
In Marvel as Superman

After dying due to cancer at the age of 14 which was harvested by the government in an effort to study it and see if they could weaponize it. He is given another chance in Marvel to make his dream a reality to be the best Superman he can be. To do that he needs to break any shackle that tries to bind him Slow story development and newbie author I do not own anything from DC, Marvel or anything from Invincible or any animes whatsoever

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Anime & Comics
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165 Chs

My Idiocy Knows No Bounds And Worry Chp 7

I remembered one small detail in my desire to make my body able to withstand the Time-Stone. I a thought making me immune to time-based attacks not. But I didn't think to give me Time-Based attacks. I used the remaining energy to try and give me something to attack with but in the end, I just send keep it on standby.

The Ancient One Looked shocked and dare I say it scared. The greatest weapon at her disposal and it was rendered useless by me. I was screaming in my mind. I took a step forward as she flinched and prepared to fight.

"Listen you just saw me do that, if I wanted you dead you would be already," I said

She dropped her stance but stayed on guard. I told the fortress to make two chairs and a table. Ice rose out began going up and began forming what I asked.

"What is your name," She asked

"My name is Van-El," I said

"Not a name from Earth," The Ancient One asked

"No, I am from Krypton," I said

"An alien," She said

"Yes, from another planet," I responded with a confused look at her question

She looked at me waiting for me to continue. I began to explain what I knew and basically used Superman's backstory as my own not like I can get a copyright strike. With a few differences to fit the marvel world, I could feel my mouth begin to fill with blood I may have used my adaptation beyond its limits but I held it back.

#Ancient One#

If his origins are true, he is the last of his people but that alone wouldn't make him able to absorb the power I released, and his body adapted to it. From what I could tell I wouldn't be able to change his body back without to a point where he would be easier to eliminate.

But now I can't risk him adapting more to the time-stone if he gets controlled which in itself would be an incredible feat. As from what I sensed going on in his mind he was able to easily repel all of them from his mind but it was a risk.

As I listened to his origins he was raised on Earth. But I noticed something peculiar even though he looked older he was a teenager barely about to become the age of 15 I also noticed that he seemed to have some affinity with magic or to be precise elemental magic.

Maybe I could make a deal with him to teach him magic and in turn, he would protect Earth. It may seem like I was thinking this through. I was still in shock from what he did. Plus...

...I was panicking even if it didn't show on my face.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard him. Happily say yes for some reason then I realized that I had been thinking out loud.



I was curious and surprised even more when she offered to teach me magic in return I would be taught magic. Now, I knew she wasn't going to teach me herself mostly it would be self-study more than anything.

But learning and being able to enchant some things would go a long way toward getting stronger. Although I was surprised at how easy it was, I mean this is my home now too. So I didn't really lose anything but gained a lot. She looked upset not at me but at herself. After, few moments she told me the location of the New York sanctum even though I already knew it and quickly left.

I was surprised by how quickly left but then remembered what I did. I am an idiot, aren't I?

After the Ancient One left I passed out in a pool of my own blood as it flowed from my mouth and nose as well as my eyes and ears. I woke up being attended by my medical droids as they had carried me over to the medical area of the fortress. I knew it was risky to do that but hopefully when I absorb the powers of the mind stone the pain will be less. I looked fine physically but I was tired mentally I decided to sleep a bit.

#A few days later#

I am an idiot I tried for the past few hours since I woke up a few days later to see If I had gotten any new powers but I didn't I knew I adapted and gained resistance against time-related powers at as far I know, but that that appears to be it.

I have no idea what I got from it, but I knew I shouldn't have acted rashly, but I was angry and began to panic when she began using the time stone. but thankfully just being able to resist time attacks will help in the long run. I also have some remaining energy from the time stone for a plan of mine.

I was thinking of going over to a random town and practicing my telepathy in order to get the Pym Particle. Even though it was going to make my mines useless it was nice to know if I could only do it a few more times.

I went over to his home after practicing and saw that it was night time so I had time. He was sleeping but I woke him up and I made him make the ants watching him move out and stop. I quickly made him open the window and gave him an empty notebook and two pens.

He wrote quite fast but still, I made sure he wasn't giving me a fake it was the real one. I was going over some of his memories when I found out some were missing not suppressed but actually missing. I looked around his mind a bit more but then I saw a bald man in a wheelchair meeting with him one time.

So that is how he gets money for his school he also has the Formula. I am going to have to be careful about how I go on about this. Because the person was...

...Charles Xavier