
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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359 Chs

Chapter 98

After the jutsu was delivered, Jack walked up to the body of the chunin, who was still in the process of making seals, Jack was after all the great Madara, his seal-making speed couldn't be matched with by just anyone.

After making sure that the ninja was dead,' We can't be too sure, these guys are like cockroaches' thought Jack as he made way towards Inno, the guy was covered in bruises as he battled it out with the ninja. Although he was disturbed when he killed the ninja, he didn't have the time to discuss life policies, he was still in danger,

Jack was about to launch an ambush when he looked at Inno, the guy shook his head.

'He doesn't want me to help'

Jack watched as every time the ninja was about to land a critical hit, Inno would dodge by a small amount.

Very soon, he was ridden with cuts and bruises, the area was covered in black from all the fire-style jutsu the guy fired.

The Chunin was also tired by now, Inno on the other hand was covered in blood due to all the cuts and bruises. It was a wonder that he was standing.

Jack knew that even though Inno was still standing, He was already unconscious, alive but not awake.

The enemy Chunin was quiet as he looked at Jack, wary of him, Jack on the other hand was also looking at the chunin, he didn't want to kill, it was a dilemma for him that he didn't consider when he came to this world.

'Forget it, I will just beat him to the edge of his life' thought Jack as he took out a kunai from his pockets and got ready to deal with the chunin, who in response got ready to deal with Jack, although deep down he knew that it wasn't possible since he was injured.


At Uchiha Camp

"Sir! we have received a distress signal from the team headed out for scouting" a ninja walked hurriedly into the tent, this one was different and bigger than all the other tents, it most likely belonged to the leader of this camp judging from the way the ninja spoke.

"Hmmm, take four chunin with you and deal with this" the hoarse voice of a man spoke, only his back could be seen due to the tent not having any light inside, perhaps because the man liked it that way

"Yes sir"

The Ninja bowed as he walked out before ge ran towards the forest, in the direction of Jack and Inno.


The ambush area

Jack was currently binding the Chunin that was on the brink of death and the other Ninja who were under the Genjutsu, he didn't want any of them to escape and cause problems for him later on.

He picked up the wounded Inno and started applying first aid, after he was done he carried him and started running back to the Camp, along the way he sensed some Ninja approaching, most likely they were Uchiha.

*Whoosh * *Swissssshhh* *Fuuuuuuuuu*

Four figures landed on the towering trees as they looked at the figure of Jack and The injured Inno , Jack also stopped in his tracks as he used his Sharingan, this surprised the chunin, as they knew the scouting party didn't have anyone with an awakened Sharingan user.

"A Sharingan, congratulations kid, you were able to awaken your Sharingan at your age, it seems this sudden ambush was good for your development

One of the Chunin, who was clad in a strict atmosphere, congratulated Jack who was a little confused.

He just nodded his head, the other Chunin came forward and grabbed Inno off him.

In a matter of minutes, they were back in the camp.

Jack also got to know the Chunin who congratulated him, his name was Obai, Obai Uchiha.

The guy was really strict, even the other Chunin didn't dare to talk back when he gave an order, Jack decided it was better to be on the man's good side.

He also gave the info about the captured Genin and the Chunin, Obai immediately ordered a group of Chunin to go and fetch the prisoners

Jack was asked to rest as Inno was taken back into the tent after they were done treating him.

Jack laid down in the tent as he recalled how he killed the Chunin with a fireball jutsu.

'I really went ahead and killed him, it doesn't sit right with me, breaking their legs and arms to give them a nightmarish life is different, will I be able to kill again though Jack as he stretched his hands in front of the light , as if he wanted to catch the light

" Ughhhh" at this moment, Jack heard the sound of Inno, who grunted,probably from the pain of various cuts on his body.

It was unbelievable how even a kid was sent out to fight, such was the nature of a ninja, and their fate, it was a good thing the five hidden villages came to be in the future


At the Main tent

Several Jonin were standing inside the tent, half bowing while being on one knee as a single man sat with his back faced towards them

"The Senju are currently employed by a lord just west of here, they are outmatched by their enemies and are expecting backup, our only job is to get rid of their back up and they shall suffer heavy losses, I want each of you to deal as much damage as you can , Understood"

The man said

"Yea sir!" the seven Jonin shouted at the same time

The man then threw a scroll "This has the whole battle plan on it, burn it after you read it once, Now go" said the man as he went back to meditating.

The seven Jonin read the scroll and disappeared, ready to deal with the Senju.


Author Note:

Some one told me that Mc thrashing the goons in the Yuri arc so ruthlessly was forced, let me ask you, what will you do when you are constantly betrayed and feel that your hardwork was for nothing and then when some one you care for gets extremely hurt, will you not get angry and made and wanna kill someone, if my explanation still isn't enough for those saying that the scene was forced,I have nothing to say,

Enjoy the chapters, today I uploaded two chapters as promised



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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