
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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Abby - Mamma Bear?

Among one of the things we discussed last night, we had decided to get clothes for Abbys' little ones (no idea how she got even me saying that but she did) and to find a place to live. The big headache is getting me an official I.D for this damn new universe. But I havn't the foggiest idea how to go about that.

So Abby sent me off to buy women's clothing. Just new apparel and cheap underwear. Not saying I have experience in this, but not my first rodeo. Great thing Abby is 'physically' with me while her shadow avatar takes care of our new members. Yeah, sounds better than little ones to me.

She's too ecstatic to buying clothes. Ugh, I hate shopping. Makes my back wanna give up and I am not even carrying anything!

So a short trip made longer, and out of a $100 ,we finally headed back to the motel room. Abbys' avatar "intercepted" me the door.

Abby smirked and asked me, "so how did your shopping go? Have a good time?"

Me: "I hate shopping. I curse the stores and the employees who smile too much. But I have the clothes. Also, I have a question for our newest members."

Abby: "Oh? Well why does it sound like you are asking me for permission?"

I replied with a big smile, "why, because you are their momma bear!"

She snarled at me. Damn, that looks sexy on a *ara *roft look alike. Ooh boy, moving away from that thought.

Me: "Alright, alright, let me in already. Hey ladies, and gentleman, I need to ask you three a question."

They looked up to me from their cup of noodles. . . damn it, I hate noodle cups. . anyways, mine and Abby's little rehearsed scene lead up to the big problem I need resolving so we can get this show started.

Me: "Do any of you threr know of a guy who can forge legitimate I.Ds. We are all gonna need some new identities, especially me."

Jasmine: "I get us, but why you?"

Me: "Let's say the old one is trouble for us all."

Now to be honest I thought I could have a very disarming smile, turns out it creeps women out. Very disheartening to see. Thankfully little Danny speaks up.

Danny: " I may know a guy. He was bragging about being one of the best hackers who works under the Kingpin."

Already having plots leading me back to him. Damn fanfiction theorists. One point to them.

Me: " Okay cool, how well you know him, is he even trustworthy? Where can we find him? "

Danny: " I. . umm. . he was. . one of my last customers. . ."

Wow. . it got cold in here fast. Both girls held him close while Abby was raging inside my mind. Her avatar had a stormy expression that promised MDK (murder death kill). And even worse, or best I guess, is how much I wanted to watch her cause it.

I may have asked a little aggressively since both Natasha and Jasmine were huddled in front of him, like they were protecting him from me. Shit. Im trying to help here ladies! Making me feel bad now. .

Thankfully Danny is a smart kid. He told us that he liked to hang out at a club in Queens called The Dive Bar. I guess the place must be quite the dive? Huh huh? Oh shut up, I'm funny.

I had to go back to the office of the motel and rent another room. Mainly because of my foix pas, we still don't have a door to the room. And secondly, Abby was coming with me fully. No split attention on her avatar or me. She had eyes for only our target who liked to call himself Brainiac. . . and just on account lf that, he is gonna be Klyntar food.

"Hey Abby, your race takes on personality traits and knowledge from their hosts. Does that mean you can take it from other people that aren't?"

{Yes, I can delve into other people's mind and take what I need. I take it you have someone in mind?}

She practically purred the last sentence. I couldn't help but smile and reply, "Oh, I might know a certain someone."

We certainly didn't laugh in an evil manner. We do have standards to maintain. .

While I was walking to the club I felt like Queens was a place I was supposed to remember about. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean like Queens, New York, duh, I mean like there is supposed to be somethinf significant about this place.

Anywho - when we got to the club it had linea down the block. And I don't mean one line, i mean MULTIPLE lines. Damn, this place is popular. Welp, time to make like a shadow and follow someone in. Haha. Sigh, that was stupid. Whatever.

Though little Danny didn't have much for us to go on, he has tried to repress most memories of his clients, poor kid, but Abby is a seasoned Symbiote. All she did was spread her ears into everyone's shadow and listened for the loudest, foulest, ugliest (yep, she csn hear the ugly in some people's voices) son of a bitch she could find.

Though with how packed this place was it took her time. But I think it was because he wasn't here yet. Two hours sitting in the shadows was boring to say the least, though I was playing around with how to morph my hands with the symbiotic suit. I cannot always rely on Abby.

Once he finally got here, we watched him. And now I hate everything about him. I have three types of people I hate most. Pedo's, Rapists, and Terrorists. . . this bastard fits all three.

Neither of us feel like waiting any longer so we traveled down the shadows to and make it appear we came out of the bathroom. Thank goodness guys bathrooms rarely have lines.

Remember how Abby can transform my clothes? Well I look DAMN fine in this suit. Must've copied Hammerhead's suit because mmh mmh mmh do I like it.

