
In Marvel I can Evolve Infinitely (X-Men/Marvel)

When he woke up, Sam Caesar came to the Marvel world. At the age of sixteen, he only wanted to survive in the Marvel world, where the world was destroyed at every turn and the universe was restarted. But Alas, he was born extraordinary! His genes mutate and evolve all the time, and all the stimuli from the outside world and all the characteristics of the enemy’s attacks will prompt him to evolve corresponding restraint methods. At every moment, his cellular genes are rapidly mutating and evolving, and the biological evolution of tens of millions of years only takes a few seconds on him. In this way, thousands of abilities have sprung up in his body like mushrooms after a rain. Fantasy materializes, and what is depicted in the heart appears out of thin air; modifying the probability, tampering with all the probability of reality. Reorganization of matter, control of subatomic reality; manipulation of space and time, control of dimension and time axis. Even Sam Caesar himself knew that over time, he would become omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. By the way, this kind of existence seems to be called ‘OAA’ in this world. Only… Obviously, he is fully qualified for this. Not my novel, I am only translating.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter- 10 Sam Went Wild

Chapter- 10 Sam Went Wild

Jean Grey's energy suddenly became dangerous.

She needs to finish as soon as possible and find Sam Caesar.

Although the power of the Phoenix Force was sealed intentionally by Professor Charles, after so many years, Jean, who was always with him, knew how to use a bit of power from it.

A small trace of power will not be enough, it doesn't look like much, but a trace of the power of the phoenix is ​​enough to win the battle quickly.

Just like that, a phantom shadow of a phoenix faintly appeared behind Jean Grey, Roaring with a sing-along neck.

Boom! !

At the same moment, In another place, Sam Caesar's body erupted with terrifying psychic fluctuations.

That was his all-out effort, almost squeezing every shred of power he could mobilize in his body, like a dam breaking, all of which poured out to the surrounding enemies.


There was another muffled landing sound.

But The monster, the Juggernaut, did not retreat, but instead advanced, and the entire bulky and huge body accelerated even further.

Collision is imminent.


At this moment, Sam Caesar's psychic torrent hit a rock bottom, but still, even if you are like a storm, it cannot stop a monster from approaching you at all.

On the contrary.....

The body of the Juggernaut only shook slightly, and the whole person continued to rush forward and suddenly slammed into Sam Caesar.


Another muffled bang.

The psychic barrier that barely supported the entire body shattered, and Sam Caesar's body suddenly flew upside down.

The enemy is really terrible.

In fact, compared to the Sabre-toothed tiger, another member of the Brotherhood, Juggernaut can almost completely crush him.

The reason is that this monster's physique itself and even the source of power do not come from his own X gene. It is because of the crimson evil god 'Cyttorak' from an extraterritorial dimension who gave him this power.

With a physique comparable to the Hulk, and with the incarnation of unstoppable power, no one can stop his progress.

Monster! !

Scary monster....

"This guy..."

Sam Caesar felt a little discouraged.

He clenched his teeth and tried to restrain the blood he was about to spurt. When his figure flew upside down in midair, he supported himself with his own psychic power, and immediately after then released the momentum of this shock.

The instinct to survive made him want to run for the first time!!

If you use the power of telekinesis to fly in this way, you may be able to fly far away.

But when this idea first came up, the attack from the Psylocke came instantly.

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

There was a whirring sound, and the psylocke, which could be rated as level four, continuously threw lased energy beams, and the attack in her hand was like a lightsaber in Star Wars, penetrating into the air.


With his sixth sense, Sam Caesar, who had the warning in advance, didn't even have time to observe with his eyes and wiggled his body in midair to avoid a single attack.

But the mutants' Psylocke light attack is too dense, and Sam Caesar is also like a target in midair, so he is very in a bad position.

"Fly, trying to fly!!"

"Fly for me! Wait and See if I don't break your legs!"

Psylocke clamored.

As for whether she will kill the opponent or not, she doesn't care, because if this mission is rejected, she doesn't mind killing the stubborn opponent completely.

As a last resort, Sam Caesar was even forced to land on the lawn in the distance.

This caused more and more roaring laughter from the other side.

And the giant, unstoppable juggernaut attack has not stopped.

Just when Sam Caesar's figure just landed, the light above his head suddenly darkened, not because of the sudden arrival of darkness, but because… the monsters in the distance jumped in place, blocking the light from the sky.


The distance between the two was a hundred meters away.

But the jumping ability of this monster has exceeded the limit of Sam Caesar's imagination.

The impactful visual effects were also about to collide head-on, and the invisible pressure also fell like the top of Mount Everest.

At this moment, Sam Caesar inexplicably thought of the meteorite hitting the ground, and he was about to endure an extremely terrifying force.

This is… I am about to die…

This is his first fight.

Adding up the two life he lived, he who grew up under the red flag has never experienced such an intense and lethal threat.

The threat of death directly made Sam Caesar's sixth sense resound through his head.

After a moment of blankness in the brain, the nerves were completely tense, every string was tense, the mood fluctuated to the extreme, and the heart rate exceeded a very dangerous signal.

What a joke...

How could it be possible to die here...

I Can't die!

I don't want to die!

The instinct to survive immediately activated Sam Caesar's untapped potential.

In the depths of the despised body, the trillions of cells in the whole body released their vitality like a melting pot, each genetic code was running rapidly, and even the silent part of the X gene was also activated.

The consciousness of the mind is like the boiling sea and the eruption of a volcano, setting off all kinds of fluctuations.

"I Can't die here!!"

At this moment, under the survival instinct, Sam Caesar, who was completely out of control, suddenly burst into terrifying mental fluctuations.

"You should be the monster who dies!"


The monstrous anger energy has penetrated into reality, and a terrifying invisible force of annihilation even took the form of decomposing particles, once annihilating the surrounding lawns and even air molecules.

Boom! !

What is even more exaggerated is that a mysterious and unpredictable force even made the figure jump in midair, and burst open.

One word decides life and death.

Just one word of 'death' is enough to obliterate the opponent's life.

Puff! ! !

There was a rain of blood in the sky, and without any substantial contact, the Juggernaut was inexplicably and subtly split up in midair by a force.

This kind of power performance is somewhat similar to the scene in which Scarlet Wanda killed the entire mutant race in one sentence under her emotional breakdown.

This is the power of "tampering with reality"! !

Their spiritual power is enough to penetrate into reality, to achieve the purpose of modification of reality.

Mighty and invincible, the unstoppable Juggernaut was so unfortunately hit by this force.

"Ah, this..."

At this moment, the already dumbfounded psylocke was bathed in the rain of blood, staring dumbly at Sam Caesar, who was mad and out of control in the distance.


Not good!!


When she regained her senses, she immediately felt the danger of death.

Next, it's her turn!!