
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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56 Chs

I Regret Nothing

So now I have a passed out young lady in my arms. What do you do this situation?

1. Drop the body and flee?

2. Fling her over your shoulders and walk away to your swinging pad?

3. Molest her sleeping body in front of everyone while staring them down to prove dominance?

4. You hold her in a princess carry and walk back to the viewing deck?

Well duh, you choose 4 because you ain't a creep! And that's what I did. I carried her in my arms and walked past the flustered kids and butt hurt Evan. Rogue had already ran down to check on her friend. Since her powers are detrimental in a training session, she had to sit this one out.

Poor girl even had some tears in her eyes. I wiped them away with a finger when I lifted Jean to let her observe that she was okay. The significance of that one gesture was forgotten by me. But she wouldn't once she realised what I had done.

Hank and Bruce weren't far behind.

Awesome Beast: "I can take her from here, Mr. Klyntar. I'll take her to the med bay to rest and have Mr. Banner assist me with my studies while we wait for her recovery."

Me: "Wish I was smart enough to understand your mumbo jumbo, but I get it. You two have fun being scientific."

Bruce: "Well that was the nicest way anyone has called me a nerd."

Me: "What can I say, Logan's canadian-ness has rubbed off on me. Which also, you two want to go on a rum adventure with me and Logan? We can call it a 'guy's night out' if ya want."

Beast: "I will get back to you on that. As I most assuredly don't think I would be welcomed out in society."

They turned away to take care of Jean. I wanted to rebute Hank, but I get that his appearance bothers his own self more than anyone else here. So I continued my trek to the viewing deck. Huh? Was there a shortcut to the viewing deck? Because all the kids already beat me back here.

Abby: "All you children did well considering the circumstances. For my students, you performed exemplary, you get a two day break from the training. You deserved it."

Ororo: "I agree, you have done well. But there are two I need to address. Scott. Evan. Due to you both bickering at the start of the battle, you gave the opposing team vital time to plan against you. Even with Kitty keeping watch, she could only cover so much, allowing Pietro to get past her once she looked away."

Ororo: "Kurt, your choice to pick an opponent and remove them from the fight was a wise choice, but you gave up too soon when he was able to return to the fight without a moment lost. Jean, you were the team's best support but focused too much on fighting against Danny. While it was the best option at the time, the correct choice was to assist the team so they can assist you."

Ororo: "Kitty, you did your best. Pietro is a horrible match until you can phase for longer periods of time. I hope you all learned from this."

Her eyes were piercing at Scott and Evan. I think she was honestly disappointed in those two. Well they did bicker too much.

Me: "So. . .Pizza? I'm famished!"

The kids agreed wholeheartedly. Hehehe, the adults were outnumbered. And yes, I counted myself part of adults. It was a bit of a raucous affair but enjoyable none the less.

I left to enjoy the air outside. After everything that happened, it was already dark out. I could enjoy the star lit night. The cool breeze relaxing me. Heck, I could pinpoint the crickets! Cute little things until you zoom in. . .then their legs are creepy as all heck!

Abby: "Why are you out here all alone?"

Me: "Just thinking, honey."

She slowly walked over to my side.

Abby: "About?"

Me: "Just my worries."

She stared into my eyes. Why does she have to have the most beautiful ocean blue eyes? Both bright and dark.

Abby: "Want to talk about it?"

Me: "Well look at you. All sensitive with me."

Abby: "Oh shush it, 'man-child'."

Heh heh, my old nick name. I held her close to my side. Just to feel her. This form she chose from my memories. She's done so much for me that I havn't said thanks for.

Abby: "You are welcome. And yes, it is plain to see in your eyes. It is easy to read you, you know?"

Me: "I love you. More than you will ever know."

I squeezed her in my embrace.

Me: "I worry alot, hon. I worry about us. I worry for our entire family, from our kids, to our lovers, all the way down to even the new kids. I'm worried if I'll fail in helping you. You have so much planned, will I be of any help to you?"

Abby snuggled into my arms. Man, she feels amazing. A perfect fit.

Abby: "You worry to much. You have done everything perfectly, my love. We will have some bumps along the way, but I know we can do it together. We have a large family that can take anything on."

Me: "I'm also worried for Scott and Evan. They may be a headache, but they are kids after all. Scott sees us as the enemy and Evan almost killed a teammate. I don't even know if he apologized to her yet. Hell, how is Ororo handling it? They are her students, practically her own kids."

Abby: "Ororo is a strong woman, honey. She'll handle them as she sees fit. Those boys will learn. Slowly, I'm sure, but they shall."

And of course, Abby plans for everything. Because hiding behind the hedges was Ororo with Scott and Evan. Both boys had their shoulders slumped and their heads hanging down.

Ororo: "I do hope you boys listened well. The very people you hate, worry for you. I'm worried for you. Your hatred is unfounded. Scott, you wish to be the leader but I fail to see how you have earned that spot. Evan. . .This is your last chance. If you cannot calm yourself, you will return back to Wakanda. I am sure that Shuri would love to talk to her betrothed?"

She left them to their thoughts before walking back to the mansion. That's when we met up with her. I squeezed her in my arms and kissed her on the head. She seemed rather reluctant to leave my arms.

We got back to the dining room where the kids were still gorging on food. Well, they were until Jean came barging in.

Jean: "Where the hell is Richard?!"

Um, what? That's Mr. Klyntar to you little missy.

Jean: "What did you do to her?"

Me: "Do what to who?!"

Jean: "Rogue is crying her eyes out that you touched her, you bastard! Why did you do it to her and not me?!"

And that's when everyone seemed to have knives in their hands.

Me: "Now hold on a sec! I. .um. .Wait, that's right, when I was carrying you, she came to check on you, see? So I made sure to wipe the tears from her face. That's all, I swear!"

And what do you mean by not you?!

Ororo: "Richard, love, did you forget about Rogue's mutant powers?"

Me: "Well of course I havn't! She absorbs other people's memories and/or mutant powers though touch. . .oh."

Abby and Jenn seemed highly amused by my confounded state. Traitors.

So I did what any sane person should do in such a scenario.

I ran. And I went wee wee wee all the way home. I regret nothing.

I'm exhausted. Moved most the furniture but we are not done yet. Just the armoire, beds, dining table and chairs, big sofa, tv stand, and storage unit left to clean out.

Yeesh, just typing that made me even more exhausted.

So I just noticed this story is over two thousand hearts! Holy beezy weezy! How the heck so many people survived this far is surprising!

Anyways, as always, I hope you enjoyed the story and have a blessed day. /bow

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