
In MHA with Omnifabrication

Mano Yoshiro finds himself in the world of MHA with the power of Omnifabrication. Read on as Mano Yoshiro becomes the strongest person in the multiverse!

Shzoinks_ · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: Creating the suit

"Does precognition come with Omnifabrication? Probably not but that dream concerns me. The probability of this happening in the future is obviously high since anything that can happen will happen. Thanks Murphy's Law"

"This gives me a better motivation to get stronger fast because I don't know when this event will happen but I know it's going to basically be like doomsday. There were even some people that didn't exist in the MHA world but they were fighting the mysterious figures in the sky. And apparently, I'm going to die in the future so that is a bit unsettlingly" Yoshiro says nervously

"I should quickly get to work on the suit. I found enough fabric at the beach as I wanted it to be flexible"

Yoshiro sits down on his couch and creates the suit using the fabric and the metal pieces he got from that beach. The suits wraps around the whole body all the way up until his neck. He finally finishes the suit after a whole 7 hours and yawns. He puts down the suit on the table and looks at the suit full of glory.

"Finally. This gives me enough defense while still being balanced, all I need to do now is....*yawn* all I need to do now is add the metal parts along with the controls modules so I can set up the interface along with the kinetic energy soon"

"It's not like I understood or learned anything about technology from school yet i'm doing this. It just comes naturally as I work"

"I need some fucking coffee" Yoshiro says as he rubs his eyes.

Despite working for 7 hours with no sleep and breaks, Yoshiro continues working on the suit and adds the metal pieces and parts so that the suit could create and use kinetic energy. The way it works is that the suit is constantly making small vibrations at fast speeds until the suit is filled of kinetic energy. Then the suit uses the kinetic energy as a enhancer and and energy source for the other equipment, for example, the lasers and the energy shield.

"Not even halfway *yawns* done" Yoshiro says with dark circles under his eyes

Yoshiro's mind goes blank and he closes his eyes once again. However, he quickly opens his eyes thinking that he should finish the suit first.

"Can't fall asleep yet"

After 1 more hour, Yoshiro adds the final piece and sighs.

"So tired....*yawn* I've worked for so long that it's night time and my body is aching in pain"

He falls asleep on the couch again and is relieved from all of the pain. He has another dream but this time he sees what to be more than a billion people on a floating platform. There were the 3 figures again but this time, he could see what they looked like clearer. One of them looked like some sort of robot with colorful stones on its body, the second one looked like some twisted version of batman but with a lot of power.

The last one had an more specifically, a black robe with a thin gold outline. Looking to his left he could see, what looked like Godspeed fighting one of the figures. Suddenly, the figure with the black robe attacked him. Yoshiro quickly tries to block with his arms but finds the swords that the black-robed person used was blocked by his suit. He looks at himself and finds the completed version of his suit.

Yoshiro wakes up sweating intensely.

"No, this definitely means something. It wouldn't make sense for the same 3 figures to appear in the same dream. Or maybe it does? I don't know"

"At Least I finished one of the pieces. I should test it out to make sure it works"

Yoshiro grabs the suit and put it on before walking outside and going into a forest. He stands before a tree and punches the tree which causes a small crater on it.

"Wow. I've already gotten some kinetic energy, I'm glad I can't feel it vibrating or this would feel and be very awkward. Anyways, if I programmed the suit correctly, more kinetic energy increases the suit's power. And since the suit is constantly vibrating at fast speeds, it's power is increasing at a rapid rate"

Yoshiro steps back a few steps and starts to prepare a punch with all of his strength. He throws his punch towards the tree and completely knocks over the tree along with the other surrounding trees!

"J-JESUS! HOLY SHIT! that wasn't even at the limit of how much kinetic energy the suit can hold!"

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(777 words)