
In Marvel, I Am God.

Endless transmigrated the timeline of Wolverine 3 and became the last Mutant of the old era. At the moment, the X-Men have long since disbanded, Mutant is no longer brilliant, Wolverine is entering old age, and the entire race is in peril. Fortunately, he found that when he watched battles he could obtain the opponents' abilities "Ding!" "Combat detected, drop reward: Heat Sight (Superman)!" While helping the elderly Wolverine, avoid the tragedy of being killed or injured in a serious injury. Endless also began to watch the battles of different people in multiple worlds, and gradually became an omniscient and omnipotent existence! Note: Not mine, Translated by a certain "Nation" if you know what I mean. Story is SS Tier though. Please Review And Send Powerstones. I even take spam reviews. 3 Chapters A Day. Also I can take time to actually fix and edit them if this reaches a point.

Unsightly · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

They Are The Ones Who Should Go! A Few USD Sheets Can Kill A Person?

At the moment!

In Gotham City, where high-rise buildings are lined up, the heavy clouds above have never dissipated, and the air is always filled with the smell of kerosene, and the city sinks into darkness as the scorching sun falls.

The streets of Gotham have returned home one after another, especially the streets of the slums have long been empty, and in this heavily divided city, many people cannot even guarantee their lives, and they live in the lower strata to survive.

The most intuitive feeling is to stand on a high place overlooking the city, half dark and half bright, Endless is now standing on the tower of the slum, looking around the slum.

"Gotham really coexists with heaven and hell."

His tone was emotional.

After the convenience store closed tonight, he saw that the time was still early to teleport to DC Gotham through the dimension, and he was naturally interested in the world of the same American comic giant.

What's more, compared to the ability that Marvel can get here, it is obviously more powerful.

Simply take Marvel199999 as an example, he currently has no access to high-dimensional existence, and there is a bug in the DC world, that is, Superman Clark.

Clarke. Kent's power, more accessible.

But finding Clark is not an easy task, and Metropolis is one of the largest cities in America, and finding someone in all of Met's universities is obviously difficult.

Unless, like a professor, you have the ability of the mind.

Finding a target through Telepathy makes it easier.

It's just that Endless has not met the professor yet, and Clark's affairs can only be done later.


At this moment, Endless was keenly aware of a sound of cursing and fighting in the alley not far away.

Although he didn't get Wolverine's physical ability, Originally is Mutant, and all aspects of his body are originally different, which is why he punched Batman.

He followed the sound and ran towards the alley, and after a while he saw the situation in the alley.

I saw that a figure dressed in all black was fighting with two robbers, and there was a mother and daughter huddled in a corner in horror next to them, obviously they were the object of robbery, Gotham never sympathized with the weak, and the survival of the fittest was vividly reflected in the city.

Looking at the man in black again, he is a fledgling Batman, his clothes are thicker than last night, and the weapons he carries around his waist are richer.

The two robbers on the opposite side were not opponents at all, and a few Roar sucks were knocked to the ground.

The two lay on the ground with hideous faces and groaned in pain, one of them had his hand broken at one point, it seems that Batman will not kill, but he will never be merciful to criminals, and directly beat them to cripple.

"You're safe."

Bruce. Wayne turned his head and said to the mother and daughter who were curled up in the corner.

"Thank you..."

The mother and daughter walked out in fear, and they hugged each other and thanked each other.

Bruce standing opposite. Wayne looked at their shabby coats, his eyes showing mixed emotions, and he thought about taking some USD out of his pocket and handing it to the emaciated mother, "This is for you." "

However, the thin mother did not answer, but directly chose to take her daughter to turn around and leave, and her eyebrows revealed fear.

Bruce. Wayne tugged at the dollar bill in his hand, not understanding why the other party was afraid of him, and they didn't even dare to take the money in his hand.

When he was out of his mind, there was a landing sound behind him, followed by a familiar and unfamiliar voice.

"Big young master, go home, this place is not for you."

"It's you."

Bruce Wayne will not forget when he dies, he remembers the owner of the voice vividly, and turns his head to see that it is indeed the yellow-skinned boy from last night.

He said coldly: "You smuggled in from the east?" I didn't find any files about you. "

"It's ridiculous, there are so many people in this city that they can't count on their hands."

"Sir, do you really know Gotham?"

Endless is very interested in the role of Batman, who is one of the few characters in the American comic world with great personal charm.

If it were to be the master more than ten years later, he would probably not be able to play.

But the master is just a rookie who is getting started, and he naturally has to "get along" with him when he has the opportunity.

"What the hell do you mean?"

Bruce Wayne calmed down and didn't act agitated anymore, he thought he should listen to what the yellow-skinned boy in front of him said, maybe as Afu said, there are people who know Gotham better than him.

"If you had given the dollar to the mother and daughter just now, if you were lucky, you might see tomorrow, an orphan who lost his mother, or two corpses dumped in a smelly gutter."

Endless's tone was indifferent, but the content sounded extremely cold.

Hearing this, the young Bruce Wayne was stunned and felt absurd: "Just for those USD?" Will they take two lives? "

"Because this is Gotham....."

Endless has seen the Gotham depicted in the comics, and the missing people can usually be found in some stinking gutter, and similar things happen every day.

No one cares if they live or die.

"Who the hell are you?"

Bruce Wayne was completely stunned when he heard this, he left Gotham for ten years, and he still came back young and vigorous.

On the surface, he is a volunteer police officer to punish rape and eliminate evil, but in fact, he is also looking for the murderer who shot his parents back then.

Looking at it now, his mind seems to be inferior to that of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy.

And the psychology or skill shown by the other party are far beyond his expectations.

It's not like a teenager at all.

He was curious about the identity of this guy ...

However, as soon as At the moment finished asking this sentence, there were hurried footsteps at both ends of the alley, and then I saw a group of people with firearms surrounding the alley.

Their eyes were locked on the two in the alley.

"It seems that there are many bad lucks."

Endless was a little surprised, he didn't expect to be targeted after only a while.

He turned his head to look at Bruce and wondered, "Have you provoked anyone recently?" "

"I'm investigating a missing person, and there were people who came into contact with them the day before yesterday."

Bruce Wayne swept the sides and said in a deep voice, "Wait a while, I'll take you away." "

The enemy is too numerous to their advantage.

Although he hated this yellow-skinned boy in his heart, it was one thing and another, and he couldn't let the other party stay here and wait for death.

"Don't be nervous, they're the ones leaving."

Endless looked calm, bullets could not kill him at all.

"Perhaps, but they can have guns in their hands."

Bruce Wayne was speechless, he didn't know what this guy was going to do, but as long as it wasn't too crazy.

It's just that.

Apparently Bruce has been away from Gotham for ten years and has not been able to readjust to this crazy city, and tonight he will meet a crazy man...