
In multiverses with Majin Buu’s ability

A guy died, met god, got wishes and live his new life. Everything I write is for fun. I don’t own any of the work except for the oc. It will be harem based. He will have a lots of girls for his harem. Also many of them will be milf. Everything I write doesn’t have any connection to the real world. Everything is in AU of Earth. If you find any character similar then that is just a coincidence. 1) one piece 2) solo levelling 3) teen wolf 4) Bleach 5) TVD/TO 6) Naruto 7) . 8). Also English is not my first language. So please ignore the writing mistakes. Also you can suggest anything. I may add them. I will not spend too much time on same world. So there maybe time skip some time. Thank you

Mr_Pervert · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Talking with ace, kidnapping

"Relax I didn't come here to kill you" said majin.

But both ace and jinbe didn't relax.

Ace "what do you want?"

Majin didn't answered him. He looked at him like he is looking at a moron. Instead he asked back.

Majin "do you think you are very strong and above everyone else?"

Ace "when did I say I am above everyone else?"

Majin "then what's makes you think you alone was enough to fight Blackbeard."

Ace didn't reply he just smiled bitterly.

Majin "have you ever thought of the consequences of your actions"

Ace didn't replied. Majin continued.

Majin "what was it that give you the gut to go after Blackbeard who injured shanks."

Ace still stayed silent.

Majin "do you think your ego and pride will make you strong." He continued "let me tell you pride without power is what a moron can do."

Ace become angry and said "shut up. You don't know anything about me."

Majin release his royal haki and stop ace from shouting. "Who gives you the right to shout at me."

"Stop, unless I change my mind."

Majin "have you ever thought what will whitebeard do when you got yourself fought."

Ace face turned pale.

Majin "yes he will force his way inside marine to save you, and tell me, will any of whitebeard sons will let him come alone."

Ace look down didn't said anything.

Majin "just to save you, how many will die?"

Jinbe "you can stop there."

Majin didn't Replied him just continued.

Majin "what about your brother?"

This ace looked up and looked at majin.

Ace "how did you?"

Majin "do you think he won't come too to save you."

Majin "and what was it behind all of this?"

Majin "it all your ego and pride"

Ace didn't said anything. He looked at majin and decided to ask him if he could

Ace "can you tell my father and brother to not come for me?"

Majin "what's makes you think they will listen to me.."

Then majin sighed at him and said. Whitebeard is already old. He doesn't have much time. But now it is upto you and his other son to keep his pirate alive and nit let the world forget him.

"If you ever get the chance become strong as strong as him so that you can full fill his dream." Then he looked at jinbe. He didn't said anything to him touch him and teleported with him to an inhabitant islan and leave him there. Then He teleported back to impel down.

~scene break~

He eat shiryu candy. His devil fruit power is good for him to infiltrate. After that he get his power and ability. The he went up with his invisible abilities.

As he went up he went to the the cctv room. Then he knocked everyone with haki. Then he search for the person he was looking for. After finding them he left.

He went to level four where he saw a tall women who wear devil costume which is very revealing as she was punishing the prisoners with laugh.

Majin went to her and canceled his invisibility. Sadi look shocked when she saw a person appeared before her.

Sadi "are you lost brother?" Said with smile.

With her personality majin wasn't shocked so he said "yes little sister, can you show me around?"

Sadi "sure why not. Come follow me." She walk forward and majin followed her. All the other jail solder felt petty for him. As he might not see the light of day ever again.

Sadi took him to a room. This wasn't big neither small. When he enter sadi without saying anything attacked him. Majin dodged it. "Little sister why you are attacking me." He asked as if he didn't do anything. "I never seen big brother here, I was checking where you are from." Said said

Majin "oh that you can just ask me. I am from up there." Said as he pointed his finger up.

Sadi "tell who send you here."

Majin "no one order me."

Sadi "then why are you here."

Majin "for you and to find myself a secretary."

Said "me, what will you do with me."

Majin "that a man and women do."

Sadi " big brother, for that you have to win our fight." As she attack him.

Every time she attack majin dodge it by a inch. And poke her here and there. After seeing that she is going anywhere with fight she use she become frustrated. Then she stop and said "okay you win. But I Don't follow bad guys."

Majin "what makes you think I am bad"

Sadi "then why you come snakily"

Majin shrugged and said "no one let me in." "So how about follow me sometime and find yourself."

Sadi Thought a little and decided to follow. She doesn't care about prisoners. What she like is punishing other. Which she can do anywhere. Then she nodded at him and agreed.

After that majin use invisible ability to make both of them invisible and went to find the secretary.

After 30 minutes he find her. For her she didn't said anything just knocked her out and kidnapped her. Then she teleported from there to skypia with sadi and his "secretary"