
In Marvel with King’s Powers(Nanatsu no Taizai)

First of all, This is a Novel where there is Harem. So you are warned if you didn’t read the Synopsis. I will be using some forced romance and Cliches to my advantage to take Harem members. This will be AU with MCU plotline but the Superheroes’ power levels will be on the Comics side that will give me plenty of room to manoeuvre. Yeah Yeah, Mutants will be involved when I find them convenient to do so. If you don’t understand the powers of something or someone, go to Wiki please. Don’t bother me with useless chit chat. I will obviously add some characters that I want and May even add some OCs. So don’t moan about it. To the real Synopsis: A teenager of about 16 years old was going home from watching the Latest Marvel movie late at night with his Parents when they turned to an Alley way and encountered a robbery. From there, the situation Continues and our MC gets reincarnated. Disclaimer: I do not hold the right to any of the Marvel’s characters. I only hold the right to my Plot and OCs. Picture is not mine, you can ask me to remove it if you are the owner. I am currently Writing Gold Experience(GER) in DC. Will start updating this after that finishes.

Hancock_Sama · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

108. Pegasus

It's been a couple years since King went to Tony's birthday party that day and the days have been going past like always.

Jean has started to show her psychotic tendencies of a Yandere and tries to get his attention in any form possible. No one can bad mouth him in front of her either.

She is like a super bodyguard that could stick to him twenty four seven and he feels that he should already seal the deal with her before it is too late and something goes awry.

Ororo and Rogue have been coming along nicely. Rogue can handle herself for six hours before she needs to wear her suit and give herself a rest from touching other people.

This has boosted her confidence and you can see a beautiful smile on her face everyday when they train together and King helps her.

Right now, he is going to a government facility. It was Howard who invited him over to the facility and he responded positively.

It is the pilot project to Captain Marvel movie. Pegasus, this is he project that started it all in MCU and Nick Fury will be there as well.

"Have to meet that MotherFucker." King laughed and parked the car in front of the institution and walked over leisurely.


He ringed the buzzer on top of the door handle and the buzzer was quickly connected to the other side without delay.

"Welcome to Pegasus institute of mechanical research. What can I help you with?" The clerk said through the transceiver.

"I am here on recommendation by Howard Stark." King answered back.

"Please wait a moment." The clerk paused for a second and then in a minute, the door to the facility opened and King stepped in after some verification by the guards.

"Follow me sir." The clerk greeted him after King was done with verification and he followed behind her.

"Is Howard in today?" King asked since he was getting bored by only looking at the metal walls around him.

"Yes he is in. I will be leading you to him." The clerk nodded her head and King stopped asking.

"Please go in." They came in front of a metal door that looked really heave and secure.

King nodded his head at the clerk in thanks and stepped in as soon as the door was opened for him.

Inside was another world of researchers wearing white coats and tinkering with different things in front of them.

The things ranged from computer parts, mechanical parts like springs, motors and other things.

There was a faint blur glowing cube in the middle of the vast room with a clear bullet proof glass cage surrounding it securely.

"You are here." Howard came from the smile when he saw King and there was an excited smile on his face.

"Nah man, I am still at the lights and waiting for them to turn green. Of course I am here, can't you see me?" King replied sarcastically when he heard Howard's words.

"Yeah yeah, you are really funny. Come here, let me show you the new project I am working on and introduce you to one of my colleagues." Howard said plainly and them led him away from the big room with an excited smile.

"Coming in." Howard said loudly like he was announcing his arrival.

"Howard, calm down. You are being too noisy." A strict voice came from the room and King saw a middle aged looking woman inside the room.

She had brown hair and blue eyes along with a white scientist coat on her body which fully concealed her figure.

'Yeah, like I suspected. The damn Kree are everywhere.' King shook his head to try and take this racist thought out of his mind but it's not really that easy.

He hasn't been very good with them ever since they were invited to his mother's coronation ceremony and refused.

They called the realm of Alfheim barbarians and not worth their time when Shi'ar empire's own emperor attendee the ceremony.

The hatred of childhood runs deep and is hard to take away easily. King is trying his best to keep a normal smiling face in front of her.

"King, meet her. She is the chief of this project and the leading scientist in making a light-speed engine, Wendy Lawson." Howard pointed towards Wendy with both of his hands grandly and introduced her.

"And this right here is one of the smartest men alive after me of course, King." Howard then pointed towards King and introduced grandly again. He didn't forget his smart little comments in between like always.

"It's a mar-vell to meet you Dr Lawson." King put his hand forward and put some stress on the word mar-vell with a smile.

Wendy flinched as soon as she heard the connotation in King's words but still acted normally and put her hand forward as well. "The pleasure is all mine." There was a smile on her face and her face was totally natural.

"Now, let's see the project." Howard didn't suspect anything on the side and led King to the project files and other things along with Wendy.

"Miss Mar-vell, we will talk a bit later." King projected his voice in Wendy's ears and continued following behind Howard with a smile.

"This right here is my greatest discovery. A cube with sufficient to power the whole earth for generations without exhaustion." Howard pointed at the tesseract in the middle of the big room after they came out and started boasting.

"But if I remember, this was discovered by the Nazis." King said in a very clueless and polite way which did critical damage to Howard.

"Yeah, I found it while trying to find Steve." Howard nodded and sighed like a deflated balloon.

"Don't worry man, I am sure he is not dead." King squeezed his shoulder a bit encouragingly and ensured him.

"I know, only time will tell." Howard nodded and started talking about the project right after that.

"We want to make a light speed engine that will allow us to compete with the other aliens in the universe. Which is why we took this big step." Howard them started going on and on about the whole thing in front of him.