
61. Saving

Aelsa quickly passed through the portal and came to the fort near the plains next to Enchanted Forest.

"King!" Elaine called out and ran at King sitting on the head seat of the table.

"Elaine". King called softly with a smile and spread his arms.

Elaine jumped on his body and held his face tightly to her chest. She had the biggest smile on her face.

Her favourite body pillow was finally back after three years of absence and she couldn't help feeling the greatest joy ever.

"Mom". King called softly when he saw Aelsa also walking out of the portal.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness". All the people stood up in the hall and saluted the two new entrees respectfully.

"Be seated". Aelsa calmly waved her hand and walked over to King.

'King, your Good Friend is currently on a rampage'. Aelsa conveyed the message straight to King's mind without letting anyone know.

'What!' King was astonished in his mind but he acted normal on the outside.

'Mom, I might have to take a leave as soon as possible'. King was feeling very urgent now. He knew what was going on and why was Hela on a rampage as well.

'Alright, I will preside over here but take Sir Ivory with you'. Aelsa allowed it but not without protection.

'Okay mom'. King replied and directed Lopt to make a portal for himself through his mind.

"Sir Ivory, you will have to move with me". King stood up from his seat and directed Ivory.

Ivory is basically the strongest in the realm after Aelsa. So he is also very much respected in the whole realm.

"As you say Your Highness". Ivory nodded and went ahead with King.

Lopt opened a portal for them and both of them quickly entered the portal to Svartalfheim. They were heading straight towards Hela.

"What happened King?" Both Elaine and Diane called but they didn't get an answer because King was in too much of a hurry.

King quickly disappeared behind the portal but how could Elaine and Diane let him go so easily without them.

They also jumped forward and entered the portal with him without even giving him a chance to refuse their actions.

All of them were teleported close to Hela in Svartalfheim. They could clearly hear the sound of battle and some angry roars passing through the air.

"I will take him off the throne of Asgard. He doesn't deserve that seat. He cannot make the Realms bow before him. I will make that happen!" Hela yelled angrily and confronted the Valkyries. She was livid now after Odin sent the Valkyries to stop her.

She had just started fighting against the Valkyries because they were just having some verbal battle before that.

King was fortunate to reach there on time. He immediately sped up and ran towards Hela's location to stop this madness before it got too late.

"Hela!" He yelled and got in between the Valkyries and the angry goddess.

"What are you doing here?" Hela was astonished and stopped in her tracks when she saw King standing in her way.

"Calm down idiot". King got in front of her and knocked her with his fist lightly.

"Why are you here?" Hela didn't answer him back but just asked the question.

"I heard that you were here slaughtering unrelated innocents. So I had to come as a good Friend to knock some sense into you". King answered and looked at her squintingly.

"They killed my mother". Hela growled with anger and said through gritted teeth.

"Is that so". King became silent for a while after hearing Hela's words but he has to do what he has to do.

"Still, you should kill those who did it like Malekith and the other higher nobles". King shook his head and said seriously.

Hela got silent for a while because she also values King's words. This is her only friend and she does take some advice from him.

"So stop this foolishness and kill those who actually did it rather than those helpless innocents". King spoke again and even grabbed her hand to start walking.

All this while, the Valkyries were silently being controlled by Sir Ivory and the other two that came with King.

They acted like barricades and didn't allow the Valkyries to take a single step forward towards King's direction.

"Where are you taking me?" Hela took her hand back from King's hand and asked.

"You cannot stay here any longer or you will be killed by Malekith or one of them". King said solemnly.

This made Hela silent because she was self aware that she was not the enemy of a realm lord at this point. She could barely be considered strong among the various forces of the universe.

This isn't MCU where Hela can go on a rampage with her strength. Although she isn't thinking along this context but she is well aware of her limits.

Malekith is strong enough to have the ability for a not too harsh surrender. It can be seen that his strength is not trivial for Odin to back down a bit as well.

"I know you are reluctant but you can take your revenge when you are strong enough to kill him". King said and them didn't let her speak before dragging her into a portal along with the other three.

All of them came and went away in the blink of an eye and didn't even give Valkyries the time to respond to the sudden changes in the situation.

King took Hela back to Alfheim and she was transported straight to a guest room with multiple Royal Knights making sure that she doesn't do anything unusual.

"Now, rest here and we will hand you back to Asgard". King ordered her dominantly with chance of refusal and exited the room.

'Doesn't feel bad to be cared for'. Hela looked at King's eyes with a bit of complicated eyes and again started thinking about the death of her mother.

This time, she didn't get angry but just got extremely sad and sat on the edge of the bed to weep to herself.

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