
In Marvel as a summoning Mage

a Marvel fan Isekai to Marvel world as summoning magician. #fate grand order #marvel (my last fanfiction novel)

LoneWolfAuthor · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

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Ritsuka Fujimaru sat quietly in the garden, letting the gentle breeze brush against his face. He was trying to make sense of the recent conversation with his lovers. The truth of the matter was that, despite everything he'd faced—battles against impossible odds, the weight of worlds on his shoulders—nothing quite prepared him for the revelations they had just laid before him. Morgan, Ereshkigal, Archetype: Earth, Artoria Lancer, and even Ryougi Shiki had declared, with smiles as radiant as ever, that they wanted to have children with him.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. In the midst of all the chaos, the danger, and the existential threats, here were these incredible women, some of the most powerful beings he'd ever known, talking about something as fundamentally human as starting a family. It was overwhelming, to say the least. But seeing their smiles, the warmth in their eyes—his worries melted away. Their love for him was real, and that alone was enough to chase away the darkness that had been clouding his mind.

"I must have the strangest life," Ritsuka murmured to himself, a soft smile tugging at his lips. He knew that his path was far from ordinary, but moments like this made all the trials worth enduring.

As he stood to return to the others, he noticed the X-Men slowly regaining consciousness. They were a sight to behold, groggy but unharmed, their expressions shifting from confusion to relief as they realized the Phoenix threat had dissipated.

After few minutes later, Jean Grey was the first to approach him, her eyes shining with newfound clarity. "Ritsuka… thank you. I don't know how, but the Phoenix is… gone. Or at least, it's not controlling me anymore."

Scott Summers, who had been watching from a few steps behind, joined her. He took Jean's hand, his gratitude evident in his expression. "Yeah, thank you. We owe you a lot, Ritsuka."

Ritsuka smiled modestly, shaking his head. "You don't owe me anything. Jean, it's because of your kindness saved you and you were able to overcome the Phoenix. And Xavier's guidance… that played a huge part too." Ritsuka thought if Jean was not kind girl then phonix would be huge problem like in comics.

At the mention of his name, Charles Xavier, still recovering from the mental strain of the ordeal, looked up with a proud smile. "Thank you, Ritsuka. To hear that from someone like you means a lot."

Scott nodded, agreeing with the sentiment. "Yeah, we're just glad it's over… for now, at least."

As they spoke, Jean's attention was caught by the sight of Ereshkigal playing with Karen, Ritsuka's daughter, on the lawn nearby. Karen's laughter was infectious, and her gleeful giggles filled the air. Jean excused herself to join them, leaving Ritsuka and Scott to talk.

Ritsuka noticed Scott watching Jean with a complicated expression. He knew that look all too well. "Scott, have you told Jean how you feel about her?"

Scott hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I… I haven't. I'm afraid, you know? What if she doesn't feel the same way? Or worse, what if it complicates things between us?"

Ritsuka leaned back against the tree, crossing his arms as he regarded Scott thoughtfully. "You know, I've been in that position before. Loving someone can be terrifying, .... especially when you're not sure how they feel. But trust me, staying silent out of fear only leads to regret."

Scott frowned, thinking back to all the chaos they had been through—Hydra, the Phoenix, and everything else. "You're right. With all the insanity we've been dealing with, it seems stupid to wait any longer."

Ritsuka nodded, pleased to see Scott taking his words to heart. "Good. But just one thing… taking her on a car ride to confess? Probably not the best idea."

Scott looked at him, surprised. "Really? What's wrong with that?"

"Jean's strong, but she's also someone who values sincerity and straightforwardness. A car ride is too… ordinary. She deserves something special. Something that shows you really mean what you're saying." Ritsuka paused, recalling his own experiences. "Maybe take her somewhere quiet with beautiful Nature, where you can be alone without distractions. Let her know that you're serious about your feelings. That you're committed."

Scott considered the advice, nodding slowly. "Yeah… yeah, that makes sense. Thanks, Ritsuka. I'll make sure to do it right."

As they finished their conversation, Jean returned with Karen in her arms, the little girl now holding a delicate flower that Ereshkigal had helped her pick. Ritsuka couldn't help but smile at the sight.

It was time to say their goodbyes. Ritsuka and the X-Men exchanged a few more words, with Jean and Scott sharing a look that held more meaning than before. Xavier expressed his gratitude once more, his tone carrying the weight of unspoken promises for the future.

