
In Marvel with template system

Mark is a normal guy who was rejected thrice for the NY police departement ,three times rejected by the Military,three times rejected by his family.Facing rejection,he gave his life only to hear the words ,"Reject ,i didn't need your help" He finally reincarnates into the body of random guy in the marvel universe. In this world, he finally has the chance to make a change.will he become something or forgotten like flowing sand Author Note: MC is a Hero Type and has the moral compass to do the right things, if you are not into that and want harem and sex stuff, you won't find it here, so please don't read it and then leave a shitty review when you see that the mc is just a hero and not to your liking Tags: World traveler Alternate Marvel universe Weak to strong Mutants Eternals No love yet

MynameJeff · Anime & Comics
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359 Chs

Chapter 172

The said man commanding the Hydra base was Strucker.

He had achieve so much ever since the use of this sceptre, even the whole of this building was covered in a dome shaped shield.

But Strucker had a feeling that the shield will not be able to handle the onslaught of this hero.

"I want all the mutants in the carrier, we need to go."

He ordered the men as they started running around.


"Sir, the energy shields have been compromised! I repeat! the energy shield has been compromised."

The words were like a siren in his ears, his heart was beating like a drum as he saw the New Yorks hero physically tear apart the shield with his bare hands.

Not just him, everyone that was looking at the monitors was struck hard.

"S-send in the enhanced." he shouted.

a scientist ran towards him

"But sir, we still haven't tested them, and half of them might be able to get rid of our collars."

"I SAID..SEND IN THE ENHANCED." Strucker shouted, he pulled out his gun and shot down the scientist.

Everyone immediately got to work, while Strucker was losing his shit, Jack was having the time of his life.

'Hahaha, this is so good, I wonder if I can even tear apart those shields that the enchantress conjured using the mind stone.

*I think you could with the use of 100 percent OFA, no need to use the boost, I can't say the same about those other stones.*

"Anyways, lets first relocate the prisoners to the lairs prison, I don't want them getting in the way."

Jacks said as he summoned the clones, the clones proceeded to filter out the prisoners, although the guards noticed the enemy that infiltrated them, they were powerless to stop them, Jack was too powerful.

After all the Prisoners were Relocated, Jack felt some sense of danger from his side, before he knew it, a giant of a man appeared out of thin air, Jack was able to recognize the burly guy at one glance.

It was Juggernaut along with a few others that were hiding around.

"Puny hero, Die-Gukh."

Juggernaut didn't have the time to rampage as he fell, his face was twisted all the way to his back. Silence descended on the place.

Jack looked to his left, the blue skinned man was looking at him, fear evident in his eyes.

"So you can teleport huh, or is it dimensional travel or dimensional displacement, let's see if this works on you."

Jack raised his hands and the man was spooked, he felt a very familiar energy coil around him, however this energy wasn't here to adhere to his commands, it was here to hold him in place.


Jack appeared right behind the blue devil and directly impaled him. No talk and no bullshit, plain death.

"Ddraig, this is so easy, it's not fun anymore, I wanna fight someone strong." Jack felt weird as the slimy blue blood of the dimensional mutant stained his hands.

*Haha, that's what being a dragon is like, we are creatures of pure power and might, made to follow our desires, we get angry when someone tests our pride and are willing to slaughter and die for it, We are DRAGONS, WE ARE THE STRONGEST.*

the booming voice of Ddraig fell on his ears, although this time, Jack didn't deny it, he oddly felt his blood boiling.

He was suddenly hit by a bolt of lightning, but to his surprise, a red aura was released from his body, the huge bolt of lightning couldn't even sting him.

*Thats the aura of a dragon, although you aren't at my level, normal idiots won't be able to hurt you with elemental attacks that easily.*

Jack nodded, although it wouldn't have hurt him much anyway,

The person in question, was surprised when a voice entered his head.

"You think you can hurt me with that puny lightning, I fought the god of lightning and came out on top."

The man received a blow from Jack and was send flying.

Juggernaut and the teleporting devil looking bastard was dead.

Jack held his hands in the air as a giant

mass of magic gathered in his hands,

"What is that!"


The enemy soldiers were too terrified by the big red ball of energy that was gathering in his hands.

"Let's see if this works."

Jack concentrated as the giant ball started to condense into a smaller size.

Once it turned into a size of a basketball, Jack threw it towards the Fort.

The ball made contact with the walls and a bright light was emitted as if a nuclear strike was made.

For a while, there was no sound or movement,


The entire area was now a big crater with no sight of anything except for the cleanly shaved earth, The huge light was seen by the residents of the Capital of Sokovia as well.

A bit far away from The devastated sight, Strucker looked at the destruction in front of him, he unknowingly swallowed a mouthful of air, he felt his throat go dry at the display of power.

"Where are you going"

"Ekkk!" the next moment, he found himself in an unknown place, his personal aircraft was nowhere in sight,

"I have a lot to discuss with you, mister Strucker!" Jack said.

"You monster! You are no hero, you killed them all"

"No I am not, ...i am an avenger" Jack smiled at the mans lame attempt at trying to trip him into guilt.

What Strucker didn't know was that Jack was slowly reading his mind, although it disgusted him to no end to do such thing, and he would probably curse at himself, but dealing with Hydra was a major task.

What was more surprising was the fact that Strucker wasn't as loyal as he thought, he was scared to die, not one of those that chanted Hail hydra.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon



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I love you guys <3

plus i am gonna be busy till monday so no chapters