
In Marvel as Superman

After dying due to cancer at the age of 14 which was harvested by the government in an effort to study it and see if they could weaponize it. He is given another chance in Marvel to make his dream a reality to be the best Superman he can be. To do that he needs to break any shackle that tries to bind him Slow story development and newbie author I do not own anything from DC, Marvel or anything from Invincible or any animes whatsoever

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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165 Chs

Unexpected Dark God...Oh Sh#t Him...How? Chp 99



It has been three days since my meeting with them in all honesty after I stopped talking, most of them left scared although I did meet with the Shinto and the Church leaders mostly scared them though I didn't really know much of what they were thinking as I am not Xavier I don't snoop around if I can help it...much.

But right now I am going to be talking to Serafall who is currently standing in front of me as she looks like she has been crying a lot.

"How are you here..." I stop when I notice that she reaches for something in one of her pockets...

"...My Probe," I say while feeling my link with the one I have already set out for another multiverse and confirm that it is still out into the void.

"So, it is yours," She said in a broken voice as I notice blood dripping from her wrists I look through her sleeves and see that she has begun to cut her wrists.

(WHAT THE F#CK HAPPENED IN THE FUTURE) I Scream in my mind when I notice her wrists.

I grab her wrists despite her protests and heal them and then let her go while she just looks at me dead in the eye.

"You didn't have to do that," She said softly looking to the ground and then at her healed wrists then back at me.

"So that "probe" is really yours isn't it, thank you, I guess," She said while looking at the probe in my hands

(She wasn't like this in the anime) I thought

"What happened?" I asked her again softly

She closed her eyes as a tear came out of her right eye.

"In my time we were fighting a being called the Trihexa the leaders of the major factions were planning to seal ourselves with the beast and spend however long it took before a black sludge fell from the sky and latched onto the beast taking over its primitive mind and enhancing its power further however it seemed to gained a form of intelligence from this sludge," She stopped herself to take a breath

(A black sludge hmmm...)

"The seal that we were planning on using was not working and then more of those sludge-like creatures fell from the sky and they forced themselves into people turning them into dark creatures that began eating the brains of other people and we noticed them getting a bit stronger and bigger with each brain and after an incident that involved a lot of phenethylamine," She continued to explain in

"After a few months of fighting the creatures, we made a discovery, we found it," She pointed at my old looking probe, and looking at it closer it has very deep scratches on it from an extremely thin blade

"Ajuka Beelzebub discovered that the energy in it could seriously harm the creatures but it was taken from us by Zekram Bael or rather Lucifer after Sirzechs was eaten by the monsters, and he used it to capture a few creatures in a gladiatorial type arena and made people fight them for rewards," She explained with disgust at remembering him and how far he went after being named a Lucifer

"We launched an attack to retrieve it and defend ourselves from them as we are in another dimension the creatures had no way of getting into the underworld same case with other pantheons located in their own pocket dimensions until," She stopped for a moment

"...what we assumed is or was, whatever, the point is he appeared and began killing everything and everyone. We all took refugees into our own dimensions safe from him until he attacked and destroyed the Vatican and became more powerful than he was before. Afterward, he and his armies began using magic..."

(F#ck my life how did he even get magic although in the comics he never really used magic even when he brought back Essex through time in an attempt to free himself sooner) I thought to myself still trying to come to terms with the possible connection between these two Multiverses.

"...and when they began using magic they began breaking into the dimensions and killing or assimilating everything in sight, we tried using that..." she pointed at my probe and I saw that its connection with me was gone but I recognized the materials and how it looked.

"to fight back but the energy in it was not unlimited we tried replicating the effects but at that point, only the Norse, Hindu, and Shinto with some remains from the Yokai who sought refuge with them and the Biblical Faction were left. Then they seemed to realize that the energy from your "probe" was actually capable of harming and even killing some of them they all went to the Underworld including their leader who..." She stopped while she sobbed a bit

I quickly figure out what happened

I hug her as she continues to cry for a few minutes and afterward, she steps back a bit and composes herself as best she can

"When they got into the Underworld they killed everyone there, I was with Ajuka at the time and I received a call for help from my sister but when I got there she and her best friend Rias were and their peerages were dead with their heads missing or broken as their brains were missing." She finished breaking down again at seeing her sister and how she died

I hug her again while thinking about everything that she just said

"You and your friend Ajuka managed to figure out some of the abilities that came from my probe and found out that it has time power capabilities and your friend managed to figure out a way to send you back in time in order to warn your past selfs of what was going to happen but you were probably attacked moments before you traveled back and you got sent further into the past however doing so used all the energy in my probe and you have no idea where your friend is," I finished saying putting the pieces together as she leans her head back

"That was creepy," She says

"Who are exactly are you in my time no one knows who you even are and someone of your power should be well known?" She askes while looking at me in the eyes which made me realize I am quite a bit taller than her

"About that..."

(N/A Sorry for the no updates thing. In my job quite a lot of people were confirmed to have covid I am currently working overtime and it is quite tiring and although the extra money is nice I am exhausted at the end of the day and props to the ones who figure out who the attacker is. Also, I over not going over the first meeting with the leader nothing interesting even happened but someone did point out to be careful with the religious stuff if I don't want to offend anyone and considering what I have planned for the next three arcs I am researching much more into them in order to make them as accurate as possible. During my time off I also researched more for my next story and how it is going to play out with the gamer system and just to remind you all I am going to be putting this story on Hiatus after December 10, 2021, to rewrite and finish my first story since it has some emotional value to me see you on tomorrows chapter)