
In Marvel with the Perfect Body...

I woke up in a new body in a weird universe, that's all, with some boons... EDIT: This story is SLOW-PACED, and WILL be a harem. However, and don't expect a dumb harem story either. WARNING: NO ORIGINAL WORKS MENTIONED IN THIS STORY ARE OWNED BY ME OTHER THAN MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER. I AM JUST A CREATIVE GUY USING THE STORY IN A CREATIVE WAY. ALL RIGHTS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS, RESPECTIVELY?

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs






I blinked my eyes open, disoriented and groggy....

The room felt unfamiliar, like I've been dropped into a reality that doesn't quite match my memory. My mind raced, trying to grasp at straws of recognition, but everything feels hazy and distant...

The soft light filtering through the curtains hints at morning, but it seems to be night, I just couldn't place the time.

'How long have I been asleep? Minutes? Hours? Days?'

I strained to recall what came before this moment, but it's like trying to hold onto a dream slipping away with each passing second...

My body feels heavy, as if it's been dormant for an eternity... I tried stretching my limbs, but they protested with horrible stiffness. I slowly sat up though, surveying the unfamiliar surroundings. Objects in the room initially appeared both alien and vaguely familiar, triggering a sense of déjà vu mixed with a tinge of apprehension.

A rush of questions floods my mind.

'Where am I? How did I get here?' And the most unsettling—what happened during my absence?

As I try to piece together the fragments of memory. I vaguely remembered fighting against Jason. a blend of curiosity and trepidation propels me forward. Stepping tentatively onto the bed. I calmed myself, thinking for a moment——I looked up and observed my surroundings a little more...

'The curtains... This type of bed design, the smell, Air conditioning... I'm most likely at a hospital...' I quickly surmised so, but being annoyed, I let it go.

As I sat to myself, the sterile scent of antiseptic gradually fills the air, mingling with the faint aroma of hospital disinfectant.

I then heard footsteps echo in the distance, breaking the humming of my own beating heart. Growing louder with every passing second. Muffled voices drift through the corridor, hinting at a bustling activity nearby. My heart quickens, a mix of slight annoyance and apprehension flooding through me as someone approaches.

A tall figure then emerged from around the corner, clad in scrubs, their expression a blend of surprise and concern. "Ah, Good. You're awake," the man said, barely above a whisper, his voice was a little reassuring anchor.

My throat feels dry as I try to form words. "Hello...?" I said with uncertainty, not knowing what to do at this point.

The man gave a quick look of understanding, as he glanced towards me. "You're in the hospital," he responded, his tone gentle. "You've been unconscious for a while."

A while? The words hang in the air, heavy with implications. How long is 'a while' ? Hours? Days?

'This wasn't good...'

Questions swirl in my mind, but the figure in front of me offers little more than a sympathetic smile this time, as if understanding the overwhelming confusion clouding my thoughts.

"Can you remember anything Maybe?" he asked. His voice a lifeline in my current labyrinth of uncertainty...

I shake my head, a frustrating emptiness where memories should be. "Nothing much..." I lied. "I remember getting ganged up on...Then, It's all... blank."

His expression softens. "That's okay. It's not uncommon after such an event. We'll take it step by step."

Step by step. The phrase resonates, grounding me in the present moment. Despite my current situation, thankfully, he bought the lie. I didn't feel like explaining anything at the moment. My head was still groggy...

"...Well, thankfully, your medical fee has been covered by the government, so need need to worry about your expenses." He said reassuringly. I felt a great burden was lifted off my shoulders, my headache diminished greatly. I was worried that fee would haunt me, but it didn't.

I didn't earn anything outside of what the government gave me to live off of. So I didn't have much to spend. I couldn't even get a job either because of how I looked. Coupled with my huge body, I was never on the list to earn anything on the side...

'Another issue I'll have to solve...' I scoffed to myself at my current situation.

"I have another set of good news as well." The doctor responded gently. I looked at him with expectation. 

"Though... Unfortunately you've been unconscious for a little over a day, almost two days now."

'What? Almost two days?' My mind raced. I was here for that long? I had a physics test tomorrow. I couldn't be in here like this. I didn't know enough to pass that exam at the moment.

"But~ Fortunately for you, your body seems to be healing incredibly quickly... Much faster than a normal human should be young man." I heard him say, I looked a little surprised, I raised my head.

As if sensing my anticipation, he smiled and continued. "I would say, normally wounds like this would take at least a week. But you'll be... Out of the hospital by tomorrow evening at this rate." The doctor finished.

'Really? It must be my Garou and Baki side kicking in...' But this didn't solve all my problems. I would be out by tomorrow evening. The test however, was starting tomorrow morning... I didn't have time for this. I had to leave tonight. Even if I have to crawl my way home...

"I-I see... Thank you doctor" I said a little hoarsely. He slowly trailed away...

Having a plan in mind, I quickly looked to my side, I saw my clothes, this time they were cleaned, and folded beside my bed, 'Perfect.' I thought.