Before they left, the X-Men gathered around Karen, each one of them clearly taken by the young girl's charm. Colossus even ruffled her hair gently, a rare soft expression on his usually strict face. "You keep being strong, kid. You've got some amazing parents watching out for you."

Karen beamed, waving as the X-Men prepared to depart. "Bye-bye, Uncle Steel man!"

"Our strict teacher, smiling for first time." Kitty said in low voice.

"Yeah, I thought I was imagining but it's real. May be we all are dead " Nightcrawler said in low voice.

Hearing this Colossus smacked their heads and double the training for them for next 3 week's.

Ritsuka chuckled, feeling a warmth in his chest as he watched them go. Life was strange, and his was stranger than most. But in moments like this, surrounded by people he cared about, he wouldn't have it any other way.

As the portal to their next destination shimmered into existence, Ritsuka took one last look at the garden, the X-Men fading from view. With a deep breath, he stepped through, ready to face whatever came next, knowing that no matter what, he wasn't alone.


After the farewells to the X-Men, Ritsuka, Karna, and the others stepped through the portal back to Tony Stark's mansion. The familiar, luxurious surroundings greeted them, a stark contrast to the intense atmosphere of the Xavier School. As the shimmering portal closed behind them, they were met with the welcoming smiles of Yinsen, Tony, Bucky, and Da Vinci, who were already gathered around the large dining table, clearly waiting for them to arrive.

Tony was the first to speak, grinning from ear to ear. "Finally! We were starting to think you'd ditched us for those mutants."

Yinsen chuckled beside him. "Or maybe Ritsuka found another way to steal the spotlight, eh?" His eyes twinkled as he noticed the newcomers—Archetype: Earth, Artoria Lancer, and Ryougi Shiki—stepping into the room. "Well, You brought… More beautiful womens, Ritsuka? You've really outdone yourself. Poor Tony hasn't even managed to tell Potts he loves her yet."

Bucky smiled heartily at that, clapping Tony on the shoulder. "You've got some competition, Stark."

Tony tried to maintain his composure, but the sight of these new arrivals clearly threw him for a loop. "Yeah, yeah. Keep laughing it up, Old Barnes. I'll catch up soon enough."

Da Vinci, ever the social butterfly, stepped forward to greet the newcomers with a warm smile. "Archetype: Earth, Artoria Lancer, Ryougi Shiki—welcome. It's been a while to meet you all again together after many years later."

Archetype: Earth returned the smile, her gaze curious as she took in Da Vinci's presence. "You're quite the enigma yourself, as always Da Vinci."

"You didn't change much, technical Advisor" Artoria lancer said.

Before Da Vinci could respond, Karen came running up, holding out a bouquet of small, colorful flowers. "Look! The X-Men gave me flowers!"

Yinsen, Tony, and Bucky exchanged worried glances, their previous banter forgotten. Yinsen was the first to voice their collective concern. "Our spot as her favorite uncles might be in danger, gentlemen."

Tony nodded solemnly. "We're going to have to step up our game."

Bucky agreed, a playful glint in his eye. "Guess we'll have to bring out the big guns. Karen, how do you feel about some gifts tomorrow?"

Karen's eyes lit up at the mention of gifts, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes!"

Morgan, Ereshkigal, and Da Vinci exchanged amused glances at the trio's antics, while Ritsuka simply smiled, feeling the warmth of their camaraderie.

With the pleasantries out of the way, Ritsuka took a moment to formally introduce his new lovers to the group. "Everyone, this is Archetype: Earth, Artoria Lancer, and Ryougi Shiki. They'll be staying with us from now on."

Tony, Yinsen, and Bucky greeted them warmly, though it was clear that each of them was still somewhat in awe of Ritsuka's growing circle of companions. They all took it in stride, though, and soon the conversation shifted to more mundane matters.

Dinner preparations were underway, and Ritsuka insisted on helping in the kitchen. Despite his many battles and the weight of his responsibilities, cooking was something that brought him peace. He prepared a variety of dishes, but he made sure to cook Artoria Lancer's favorite curry with extra care. The aroma of spices filled the kitchen, drawing everyone's attention.

When the food was finally served, Artoria Lancer was the first to take a bite. The moment the curry touched her tongue, her eyes widened in surprise and pleasure, a faint blush coloring her cheeks as she glanced shyly at Ritsuka. "This… this is perfect, Ritsuka. Thank you."

