
in marvel with gacha

The story is under rewrite so you can start from start to get idea or start after the skip part. Mc got transmigrated in marvel au and got gacha any character other than mc belong to their original owner this is a fanfiction

gacha927 · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The Making of Loyal Agents and the Battle in the Forest

The forest near New York City was a maze of gnarled branches and thick underbrush, shrouding its secrets in an oppressive darkness. The canopy of leaves formed a near-impenetrable veil against the sun, casting the forest floor in perpetual twilight. The dense vegetation muffled the sounds of footsteps, leaving only the occasional rustle of wildlife to break the eerie silence.

Eagle, now perched high in a tree within the forest, had been honed in marksmanship and reconnaissance. His exceptional visual acuity, sharpened from a young age, was augmented by advanced technology. He had mastered long-range shooting, stealth techniques, and counter-intelligence operations. His enhanced eyesight cut through the forest's gloom, his mission clear: observe, gather intelligence, and report back with precise information on the mutants' location and activities.

Havoc had been groomed for direct combat. His training concentrated on maximizing his energy projection capabilities. From an early age, he practiced in controlled environments to refine his destructive powers. His physical conditioning and combat drills were designed to harness his energy blasts with both precision and overwhelming force. As he moved through the forest, his powerful energy blasts bore witness to his rigorous training.

Hydra's recruitment process was ruthless and selective. They sought out exceptional children—whether due to genetic gifts, intellectual prowess, or behavioral tendencies—and subjected them to a grueling regimen of physical and psychological conditioning. The aim was to forge their bodies into lethal instruments, their minds into loyal tools of Hydra's will. Sensory deprivation and ideological indoctrination stripped away their previous identities, replacing them with a single, unyielding allegiance to Hydra.

As they grew, their training became increasingly specialized. Advanced technologies and combat strategies tailored to their unique abilities were introduced. Each operative's training was customized, enhancing their natural talents, whether in marksmanship, stealth, or energy manipulation.

In a secluded clearing deep within the forest, the mutants had taken refuge. Their senses, honed to detect threats, were on high alert. Suddenly, B-26 turned his head sharply.

Dom, noticing B-26's sudden shift in focus, asked, "What is it, Michal? Did you spot something?"

B-26's eyes darted around the perimeter. "Yes, they're here. And there's another group behind them—possibly backup."

A boy spoke up, "We should move. We're not ready for a direct fight."

A girl who can distinguish mutants turned to the group suddenly panicked and said, "He's right , he is right ,there's two mutants too."

X-23 , extended her claws with a deliberate motion. "Let's start moving. If necessary, I'll stay behind."

The others remained silent, aware of her formidable healing abilities and combat skills, understanding the difficulty of capturing her.

Meanwhile, despite their efforts to remain hidden, the looming threat of Hydra's forces was ever-present. Eagle's surveillance picked up a significant energy signature from a distant part of the forest. His enhanced vision detected a hidden base, likely a temporary shelter set up by the mutants. He relayed this information to Lady Hydra's control center, providing the exact coordinates.

"Target acquired," Eagle reported. "They've set up a hidden base. The energy readings match the mutants' known abilities."

Lady Hydra's fingers flew over her console. "Deploy Havoc," she instructed. "He'll neutralize any resistance while you continue gathering detailed intel. contain all of them with no exception."

Havoc moved swiftly towards the coordinates provided by Eagle. His powerful energy blasts cleared obstacles and created paths as he advanced, his senses keen for any sign of the escapees.

A short distance away, another group approached the area. They were a S.H.I.E.L.D. team led by Coulson, dispatched by Fury after detecting disturbances in the region.

"Alright team, stay sharp," Coulson instructed. "We should be closing in on them."

One of his agents, checking his gear, asked, "Do we have any additional intel on what we're up against?"

Coulson replied, "Only what we've gathered from the disturbances. Be prepared for anything."

As the S.H.I.E.L.D. team advanced, Coulson's mind raced with the unfolding situation. They needed to neutralize the threat, ensure the city's safety, and stay one step ahead of everyone involved.


Author's pov

I want to know harem partners from marvel.

I prefer only x23 and some others.

There are romance fanfictions includes canon characters like widow, Susan, rogue,jean, etc.

So I prefer non cannon characters from marvel like from mutants he will save now or in future. Similar to shadow.

Present canon characters for harem/subordinate list -

x23, Psylocke, Lady Deathstrike, Magik, some forcefully transformed vampire

Wanda maybe

What do you think?

Give ideas for non canon female mutants he can add.