
In MHA as Pain

Introduction:- Akira was just an ordinary boy who loved anime and dreamed of one day becoming a hero. But his life was tragically cut short when he was hit by a car while crossing the street. As he lay dying, Akira closed his eyes and made a wish, hoping that he could be reborn in a world where he could fulfill his dream. Little did he know that his wish would be granted in a way he never imagined. Akira awoke to find himself in a strange and unfamiliar world, surrounded by towering buildings and a sky filled with stars. He soon discovered that he had been reincarnated as Pain, a powerful and feared villain from the anime world of My Hero Academia. At first, Akira was overwhelmed by his new power and the responsibility that came with it. But as he began to explore this new world and interact with the other characters, he realized that he had been given a second chance to fulfill his dream of becoming a hero. However, he would have to navigate the treacherous waters of villainy and heroism, all while keeping his true identity as an otherworld human a secret.

Xeno_Xcalius · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Combat Class (Final)

(Clash of Titans)

All Might stood in the centre of the swirling destruction, surrounded by the aftermath of the intense battle. Smoke and debris filled the air, creating an eerie atmosphere as the dust settled. The onlookers, including Akira's classmates and other heroes, watched in amazement and disbelief at the spectacle before them.

All Might, his costume torn and battered, emerged from the chaos with a determined expression. Despite the fierce battle, he continued to smile, his eyes filled with admiration for Akira's unwavering resolve.

"YOU IMPRESSED ME, ALL MIGHT! NOW, EAT THIS!" Akira roared with determination in his voice. He brought his right hand together with his left, forming a massive, swirling sphere of energy between them. The ground trembled as the energy gathered, and the very air seemed to vibrate with power.

All Might's eyes widened as he recognized the immense energy forming before him. He knew that this was no ordinary attack. The Hero Side and Villain Side of the battlefield trembled with anticipation as Akira unleashed his ultimate technique.


With a deafening roar, Akira unleashed the full force of his devastating attack. The energy sphere expanded rapidly, engulfing the entire battlefield. Buildings, walls, and debris were drawn into the vortex, and the earth itself seemed to tremble in response to the overwhelming power.

All Might braced himself, raising his arms to shield against the cataclysmic force. The impact was titanic, creating shockwaves that rippled through the surroundings. The ground cracked and shattered, and the air was filled with a blinding light as the attack collided with All Might's defence.

The shockwaves of Akira's "Planetary Devastation" rippled through the battlefield, leaving everyone in awe and disbelief. Akira's classmates, who had been cheering for their friend, were left speechless by the sheer scale of the destruction.

"Unbelievable!" Kirishima exclaimed, his usually tough demeanour replaced with wide-eyed astonishment.

"Did you see that, Uraraka?" Tsuyu asked, her usually calm voice tinged with excitement.

Uraraka nodded vigorously. "I can't believe the power he just unleashed!"

Midoriya, who had been watching the battle with a mixture of concern and awe, couldn't contain his worries any longer. He turned to Todoroki, who stood beside him, and said, "All Might has taken a lot of hits. Is he going to be okay?"

Todoroki, who had been analysing the battle closely, replied, "All Might is incredibly resilient, Midoriya. He's the Symbol of Peace for a reason. But this battle is pushing him to his limits."

Back on the battlefield, the colossal energy sphere continued to exert its force, threatening to consume everything in its path. But within the swirling tempest of energy, a glimmer of hope emerged. All Might, battered and bruised, refused to back down.

With a roar that shook the very heavens, All Might unleashed a tremendous surge of power from within. His muscles bulged, and his eyes blazed with determination. He raised his fists and slammed them into the sphere, causing a shockwave of energy to ripple outward.

The sphere trembled under the assault, cracks appearing on its surface as All Might's incredible strength pushed against it. The onlookers watched in awe as he continued to pour his remaining energy into the struggle.

Inside the sphere, Akira felt the pressure building. Though , He hasn't given his all in the previous attack but All Might's relentless assault from within was taking its toll. Blood trickled from his nose, and he gritted his teeth.

With one final, explosive effort, All Might shattered the sphere from the inside. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves in all directions, and Akira was sent hurtling through the air.

All Might leaped into the air and rushed towards Akira mid air and shouted "Uniteed State of SMAAAASHHHH!" 

As All Might's powerful punch connected with Akira mid-air, the impact was cataclysmic. The force of the blow sent shockwaves through the entire battlefield, shattering the remnants of the surrounding structures and causing the earth to tremble beneath them. It was a testament to All Might's incredible strength, even in his battered state.

Akira was sent hurtling toward the ground, unable to maintain his airborne position. The ground quaked as he crashed down, creating a massive crater upon impact. Dust and debris filled the air once more as the battlefield bore the scars of yet another devastating clash.

After this , All Might came to his senses and saw what he has just done.

All Might, worry evident in his eyes, rushed to the edge of the crater. He peered down at Akira, who lay motionless amidst the wreckage. Concern and regret weighed heavily on the Symbol of Peace as he realized the extent of the damage he had inflicted.

"All Might!" Midoriya called out from the control room, where he had been monitoring the battle with the other students, his voice tinged with concern. "Is Akira going to be okay?"

All Might knelt beside Akira, carefully examining him. Despite his fatigue and visible injuries, he couldn't sense any immediate danger. However, he couldn't shake the worry that his last, powerful punch might have caused severe injuries to the young hero.

"I... I fear I may have used too much force," All Might admitted, his voice heavy with concern. "I must get him to the infirmary immediately."

As All Might prepared to lift Akira from the ground, Akira's eyes flickered open ever so slightly. He could sense All Might's genuine concern and regret. Akira knew that he had pushed the Symbol of Peace to his limits as well, he wanted to see the power of the symbol of peace.

Akira was just playing along, not wanting to reveal the full extent of his abilities just yet.

All Might, still unaware of Akira's ruse, gently picked up the young hero and carefully cradled him in his arms. "Today's class has ended," he declared with a solemn tone, addressing the students. "Let us ensure that our young hero receives the care he needs."

With Akira in his arms, All Might rushed towards the infirmary, determined to ensure that the young hero received the best medical attention. Unbeknownst to him, the true extent of Akira's power and his reasons for concealing it would remain a closely guarded secret, known only to himself.