Her praise sparked a round of compliments from everyone else, who eagerly dug into their meals. The atmosphere around the table was one of contentment and joy, a welcome reprieve from the tension of their earlier battles.

After the meal, as they were all relaxing in the living room, Karna and Ritsuka recounted what had happened at Xavier's school. As they explained the events, everyone listened intently, their expressions shifting from shock to concern.

Yinsen was the first to notice the faint bird symbol that had appeared in Karna's eyes. "Karna, your eyes…"

Before anyone could react, a small flame flickered to life beside Karna, quickly taking the form of a fiery bird—the Phoenix. She hovered there, her fiery form radiating power, but there was an undeniable tsundere vibe to her demeanor.

"Don't get the wrong idea," the Phoenix huffed, crossing her wings as she glared at the group. "I'm just making sure you guys remember that karna is my host. Give him more respect"

Da Vinci and Tony exchanged knowing looks, the realization dawning on them. "Ah, so the Phoenix is a tsundere girlfriend type," Da Vinci teased, her voice laced with amusement.

Tony grinned, adding, "Karna, my man, I didn't know you had it in you!"

Karna, however, was as oblivious as ever, his expression serious as he addressed the Phoenix. "If you're worried about my safety, then you should stay out of trouble."

The Phoenix huffed again, clearly frustrated with his density. "Just… don't say stupid things next time, okay? I'm not worried about your reputation or something like that. And I didn't check your childhood memories either, hmmm I'm going bye. Seriously what a idiot you are."

The room erupted into laughter at Karna's complete lack of awareness, though Tony and Da Vinci shared a look of mild disappointment. "We've got to work on his social skills," Tony muttered under his breath, to which Da Vinci nodded in agreement.

After the laughter died down, Tony pulled out a small box and handed it to Ritsuka. "Here. I was waiting to give this to you."

Ritsuka opened the box to find a key inside. He looked up at Tony in surprise. "What's this?"

Tony smirked. "It's the key to a new apartment in New York. I bought it for you, and there's a bakery on the ground floor. Thought you might like it."

Ritsuka hesitated, overwhelmed by the gesture. "Tony, this is… I don't know if I can accept this."

Da Vinci stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Ritsuka's shoulder. "It's a gift, Ritsuka. You gave Tony the idea to create Instagram, remember? This is his way of saying thank you."

Tony nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Besides, you've got a growing family to take care of. It's the least I could do."

Ritsuka smiled gratefully, finally accepting the key. "Thank you, Tony. I really appreciate it."

Tony suddenly clapped his hands, as if he had just remembered something important. "Oh, and before I forget—there's the Stark Expo coming up. Da Vinci's going to introduce herself to the world. I expect all of you to be there."

Da Vinci grinned, clearly excited about the prospect. "I'll be using a fake citizenship and going by Junior Da Vinci. We've got a lot of ideas to share with the world, and it's going to be a game-changer for future generations."

Ritsuka looked between them, a hint of worry in his eyes, but Da Vinci's confidence reassured him. "I'll be there," he said, glancing at Karen, who was now drowsy in Ereshkigal's arms. "And I'll bring Karen too."

With that, the evening began to wind down. It was clear that Tony's mansion, while spacious, wasn't equipped to house Ritsuka's entire group comfortably. So after saying their goodbyes, they made their way to the new apartment.

Karen waved enthusiastically at Tony, Yinsen, and Bucky as they left, promising to return tomorrow to play with them. Da Vinci decided to stay behind with Tony, explaining that she wanted to be nearby to finalize preparations for the Stark Expo. They exchanged farewells, and soon Ritsuka and his group were on their way to their new home.

When they arrived at the apartment, Karna was the first to check the place out, giving it his approval. "Everything is fine," he declared, his expression as stoic as ever.

As the others explored the space, Ritsuka noticed his lovers gathered before his room, playing a spirited game of rock-paper-scissors. Morgan won the match, much to the disappointment of the others, who pouted jealously.

Morgan wasted no time, grabbing Ritsuka by the arm and dragging him toward their room. "I won, so that means you're sleeping with me tonight, husband," she declared with a smirk.

Ritsuka chuckled, finally understanding the game's stakes.

Today he is not going to rest.

{{Cliffhanger kun cuts the chapter while looking at Readers with evil smug smile.}}


Please support me with Infinity stones.

And next chapter is r18.