

As I'm enjoying my break after all the "hard" work I did I'm disrupted by two annoyances.

"Hey, Yamato,"

I open one eye to see Mineta and Kaminari.

'Mineta really has no fear when it comes to being a pervert. I'd assume he'd cry from the very sight of me for at least a month.'


Not expecting such a hostile response they stammer out, "Y-y-you should go over to Yaoyorozu and get a cheerleading costume. Sensei said that all the girls have to."

I look at them like their fools… which they are.

Sighing I stand up grabbing both by the neck.

"H-hEY!?" Kaminari cries out.

"IT'S OVER SHE'S GONNA KILL US," Mineta scream out

'Such a drama queen.'

Ignoring their pleas for help I walk over to the table all the girls are sitting. Yaoyorozu who was creating the costumes raises an eyebrow at me.

"Tell them what you did," I demand looking at both of them, still in my hands.

They remain silent.

"Silence huh?" I release some Conqueror's Haki to 'encourage' them. That gets them yapping quickly.

"OKAY, WE'RE SORRY WE LIED." They practically scream.

"IT WAS KAMINARI'S IDEA," Mineta says pointing at his fellow floating friend


The girls look at them with disgust.

"Do whatever you want with them," I drop them harshly on the ground.

Walking away I look back at them as they slowly get approached by the girl's bloodlust oozing off them.

"Try something like this again and you won't be so lucky as to have them beat you up."

Turning away I hear the pained screams of the two.

After our break, we headed back to the Stadium. Kaminari and Mineta looking worse for wear.

"Welcome back!" Midnight says.

"The third and final activity will be… A ONE-ON-ONE COMBAT TOURNAMENT!!"

Cheers boom through the stadium as this is what they've been waiting for.

"The brackets will be decided through a lottery!" She pulls out a lottery box.

"Excuse me," Ojiro raises his hand.

"I'm withdrawing," Ojiro confesses.

Everyone looks at him shocked, "I don't remember much of the cavalry battle it must be because of that kid's Quirk," He points at Shinso, "Everyone worked hard to get this far while I don't remember anything. I can't allow myself to continue."

The short kid speaks up sharing the same sentiments.

'I get having pride and all that but this is a really big opportunity…'

"All right then! Ojiro and Shouda have withdrawn!" Midnight says cracking her whip.

"Team Kendou please decide which two contestants will continue!"

After talking amongst themselves they decide team Tetsutetsu will advance.

"Tetsutesu and Shiozaki will advance!"

"Now that everyone is accounted for, here are the matchups!"

Looking at the board I see I'm against Kaminari.

Glancing at him I see he's shivering in fear while Mineta is giving him his condolences.

'Looks like I will beat him up earlier than expected.'


Since they are optional I head to my seat and wait for my match.

"P…ake up… Wake up!" Coming to consciousness I see Tsuyu shaking me awake.

"The first match is about to begin, ribbit." She points to the stadium.


Looking over I see the Midoriya vs SHinso fight has begun.

Now that I think about it in real-time the fight lasted less than 5 minutes, right?

A powerful gust of wind is sent across the stadium.

'Plot Armor.'

I see Midoriya charge at Shinso, his mouth shut tightly. Eventually, he throws him out of bounds.

'It's disappointing that Shinso didn't learn how to fight. Midoriya may be physically fit but he has no idea how to properly fight. One of the many things All Might didn't teach him.'

After Shoto flash froze the tape boy I got ready for my match.

Everyone is giving Kaminari weak encouragement even Kirishima is looking at him with pity.

Walking to the waiting room I wait for the signal. Getting to go ahead I head out of the tunnel. The crowd cheers at our entry not knowing how one-sided this fight will be.


I barely hold in my laughs from the depressed face Kaminari shows after being called that name.



"FULL DISCH-" He gets cut off by a punch to the gut sending him flying into the wall.

"YAMATO WINS!!" Present Mic announces.

I head back to the seating waiting area. 'My next fight is with Shoto.'

Walking to the room I'm met with a flame bearded man.

"Oh? Endeavor."

"You're strong."

"Yeah, I am," I responded flatly.

"But not as strong as my Shoto. He will crush you in this fight and become the best!"

"Yeah… He's not going to but a man can dream." I move around the man and into the room.

After the matches have played out I am now standing in front of Shoto in the arena.


"Use your fire."I say to him, 'I want to have fun!'

"I can't."

"You did with Midoriya."

"I-" he goes silent with a complex expression.

"Look I don't want to get into your internal problems. I'm just going to point out that you have less of a chance to beat me without it." I say to him


A wave of ice is sent directly at me. Jumping and using Geppo I avoid the ice altogether. 'I'll save the surprise for why his ice is useless a little later.'

I kick off the air heading directly for him like a rocket. He sends another wave to disrupt my path but I simply kick over it.

"Chilly," I taunt.

'His ice isn't as big as before. He must be saving his strength. He knows I'm stronger even if he doesn't want to admit it.'

I see an opening of thin ice and Geppo to it activating Armament Haki on my arms. I crash through the ice. He stares at me with a shocked expression for a second before quickly regaining his bearings.

I jump to him delivering a punch to his gut but before I could hit it I sense that Ice will quickly encase me. 'I have no way to get out of this situation quickly enough… Clever.'

I started using Geppo but focus on delivering the most possible strength in my legs.

The crowd watches anxiously for the result of the move. As the icy mist subsides much to Shoto and the crowd's shock Yamato is nowhere to be seen.

"W-what?!" Shoto calls out.

"Interesting, I managed to figure it out rather quickly" [A/n: Nervously sweats]

The crowd gasps while Shouta swerves his head to the voice. To his surprise, he sees Yamato with her hand on her chin right next to him.

'How did she get there!?' He thinks. Panicking he sends out a gigantic wave of ice.

But the ice he sends out shatters, "That's not very nice." Yamato says standing there with her fist outstretched covered in a purple aura.

'This is dangerous! I know too little about her Quirk!'

"Alright. You've shown me that I can't win with just my ice" He says to her.

A wide smile forms on her face.

Shouta sends at a torrent of flames, heatwaves blasting the spectators.

"Nearly singed my clothes," Shouta hears her say right behind him.

He tries to run out of there but it's too late as Yamato has already delivered a kick sending him out of the arena.


The audience goes wild with cheers.

Yamato walks over to Shoto and looks down at him and says, "Get stronger so I can have more fun next time," After saying her piece she walks off to the exit.

"There's no way Todoroki would be beaten so easily. He's the strongest, right!?" Mineta exclaims.

"He's not the strongest," Bakugou angrily replies, scaring Mineta.

Ignoring Bakugou they continue discussing, "Yeah, but Yamato beat him like it was nothing."

"And she showed off that crazy teleporting move! There's so much to decipher. What is her Quirk? She told us that it was just one and she has displayed numerous abilities. This could be just sub-abilities of her QUirk or maybe she has some sort of energy mani-"

"You're muttering again Midoriya," Ochako Cuts him off.

"O-oh s-sorry," He goes red and puts away his notebook.

"How are you feeling Bakugou? you're gonna have to fight her next round." Kirishima asks,

"I'm going to win, no questions asked," Is all he replies standing up and walking away.


Fun fact! I wrote the chapter after this (ch 8) before I wrote this one. So expect the next one soon.

Got a little lazy with the writing in this chapter but ch 8 is a lot better.

Pointing out any mistakes you see is much appreciated. ಠ﹏ಠ
