


The Ancient One told me that Jean was going to be waking up. As I was watching the news unveil general, I'm sorry Theodore Ross was discharged from the military after what I said and found evidence to support my claims.

The U.S government had no choice but to hand him over to the Brazilian government due to them finding people from Brazil taken from their homes and being brought to a U.S black site in the country to be experimented on.

I opened my own portal which was easier to use than using the eldritch energy that apparently comes from the Vishanti. When I tried using it I could feel them trying to anchor me to be their slave or rather servant for eternity, the term not the abstract being. So I stepped through the portal to see Jean looking at me with wide eyes opening a portal.

"You're like me," she said in a hopeful and excited tone

"No, I am not a meta-human," I said

"Meta-human?" She asked confused

"It's what Mutants are going to be called," I told her and she nodded

"But, you went into my mind and kicked out that bald asshole from essentially making me his sex slave," she said with hatred when mentioning Charles

That gave me pause and took a moment for it to sink in.

"Excuse me, what, " I said with a shocked voice mixed with alarm

"When he went into my mind I was going through his, I saw some things being suppressed to an unbelievable level. I know that he has sort of school to teach people like us to control our powers and comes out with a persona to appear as a saint trying to help others..." She said taking a breath to calm herself down from crying about what she saw.

"He may not be able to use his legs but he can still use what is in between them" She continued "I am sure you saw the dark-skinned woman accompanying them, he has used her for entertainment multiple times, and some other times he would watch as he minds control several of her students to use her as a sex slave erased their memories afterward but for her, he essentially rewrote her mind," She said with burning hatred in her eyes

I noticed the Ancient One paying attention to what she was saying and looked at me for my reaction. When she noticed my eyes turning red from my heat vision she put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. I began to pay attention to Jean again.

"After he was finished using her, the bald bastard would then go on to create a separate personality in her mind, one that would follow his every desire and sleep with him or anyone he wanted for amusement after he learned of what I found in his mind he tried to destroy everything that made me, well me as you saw," She said with a few tears and a disgusted look on her face

I was taking all of this information in. It would explain why Emma Frost hated Charles with a passion. But...

"What did he try to do to you," I asked her with anger seeping into my voice.

"He tried to make me think that my parents hated me when I was younger and that he came around that time and took me under his wing and that over time in my newly implanted memories I would get a crush on him and then become his wife and s#x slave," She said disgustedly at Charles.

Charles Xavier was on a whole other level of mind control. Even from what I learned about it in the fortress doing something like that was considered dangerous and with a huge risk, even some of the scum on Krypton wouldn't stoop so low and risk their lives like that. When you change someone's mind like what he has done to Ororo or Storm, he loses or rips away a certain part of him.

But from what she told me he seems to have found a way to bypass all of that and do it anyway. Maybe because the laws of the marvel world are different than the ones found in DC.

"I am going to go kill him," I said with a tone that made it so that they knew I wasn't going to let anyone stop me. The Ancient One nodded at me and I motioned for her to follow me. We went into an empty room.

"Why did you tell me to spare the one that controls," I said as this was a question I had in my mind for a while.

"In a few years, the body of the Celestial called Progenitor will be discovered by the Celestials that are going to be returning to Earth and they get angry at us for "Killing" one of them and make the Earth's core move out of rotation making the Earth go unaligned and we need him alive until then, tea," She finished by offering me some tea I refused.

I need to find someplace where I can get the mutants to safety. But, I need to think this through I need a safe haven for them but the more I wait the more in danger they will be. If some a-hole like Striker finds out he will capture them.

My options are finding Magneto or Emma Frost both of them may take in the mutants. Emma Frost is connected to the Hellfire Club which kind of puts a damper on things but she does care for her students, at least I hope she does. Magneto loves mutants but perhaps we could too an agreement. Plus Magneto hated Nazis which Hydra originated from this information could be very useful to the agreement.

But, Emma may have more experience in restoring memories while they would be traumatized they would at least know the truth I remembered a child mutant who didn't need to sleep in the second Xmen movie with Hugh Jackman. I knew what to do...