Approaching Brianic's table wasn't really hard. They were too drunk and drugged up to give me any mind.

Me: "Hey, this Brainiac's table?"

Wanna-be Brainiac: "Don't know the guy, run along feifo."

Out of my peripheral vision I see his bodyguards flash their guns. Uuu, he a little higher up Kingpin's food chain than I thought. This may rock the boat a little. Good.

Me: " I'm just a client. Looking to pay for some quick work. One of Kingpin's guys sent me to look for him."

Brainiac: "Oh yeah, who?"

Me: "I can't remember that well. I think it was Reggie? Raegae? Ruphus?"

I could hear him mumble "damn it Reginald", huh, who'd have thought one of the guys Abby ate would be connected to this guy. You didn't look into this guy already?

{I don't tend to keep memories of those I eat. Makes for too much clutter. Plus dealing with your mind is hard enough}

Ahh, makes sense really. Hey! Words hurt! I swear she does it to get a rise out of me. Hmph!

Brainiac: "Fine. Fun's over people. The Brainiac has got work to do. Come along you, we'll take a car and you can tell me what you need."

I shrug and follow him. I can see his guards following us.

Brainiac: "Hope you don't mind the help. This line of work always brings me trouble."

Trying to be cocky ehh?

Me: "Oh none at all. I expected this after all."

When we get to his car (a limo, pfft, a really cocky bastard) I'm seated between his guards as he sits across from me. Oh, leather seats. Very nice. Poor cows.

Really want to kill him - Brainiac: "Well what is it you need. You take me away from my night off and even use my friend Reggie's name. Asshole hasn't called me for about two days and he sends you to me for a job."

You don't know he's dead? Man, you a lousy friend.

Me: "Well I need a new I.D., my old one has been compromised and I need one to buy me a nice condo to relax in while the heat blows over."

Brainiac: "Well I don't come cheap but I can do that easily. You're looking at about 20 thousand for a standard job or upwards of 75 thousand for a whole new I.D filled with past degrees and even a quick pass on your driver's license. "

Now I know what you're thinking. Why don't we off his ugly ass already? Well it is simple, I want the stuff at his office. Abby may be able to take his memories and learn all his skills but it takes time. So what better place to do it than at his base of operations.

When we get there, we are let out of the car and see a quaint building. No cheesy warehouse bull crud but an official two story building. Too bad it's his last day here.

One thing that annoyes me is that he gutted the place. It looks like an official office from the outside, looks like a damn warehouse from the inside. Sigh. I give up on the baddies.

Abby, be a dear and seal the place up. Get rid of the help and meet me upstairs with our new chew toy.

She purred out a "it will be my pleasure", whew, sent shivers up my spine and not in a bad way. I need better control of myself.

Oh dear old Brainiac hasn't even noticed the shadows rising to cover all the windows. Or how the steel stairs rattling echos even louder. He never even heard the guards scream as Abby took pleasure in playing with her meal. But he did lead me into his office.

Now I am not a violent man, I do believe. But this guy brought the worst out of me. I closed the door behind me and was him like a major rides the new recruits. I couldn't stop myself. I guess me and Abby really are sharing traits between another.

I held his head and made him watch as I crushed his fingers. Oh he tried to stop me but he was much to weak. I pounded into his flesh like a tenderizer. He cried and begged. But I took sweet joy in it. I made sure he remembered everyone he ever touched. I made extra specially sure he remembered little Danny. He even had to gall to spit in my face after that. Oh but he had his coming. Because Momma Bear is hungry. And she has been ever so patient.

Me: "Don't you worry Brainiac. I am not actually gonna kill you. I have someone else who wants that."

Meatbag: "Oh who? That sniveling little bitch! He liked it when I took him! I bet he just wants a repeat!"

I couldn't hold back my snarl; but Abby held me back from attacking. She even used her avatar to walk past and roll her fingers over my shoulders and down my arms. Damnit. Gave me goosebumps.

Abby: "Oh no dear. That'd be me. I'm his new charge. And this momma bear wants retribution!"

The symbiotic suit rose up like a tidal wave and crashed down on the worthless meatbag. Oh how I enjoyed hia screams too much. Abby was on a roll. She took him apart piece by piece. She kept him alive for three hours - taking the time to absorb all his knowledge and making him watch as she ate him.

When all was said and done, she look quite sated. Walking towards me with that extra sway in her hips, she grabbed me in the most searing kiss in my life. Fuck was it amazing. I had to pull away.

Me: " I. . I can't Abby. . You know it's too soon for me."

Abby: "I do. I can wait. But you deserved a gift for the excellent night out. I havn't had this much fun in ages."

Giving me another kiss, I couldn't resist grabbing her by the waist and moving down to her ass. Motherfu-