castle said with a slight smile.

"Dreams," Eliza said, leaning over and brushing a kiss against the top of Josie's forehead as the baby had fallen asleep while she'd been talking. She then watched her parents going over to the crib, smiling as the two kissed her baby sister before they were speaking.

"I love you little one," Beckett murmured to the baby. "Like your sister said sweet dreams."

"She's right, we're hoping," Castle said. "And I love you too Josie," he added firmly before he set the baby down into her crib. When they had finished they left the room, Max and Molly lying next to the baby in her bed, and he was about to ask Eliza what she wanted to do before he heard his wife's phone start to ring. "There's she is."

"We better go down to talk to her," Beckett said with a smile before her husband picked up Eliza and they headed to the family room quickly together.

"Here," Evelyn said with a smile as she handed Julia her phone. "Are you going to tell them about the music videos?"

"Yep, I have to 'cause my mom's gonna ask… and my dad and everyone else," the girl replied. She thanked the counselor before Evelyn was leaving the cabin and she hurriedly dialed her mother's phone before she was answering. "Hi everyone," she said to them with a smile as they were gathered together on the screen.

"Hello sweetie," Beckett said first.

"Hi!" Eliza then said, waving to her sister.

"Hi Julia, so how was your last full day?" Castle asked her.

A little surprised they weren't asking about the videos Julia then quickly told her family all she'd done including watching the videos, but she went over that quickly. "It was a nice day," she finished with.

"It does sound like it," Beckett said. "And I'm surprised you did end up making something."

"Things," Julia said. "But you'll see them when I come back I promise. So now you have to tell me what you did." As she listened to everything she nearly frowned at the fact they still didn't mention the video. When her parents had finished talking about what they'd done she finally blurted out, "What about the videos!"

Beckett couldn't help smiling and she said, "Sorry we wanted to see if you'd bring that up."

"If you hadn't seen them yet," Castle said.

"The counselors let me watch them on a TV in the main cabin where we did the arts and crafts," Julia said, losing her slight annoyance at what they'd said. "What did you think though?"

"I loved them," Beckett said since she knew her daughter was wondering about her reaction first. "And they're a lot of fun too."

"And Skye sang them really well," Julia added.

"And she likes to have fun," Eliza said.

After they'd stopped laughing Castle then said, "And I enjoyed them too, they're fun and they do a good job with the songs."

"But… how come those songs?" Julia asked.

"Skye said she picked them out," Beckett replied. "Paul told her to choose."

"Think she'll do anymore?" Julia asked.

"Maybe," Beckett said. "But don't hold me to that because that's more up to Paul to decide."

"I could ask him to when he comes in July," Julia said jokingly.

Beckett shook her head and she then said, "There's something you haven't told us about though."

"I didn't?" Julia asked.

"No," Castle then said. "What's the reason?" A sudden look of realization came over his face and he then said, "Did you actually dance and win?"

"No," Julia said with a soft laugh. "We showed everyone the videos."

"Really?" Castle and Beckett said at the same time.

"Yeah, I guess the kids that were in the main cabin before talked to other kids and they all wanted to see it too," Julia said. "And most of them liked it." She then made a slight face and said, "The ones that didn't said it was stupid and didn't make sense, but I think it's 'cause they only heard the song that one time."

"I think it's more important you liked them," Beckett said.

"I did," Julia said earnestly. "I wish we could have seen them make it."

"Me too but at least we got to see it before it was released," Beckett commented.

"We did?" Julia asked in surprise.

"We did," Castle said. "Skye sent them to us about three hours before they went onto Paul's website."

"Oh… that was nice of her," Julia said.

"Yeah and we got to say that we loved them too," Eliza said.

"We went to Paul's site and left a comment," Castle explained.

"He did," Beckett said.

"Oh, great… can I when I come home?" Julia asked hopefully.

"Of course, but it might take a little time before you have the chance to do that," Castle told her.

"We'll want to spend time with you," Beckett said as Julia looked understandably confused. "But we'll make sure you say something."

"Thanks," Julia said with a smile. "How's Josa?"

"She's fine, misses you of course," Castle said first.

"She does," Beckett said when the girl looked over at her.

"Good I'll hold her a lot tomorrow," Julia said. "And do other stuff too."

"They're coming back?" Beckett asked since her daughter was looking over to the side.

"Yeah, sorry," Julia told them.