Making up my mind with hesitance, I shifted uncomfortably in the hospital bed, a sense of urgency tugging at me. There's a test I can't afford to miss, a crucial moment waiting for me outside these sterile walls. But my body feels cumbersome, sluggish—muscles protesting with every movement.

The thought of escaping this place, even for a brief moment, lingers like a persistent itch in the back of my mind. Yet, as I try to swing my legs over the side of the bed, a sharp twinge shoots up my calf, a reminder of my physical limitations.

'Fucking hell this hurts.' For some reason even though the pain washed through me, my determination pushed me to continue...

I glance down at myself, feeling the weight that seems to have settled in every part of me. The idea of moving quickly feels like a distant dream; my body, not accustomed to such sudden demands, rebels against the notion.

I quickly took up my clothing and my belongings. But even putting it on was being more of a challenge than I thought...

With a deep breath, I summoned another wave of unfamiliar determination from within, willing my legs to support me. But they feel like lead, each step was an arduous task. Pained grunts escape me as I push myself to stand, the ache in my muscles were a relentless companion.

I hobble toward the door, looking through the corridor to see if there was a soul present. Seeing no one, I quickly draped my hoodie over my head. I continued my walk, with every inch forward a battle against my own physical constraints.

The hospital corridors seemed longer than I wanted them to be, the journey more daunting as I navigate this slow, deliberate movement. Each shuffle forward feels like a monumental effort, a reminder of how out of reach my usual pace has become.

The test waits, an unyielding deadline in my mind. But with each step, the realization sinks in—escaping this hospital to reach that goal, in my current state, is a monumental task, one that might require more than sheer willpower. I couldn't miss it, with my reputation, missing this means I would fail the subject. I couldn't afford that.

As ridiculous as it may sound, I had no one, and this incident wouldn't stop the school from cutting me lose. With this thought in mind, I continued and pulled through. I walked, and I walked, a minute of simple walking feeling like hours of travelling... I felt like I was going to stumble, but I pushed through.

After turning one last corridor, I saw the exit sight. No one in sight, other than the female clerk. Quickly, I gathered my stamina. Hiding my face as much as I could. I took my time, walking by, as if nothing abnormal happened.

As I walked by her, I felt my heart quicken. I felt her gaze trail my visage, but I took my time and walked out.

I saw a bench that was close by, I took my chance to rest a little. Knowing no one would would come looking for me, not now at least. I had another hour on my side before anyone noticed anything strange...

'Phew... That was painful...' I thought to myself, reassured. Looking around, I recognized the area. My home wasnt too far from here, but I was damn sure I couldn't walk it. So a cab it was.

Luckily, there were here in hoards...

"Hey! You going anywhere?" I heard a man called. I smiled at my fortune.

"Y-Yes, I'm heading down south..." I responded...




*The Door Creaks Open~*

"I'm finally home..." I groaned, stumbling towards my in pain, falling into my couch's sweet embrace. I twisted, thinking about the fight I had apparently two days ago. It felt like just hours to me...

'Shit, I almost forgot! My stats!' I thought, almost forgetting about status my panel due to my condition. My curiosity at its peak, I checked my panel...


Name: Alex Young

Age: 17 Years Old and 0 months

Race: (Proto) Human

Weight: 248 --> 242 Pounds

Height: 5'6 --> 5'6 1/2

Health: 76%/100%

Mana: Nil

Stamina: 23%/100%


- Striking strength: 171 --> 291.7 KG

- Grip Strength: 43 --> 73.1 KG

- Lifting Strength: 92 --> 156.4 KG

- Dexterity: 2.1 --> 2.9 (10 for a normal human male)

- Movement Speed: 5.4 --> 9.18 mph (current Max)

- Attack Speed: 32 mph --> 54.4 mph

- Reaction Speed: 20 --> 72% greater than your Attack speed (Permanently scales to your Attack speed, and can be increased with training)

- IQ: 134 --> 139


'Holy?! My stats got a huge jump!' I jumped from the couch. My tiredness felt like nothing at this point. One of my bloodlines did say that it would've made me stronger after every fight. Not to mention, I actually grew during my tussle with Jason...

I couldn't describe this... This, euphoria coursing through me. It felt like bolts of electricity shot through my back. Seeing myself grow stronger like this felt gratifying. I even lost weight and got a little taller too!

My health and stamina were still low though. It seemed like it was signaling my current condition... I still wasn't fully recovered at the moment.

'Wait? Shouldn't that mean I'll be stronger by tomorrow? My body is still recovering, so it should, be possible...' Realistically, I should get a little stronger from fully recovering fully...

Still, I burned my stats into my memory. More than happy with my current growth so far. But, it was getting pretty late. I don't have much time to relish the moment, unfortunately.

'I need to go and get my physics book.' I sighed with subtle frustration, I then grabbed my text book beside me, opening it and delving into world of new information before sleep overtook me once again...








