
chapter 1


Time: 5:48am. 📌 Berkshire. Saturday

"Wait so where exactly are we going?". I say inbetween breaths, my best friends hand had a lethal grip on mine as he ran.

"Watching the sunrise dumbass". Eventually the brunette slows his pace, as we come to find the sun only now beginning to rise.

Jude and I just sit in the cold, he was in his joggers and his boyfriends sweatshirt. And then you have me.. in my oodie with my joggers, socks and slides. Pretty much near the forest, sat on some wood that looked beyond some beautiful scenery.

Then the silence is broken by panting. Turning to Jude, he's staring at me with eyes wide. Then 3 boys come onto the wooden deck. Not seeing Jude and I.

"Dobby this is the last time I let you have keys to our house.. our mum is going to kill us". For the love of god, Jude stay quiet.

"You lads wouldn't mind shutting up would you? Me and my bestie here are trying to watch the sunrise in peace and in fact, she's taking pictures of it". I'm gonna kill him.

It goes dead silent as they jump. I can see in the rising sun that only one of them has somewhat long hair. They move realising I did indeed have a camera with me. Then I decide to ask one of them something. Initiating the conversation and going out of my own comfort zone.

"Can one of you stand in front of the camera, the suns just at a position in which you'll be a silhouette... if that's alright?". Then the shortest of the trio speaks up, agreeing to do so.

After maybe 15 or so minutes the 5 of us are just sat on the wooden bench, talking about random things in our lives. Max, Harvey and James. Who was Dobby then? Probably just into Harry Potter. Oh well.

Soon enough I decide I want to leave. The boys were absolute gems, hilarious too. The blonde commented on my attire, chuckling a little bit.

"Someone stay in their pajama's?". His finger pointing to me.

"Yes except my socks and slides... who the hell where's sock to bed". Everyone bursts out laughing.

"Tom does". My brows furrow.

"Erm who? Actually don't tell me!! He's crazy for it".

"Telling you anyway, he's the completion of the group.. keeps content flowing for us because we don't always have the time to edit it". Oh no, not bitches thinking they're famous.

At about 7am Harvey asks for Jude and I's instagrams for tagging purposes. All 5 of us take photos together for all of our Instagrams.

Instagram Notification.

andiamharvey tagged you in a post. Now

Instagram Notification.

helloimmax tagged you in a post. Now

Instagram Notification.

dobbyiam tagged you in a post. 1m ago

Snapchat Notification.

Alice added you back. Say hi!

Instagram Notification.

jude.turneyxx tagged you in a post. 4m ago

— captions—

andiamharvey; met these 2 lovely people today. going to kill you Dobby.. if my mum doesn't do that to you first 😂😂 good morning from us lot

Comments - 96

helloimmax; I think Jude and Dobby did the same thing, broke into their best friends house at ungodly hours of the morning just for photos... good job.

Comments - 193

dobbyiam: kool kids

Comments - 47

jude.turneyxx; looks like y/n isn't a morning person 🤣❤️xx

Comments - 29

y/n_y/l/n; can guarantee jude wakes me up too early ...

Comments - disabled

I suddenly felt weird. Max and Harvey had verifications. And suddenly I've just gained several thousand followers. Lots of dm requests too. Fuck that.

We all go our seperate ways at 10am. It'd been quite pleasant with them. They were cocky too, not a bad cocky. A funny amount of cocky. I speak to them a little bit throughout the day.

Jude most likely not, having had plans after 12pm all the way until he arrived home. One of the reasons he and I worked well as best friends was his busy schedule and me being comfortable by myself 85% of the time.

Or I myself would be busy, with things such as school. Jude texts me at 8:30, saying a goodnight.

I reply with the same energy as him and leave him be. Harvey begins spamming me, as he had pretty much since we had parted ways earlier in the day.

I receive multiple snaps from him. Demanding attention.

I don't reply until 11pm, having unfinished homework keeping me busy. when I do reply he opens it immediately, replying. With a ":)" for the caption. Yet I could see he had tears in his eyes.

I ask him what's wrong. He snaps back with a black screen. no caption. So I text max.

Y/n- hey max, can you check on Harvey for me? maybe it's embarrassing to him but he's currently crying.

max- 👍

Harvey does eventually stop after multiple black screens, he replies with the top left corner of his face. Yet he still had tears in his eyes and the tear marks leading down.

My heart really felt for him. later that night I called him. We had a nice chat, he cried a little bit too but I just completely let him feel. He needed someone and I decided to try be that person.

Sure, we haven't known eachother long. But it's truly not about how long you've known someone. It's the personality or whatever.

You could feel more loved or be closer to someone you've known for 2 months rather than someone you've known for 12 years. It's not about time. It never once was, not to me.

It was this day in time in which I knew Harvey Mills would be a big part of my life. I knew that from the moment we started connecting over everything.

This was going to be a day to remember.

Oh, and about earlier, these bitches don't think they're famous. they know they're famous.

A/n- won't be many of these. I'm over an hour late, I had to write it all after deleting it. Proofread and everything. I'm working in uk time zones. Very different to my own time zone

It's not the best, I was writing this at 5am. I'm so sorry, it'll get better.