"Don't worry," Castle said. "Last time we'll need to do that. And so you know now your mom, sister and I will be there."

"Not me, Josa will," Eliza said with a smile.

"Okay," Julia said. "Night everyone, love you."

"Love you too Julia," Beckett said. "Get some sleep tonight since we'll have a number of things to do tomorrow."

"Cool," Julia said with a soft laugh.

"I love you too Julia," Castle said. "And your mom's right… what we don't know but we will."

"Thanks Dad," Julia said with another laugh. "I'll pick some fun things to do."

"She's too smart," Castle told his wife jokingly.

"You didn't make it too hard to figure out," Beckett told her husband wryly.

"I guess not," Castle said jokingly seriously.

"I'll get some sleep though," Julia said. "I don't want to fall asleep all the time tomorrow."

"Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow," Beckett told her.

"I love you Jules!" Eliza said quickly.

"Thanks, night!" Julia told them before she was hanging up the phone quickly since a few more girls were coming inside the cabin. "Hey," she said, smiling as Natalie came to stand next to her bed. "What's wrong?" she asked as the girl looked serious.

"I'm so sorry," Natalie replied.

"It's okay," Julia said quickly. "It was just an accident."

Since the girl's tone was so firm Natalie nodded and said, "Thanks for the shampoo."

"You're welcome," Julia replied. She got off her bed and hurried to grab paper, only intending to write for her diary. She paused for a moment and then rushed to start her entry.

May 21st, 2020So today was the last full day and it was fun but I think I'm gonna write this really fast 'cause I want to get some sleep so I won't be tired tomorrow back at home.

There was swimming, seeing the horses and more swimming after Natalie and I fell out of our canoe. Though I did make some things at the arts and crafts tables and last bracelets with lake pebbles on them, they're really pretty and I hope everyone I made something for likes them!

The biggest thing… well, one of the biggest (bigger?) things I want to talk about is after I was working on the arts and crafts. The counselor for my cabin came over and she had my phone, she told me Mom sent me something and I opened it up and it was a message with two music videos. It was of Skye and her band with Paul! I was so excited and got to watch the videos on the TV in the main cabin. First was for the song This One and it was so cool… I guess I could describe it, but I won't have enough time. But Skye was singing almost the whole song with Paul and their voices went pretty good I think. Then the second one was for the song Press and I thought it was gonna be like the original video, but they were at Citywalk in Hollywood and it's just like Marie and Kath described with the fountain and everything. You could see they were having fun and it was great!

The talent show was tonight too, and the other kids' stuff was nice. I got to show the videos 'cause a lot of the others wanted to watch and we did and it was nice. Some people didn't like it but I'm remembering something Grandpapa told me is that you can't please everyone. I guess that's what happened this time, but most kids liked it and the counselors too. And I got to see them so I'm happy!

Julia paused there for a moment debating what she wanted to write exactly of what happened after the talent show. She decided it didn't need to be said while she was with so many other people and returned to writing with the thought going through her mind that she would mention it once she was back at home.

So that's it for my entry, it's really short but this is also the last night I get to have a big sleepover. So next is home and getting these entries into my actual diary. But it's been so much fun!

Climbing back down from the bed Julia put everything away and went back on top of it, looking around to see if anyone would want to talk with her. She was a little frustrated when she saw they were all still talking to their families so she laid back, looking up at the ceiling. She couldn't keep her mind from going to what had happened earlier in the showers and she closed her eyes, trying to keep from dwelling on it too much before she realized she couldn't stop herself.

Hearing a noise Julia paused in rinsing her hair and glanced at the curtain splitting the shower stall she was in from the one she knew Natalie was in. She was about to ask if the girl on the other side made the noise when suddenly the curtain was moving.

"Do you-" Natalie started to say before she was letting out a cry as the curtain slipped out of her hand and she reached for it before Julia was helping her.

"What're you doing?" the girl asked, her cheeks on fire as she'd seen her new friend's body. "You're naked!" she then whispered.

"I know," Natalie said angrily. She then blanched and said, "Sorry, I was just gonna ask if you had shampoo, I ran out."

"And then flash me," Julia joked. She was relieved when the girl narrowed her eyes at her and then said, "Well you did but I didn't see that much." She glanced around, relieved the girls weren't saying anything in response to her cry, and she went to the stall where Dawn was in in her bathing suit. "Psst," she called.

