
In Minecraft or...?

In the hushed corners of contemplation, a voice resonated, pondering the unfolding day to shake off the looming threat of monotony. However, these introspective musings tiptoed on the paradox of time, sidestepping the elusive "Sense" that could define past, present, or future. As the voice's possessor plunged into profound thought, or at least pretended to, a glint sparked in eyes defying conventional description – eyes of nothingness, perhaps. "Interesting. Someone who could truly perceive and grapple with the concept of my existence," the voice quipped, its prior contemplation replaced by a smirk. This entity, an amalgamation of extreme allure and repulsiveness, defied comprehension with its indescribable nature. Laughter erupted, echoing with amusement as if the being had been birthed by an external force, unveiling access to an unimaginable world. A world made conceivable by the individual attempting to grasp the essence of the being from the inception of this peculiar synopsi... ... "HA HA HA HA HA HA... You indeed are a fascinating individual. HA HA HA HA HA..." reverberated through the metaphysical space. Now, it was the being's turn. "It's my turn now," the being declared with a smirk, weaving a narrative that unveiled the author's predicament – a narrative of the fanfiction "In Minecraft or...?" "As the words automatically started to appear in the Synopsis of the Fanfiction," the being described, the author, witnessing the unfolding chaos, futilely attempted to close the Webnovel application. The being, noting the non-reactive author, decided it was time for a conversation. "UHUM UHUM Throat clearing sounds," the being interjected, "I said or at least typed to have a conversation with you, and also could you please dry your sweat-covered forehead?" The being's words hung in the digital air. "I apologize if I have offended 'Your Highness' in any way or by anything inappropriate I might... I mean I have typed or done," the author humbled themselves in front of the Greater Being. "Hoo, 'The Greater Being' a good name you got there for me to take, you may from now on use 'TGB' to mention me," the being responded, acknowledging the shock on the author's face as thoughts were transcribed. "What may this humble servant be of use to 'Your Highness' TGB? Please order, and it shall be done," the author, known to all his readers as DemoloRD, expressed, interjecting an awkward laugh about the inadvertent recording of their thoughts. "Well, you don't have to worry about that, as I won't order you to unalive yourself, and you could also stop talking/typing in sub servitude to me. You can just be yourself, so talk/type the way you normally do. And also, I have made it that your thoughts wouldn't be written until you want your thoughts to be written," TGB assured, breaking the chains of imposed etiquette. "Well, thanks for that. So, what can I do for ya?" Author queried, sensing a release of burden. "Well, as you can see/feel? that I was getting bored and didn't have anything to do, you caught my attention, and after seeing your IRL situation, I thought of something entertaining," TGB explained with a smirk. "Don't tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking, yet you're thinking totally opposite of my thinking," Author chuckled, attempting to decipher the enigmatic being's intentions. "Yup, and since you were already thinking of writing this fanfiction, why not make it almost realistic," TGB suggested with an amusing and evil smirk, setting the stage for Author's unique adventure in the world of Minecraft. And so, with a triumphant TAH TA DAH by the enigmatic TGB, the curtain rose on DemoloRD's journey, promising both fortune and misfortune, and the audience waited eagerly to witness how this unwitting author would entertain them all in the intricate realm of Minecraft.

DemoloRD · Video Games
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2 Chs

Mystical Kingdom

Despite the unconventional shape of his surroundings, Swayam recognized the Birchwood trees that surrounded him. Attempting the most basic action any Minecraft player would, he tried to gather Birchwood by beating a tree. Frustration etched across his face as the expected Birchwood block failed to drop. Instead, his repeated actions only resulted in injuries, leaving him bleeding. Hitting the wood yielded no results, and he refrained from attempting to mine the dirt beneath his feet. The usual survival instincts of a Minecraft player were rendered useless, leaving him bewildered.

Dejected, he decided to explore further, hoping to stumble upon something that could guide him in this familiar yet unfamiliar world. Minutes turned into hours as he traversed various terrains, confusion deepening with every failed attempt at typical Minecraft activities.

Only after he abandoned his Minecraft thinking did he follow a river, eventually stumbling upon a breathtaking sight – a colossal kingdom perched atop a mountain. After a renewed vigor, Swayam set his course toward the majestic structure, encountering semi-passive mobs along the way, no different from typical Minecraft creatures. Unlike traditional Minecraft creatures, these beings showed no hostility unless provoked.

As he neared the kingdom's perimeter, Swayam marveled at the diverse array of mystical races entering and exiting through a large door, presumably the main entrance. Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, Lizardmen – possibly the descendants of dragons – and many other fantastical beings coexisted harmoniously, surprising him.

After regaining his composure, he cautiously approached the entrance, unsure of how they might perceive his attire. To his relief, they seemed indifferent, giving him side glances and a few curious looks. Once inside, he wandered around, gathering information with his heightened senses and observing the intricate architecture and bustling life within the kingdom. It was a realm beyond his understanding, a fusion of Minecraft and fantasy elements. Swayam wondered if these mystical races held the key to unlocking the mysteries of this realistic Minecraft world.

Venturing further into the kingdom, he hoped to find clues or guidance. As he headed toward the epicenter, Swayam realized that this realm wasn't merely a replication of Minecraft but a unique blend of reality and fantasy. Mystical races engaged in daily magical activities, oblivious to the limitations he faced. The answers to the mysteries of this world seemed to lie within the heart of the kingdom.