
In Marvel Chapter 1: Live-in girlfriend is Wonder Woman

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime & Comics
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Jack didn't dare to hide it, and told the whole story of the incident.

Neither Russell nor the mysterious man behind the anonymous phone call can offend Jack and his Rising Tide organization.

Although the Rising Tide Organization has a certain reputation in the hacker world, in the final analysis, they are just a group of hackers typing on the keyboard.

For ordinary people and ordinary organizations, their hacking level is very high, but compared with real intelligence agencies, especially those with official background, their hacking level is barely passable.

It only took a minute or two for Jack to tell the whole story.

After receiving the remuneration from Russell, the Rising Tide Organization began an investigation of the anonymous phone calls.

At the beginning, they didn't encounter any problems, and bit by bit they dug up the various proxies and fake IPs used by anonymous phones.

However, just as they were about to dig out the true location of the anonymous phone, an accident happened.

The Rising Tide Organization, which relies on hacking skills to make a living in the underground world, encountered an anti-invasion.

To make matters worse, they did not resist the counter-invasion of the other party.

The next thing is very simple.

The opponent broke through their firewall and locked their location.

Just when Jack and the others were going to run away immediately and go to other places to avoid the limelight, the other party took the initiative to contact them and made a small request to them.

Contact Russell, and tell Russell the news of the meeting, which is the request made by the other party.

So, the scene just now happened.

After listening to Jack's narration, Russell did not reply immediately, but thought for a while.

In terms of hacking level, the mysterious person behind the anonymous phone, or the mysterious organization, is obviously much higher than the Rising Tide Organization.

In the case of being hacked, anti-invading the other party, and it was successful, this is not something that ordinary hackers or intelligence agencies can do.

You must know that the Rising Tide Organization is not a small organization composed of ordinary hackers. They are a hacker organization that specializes in mining confidential information of government agencies.

They believe that the government has violated the people's right to know and concealed all kinds of unknown and confidential information.

And what they have to do is to dig out these hidden confidential information and let every citizen of the beautiful country know this information.

Although they occasionally take part-time jobs in the underground world to maintain a living, their main job is to excavate various confidential information that the government has not released to the public.

Russell had never dealt with the Rising Tide before.

However, this does not mean that he does not understand the Rising Tide Organization.

If nothing else, Skye, the genius hacker in the Rising Tide organization, doesn't know much about him.

Although the mysterious person behind the anonymous phone has not revealed any identity-related information, Russell is basically certain that behind the anonymous phone is Snake Shield.

There are not many organizations that can make the Rising Tide Organization collapse, and the only one with a sneaky style of work is the Snake Shield.

If it was S.H.I.E.L.D., they would be more generous.

For example, arrest him directly, and then put him in a special prison specially designed to detain superpower criminals, that is, a place like an island prison or a dome prison.

"Send me the time and place of the meeting."

"Also, get your money back!"

Russell said to Jack.

"Okay, sir!"

Without any hesitation, Jack on the other end of the phone immediately sent the time and place of the meeting, and returned the $50,000 payment that Russell paid.

In a few seconds, Russell received the meeting information and the account arrival information.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the meeting message sent by Jack.

At nine o'clock tonight, a French restaurant in Manhattan.

It's quite picky about places!

The French restaurant we met was a very famous restaurant.

Although it has only been open for a few years, the reputation of the restaurant is not small at all, and it is not difficult to make reservations.

Russell had previously dated Diana at the restaurant.

It was their date for the first anniversary of their relationship.

It took him several days and some personal connections to finally make an appointment on the anniversary.

He couldn't remember exactly what he ate that night.

The only impression he had of that date was that Diana that night was not so enthusiastic.

Because Diana was too enthusiastic, the next day, he made a special trip to Porsche's 4S shop to repair the co-pilot's seat, doors, and rear window glass.

After reading Jack's message, Russell sent a message to Diana who was at work, telling Diana that he would work a little overtime tonight and would not go back to eat.

Of course, he didn't forget to tell Diana that the Punisher had been dealt with by him.

On the fourth floor of the Beautiful Country Natural History Museum, the Birds and Dinosaurs Hall.

Diana, wearing a white women's suit, stood in front of the huge Aeolus pterosaur skeleton, her jet-black and smooth hair was twisted in a somewhat dangerous hairstyle, looking at the message that Russell had just sent.

Beside her, stood a black man in a black trench coat, with a blindfold on his left eye, and without a single hair on his head.

This black man has an aura of saying no strangers can come in, and the whole person doesn't look kind at all.

This black man is none other than Nick Fury, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Furion stood quietly, and when Diana replied to the message, he slowly said, "Miss Prince, your man has been a little restless these past few days, which is not the same as when we The agreement reached is different."

"So what, do you still want to arrest him?"

Diana put away her phone, turned to look at Nick Fury, and said calmly.

"He went a little too far, and if he continues like this, we can only do things according to the rules." Nick Fury continued.

"That's your rule, not mine."

"If you want to take action against him, you will be at your own risk!"

Diana replied to Nick Fury coldly.

Looking at Diana, who had no plans to retreat at all, Nick Fury's already dark complexion became even darker.

Diana is not an ordinary person, S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about it four years ago.

To be precise, S.H.I.E.L.D. knew about the day after Diana came to this world.

Unlike other people in the bureau, Nick Fury did not regard Diana as a superpower who suddenly awakened his superpowers, but regarded her as an alien visitor.

Although Diana's appearance is very similar to the earth people, it can basically be said that there is no difference with the earth people.

But Nick Fury knows that aliens who look like Earth people do not exist.

Decades ago, he had seen many aliens who looked like humans on Earth.

Among them is the powerful lady who was originally an earthling and later had an alien blood.