"What?" the girl asked in surprise, glancing at Julia peering over the wall between them.

"Nobody asked why Natalie did that," Julia told her.

"We saw the curtain moving," Dawn explained. "It moved off her."

"Little bit," Julia said before she went back to Natalie who was still hiding behind the curtain. "Here," she told her before putting some into her hands. "Are you getting breasts?" she then whispered, hoping the sound of the water would cover her.

"Yep, but not a lot," the girl said with a shrug, looking at her chest. "I don't feel anything yet, but my mom said they'd be sore maybe when they get bigger."

"My mom said too, I was wondering what it was like," Julia explained. When Natalie nodded she closed the curtain for her and rushed to finish her shower so she could talk to her family as soon as possible.

"Hey," Natalie said, standing at the side of Julia's bed.

"What's up?" the girl said, peering over the side at her.

"Want to play War?" Natalie asked, holding up a deck of cards.

"Sure… how much time do we have though?" Julia asked uncertainly as she sat up.

"Does it matter?" Natalie replied.

Thinking about that for a moment Julia shook her head and said, "Come on." She smiled as the girl climbed up on her bed and she started to shuffle so they could play with what time they had left until lights out which they soon started to do as soon as Natalie was with her.

"Hullo, hullo," Skye said with a smile when Beckett appeared on the screen of her phone. "What do I owe to the pleasure of this call?"

"I think you know already," Beckett said in amusement. "You didn't think I'd call after seeing the videos?"

"I didn't know you would watch them," Skye answered easily.

"Skye," Beckett said with a groan.

"Sorry I wanted to delay things," the investigator replied with a smile. "So, from your smile when I answered you liked them then?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I" Beckett asked simply. Before her friend could say anything, she told her, "It looked like you were having fun in them."

"I was, we all were," Skye replied. She smiled again and then said, "And Paul was amazing in the fact that we were making copies of his music videos."

"Didn't he have two already of the song This One?" Beckett asked her.

Breathing out slightly Skye nodded and then said, "He said the same to me and he said he had fun at Citywalk for Press."

"You didn't go in the park?" Beckett said knowingly.

"Oh, we did but he didn't get anything," Skye replied. "His daughter did though, a wand since she hadn't been to one of the Harry Potter areas before." She then laughed and said, "My girls wanted me and Mary get Ravenclaw robes, but we'll wait for this summer."

"What about everyone else in the band?" Beckett asked.

"They got sorted right there and then since they wanted to join in," Skye said with a laugh. "Jackie and Barry were in Gryffindor; I'm assuming you're going to tell your daughter this."

"I will," Beckett assured her.

"Okay, then Raj got put into Ravenclaw with us," Skye said. "Oh, you know what I slightly lied but unintentionally. Paul did buy something and that's a Gryffindor scarf, well both him and Nancy."

"Sounds like it was fun," Beckett said. She could hear the investigator's wife talking in the background and she asked, "Dinner?"

"Aye we're a bit behind you," Skye said. "Paul's having me record."

"Your vocals go well together," Beckett said, knowing her friend needed some reassurance.

"True… some people have been saying that," Skye said. "Thank you, Kate."

"You're welcome, go eat with your family-" Beckett started to say.

"Wife, the kids are over at friends' homes," the investigator replied. "And I will but I'll send you something right now."

"Alright, thank you for the videos," Beckett said.

"You're welcome, good night Kate," Skye replied.

After saying goodnight to the investigator Beckett hung up the connection before she got an e-mail. Just as she was opening the message she looked up at her husband when he walked inside.

"What?" Castle asked, slightly surprised at the way his wife was looking at him.

"I'm glad you came in right now," Beckett answered, motioning to him. Once he was with her on the bed she told him, "Skye sent me something."

"Another video?" Castle said.

"No, I don't know what it is but she wouldn't send another video knowing Julia would be asleep," Beckett told him.

"Right, any idea yet?" Castle asked her as he glanced at the screen of her phone.

"If I knew what that was all about I'd tell you," Beckett said wryly, pausing in opening the video that was attached to the e-mail. "Like I told you before I think she was just taken by surprise by something. And she quickly recovered." She knew her husband was slightly uneasy; since she'd sensed after the phone call with Julia that something had happened before their daughter had called them; but she was sure she was alright. "You should think of the fact that it took me so long to sense anything."

"The reason?" Castle asked her.

"It was quick, and she recovered quickly… she must have thought about what happened after…" Beckett said before starting to slow down at the end.

"What is it?" Castle asked, watching her closely.

"I'm just thinking, it likely was something with the showers," Beckett said.

"You don't think someone did something to her," Castle said, slightly concerned that was the case.

Beckett smiled and then shook her head telling him, "No, she was surprised by something which means she likely saw a girl running by naked or… something like that."

"Oh," Castle said, thinking that over before he realized she was likely right. "Think you'll need to talk to her?"

"I'll attempt to but if she doesn't want to talk about it then I'll leave it alone; it's her decision," Beckett replied. "Now could we see what Skye sent?"

"Sure, but if she wants to talk to Skye you'll let her right?" Castle asked.

"I went to camp too," Beckett said easily. When her husband just looked at her she rolled her eyes and added, "And showered with the other girls in the separate stalls they had."

"Okay," Castle said since he knew she was right, it was likely something that big. "Go ahead; I want to see what it is too."

Beckett resisted the urge to roll her eyes and then focused on the movie, opening it before she and her husband watched it though she was careful of the volume so it would wake Josie up. She was startled to soon realize it was footage of Paul and the band practicing the final scene of the music video for This One. She and her husband shared a glance before they looked down at the video while Skye was talking and jumping up and down at the same time.

"I'm not going to spin around," the investigator was saying in a mockingly annoyed tone of voice. "What about you lot?"

"No thank you," Raj said with a wide smile. "We're going to be lifted up anyway."

"Then don't ask me to do that," Skye said before they laughed together.

Someone off the screen called to the group and they were raised up into the air in their harnesses slightly before the lights flickered on and off. Another person talked to them that Castle and Beckett couldn't see before the group was set down except for Skye.

"Hey! Put me down you brigands!" the investigator said before she and everyone else was laughing.

"Brigands?" Paul asked, looking at her.

"Of course… wait… stop!" Skye started to say as Raj and Mary came over to her; let go from their harnesses. She laughed with everyone else as she was flipped around and then pretended to sock Raj before slapping her wife's ass as she went back to her harness next to her.

"Wasn't expecting her to do that," Castle said in amusement since the clip had ended there.

"I think she still had fun," Beckett said.

"Oh sure… why did she protest, just to be difficult?" Castle asked. "She doesn't mind roller coasters with loops," he added before his wife could continue.

"No," Beckett said as she got up. "But I'm sure she was kidding."

"Where are you going?" Castle asked, watching her in surprise as she was putting on her robe.

"Going to check on Eliza," Beckett replied. "I just want to."

"You don't really need a reason," Castle commented as he got up quickly on her side of the bed. "She doesn't need you?"

"No," Beckett said slightly hesitantly.

"Julia?" Castle asked.

"Sort of," Beckett said, still hesitant.

After he'd put on his robe Castle went over to his wife and kissed her cheek saying, "It's understandable. I'd like to check on her too… quickly," as they both looked at Josie before he picked up her tablet so he could turn on the camera at the end of her bassinet.

Beckett took her husband's hand and then pulled him with her over to the door, walking out first before he wrapped his arm around her. "Nach bhfuil sé baoise?" she said, asking him it wasn't foolishness.

"Creidim dom nach bhfuil sé," Castle told her.

Since he'd started with the words believe me before telling her it wasn't Beckett shook her head, but they were reaching Eliza's room by then and she went inside to the side of the bed as quietly as possible. She saw the little girl was slightly squirming and she gently ran her hand over the top of her head before she pressed her lips the top of Eliza's head.

Castle kissed the top of their daughter's head after his wife had stepped aside for him to do that. When they saw their second youngest was settled down he took Beckett's hand and they walked together into the hall and he stopped her. "She did need you," he told her.

"Us," Beckett corrected him with a smile.

"True," Castle said after thinking of that for a moment. "Back to Josie?"

"Yes," Beckett said in slight amusement. She went over to their room and straight to the bassinet to peer down at their youngest who was still asleep. Fixing the blanket on the baby, she brushed a kiss to the top of her forehead before stepping aside for her husband.

Though he was tempted to tell the baby he loved her Castle didn't want to risk waking her up, so he merely brushed a kiss to her forehead as well before he went with his wife onto the bed. "I have to admit," he said once they were settled. "I'll miss them."