

Bianca," I tested her name on my lips, it just felt so right being called by me. My first love and will forever be my last. She is mine and no one else. Bianca, a twenty-three years old model, engaged to Malcolm Kelvin, the CEO of a big tech company. All she wanted Is to be in a drama cast by DD entertainment, as the female lead and become more famous and richer even if she has to work as a secretary in a big company which happened to be owned by her EX boyfriend who left her with just a message telling her their relationship was over is also a rival of her fiance. Would she continue working there after finding out he owned the company? Would she risk her career by breaching the contract she signed? Would her Ex have an explanation for him leaving without a word?

Rebecca_Sanchez01 · Urban
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9 Chs

Episode 2

"Bianca what was that for?" Fiona asked angrily as we both got to my condone.

"I seriously don't know why I did that" I replied, as I crouched on my soft couch.

"Fine I will just call to tell him you will like to cancel your agreement" she said picking her phone already.

"Have you gone crazy?," I rushed to her snatching her phone from her hands.

"That's what he wants, for me to prove to him what he already expected, I wanna prove him wrong," I murmured holding my fore head.

"I have already signed the contract so there is no going back. I also want to make him like and trust me once more with this project"I let out again hoping she would understand.

"Bianca?" She called calmly

"Yeah," I answered. I already know what is coming with the way she is staring at me.

"Why exactly do you want to be in this drama badly? Don't you dare tell me it's because it going to make you more famous I won't take that crap from you, You and I both know that you are famous already. " she screeched and strolled closer to me.

"So tell me exactly why you want to be in this drama?" She mumbled now.

"I have no other reason from what you just said" I told her sincerely.

"Fine if you say so." she replied curtly seeing I wasn't going to say anything.

"What about Kelvin? You know he is not gonna agree with this right?" She reminded me like the hell after signing the contract already.

"I will make him see the good part of it" I replied with an eye roll.

"Which is?" S

"Making me famous, girl" I countered back.

Fiona was just staring at me like I have grown another head before walking away.

"Speaking about Kelvin, " I gasp recalling i haven't called him today or even picked his calls. "Oh my God I am so dead!"

"What's the probs?" She asked taking an apple from the fridge.

"He has been calling me for hours and I haven't respond" I said already dialing his contact.

"I am so f*cked up." I breathe out.

"He is going to be freaking out right now, he isn't responding to my calls." I said as I pace around in my room.

"Maybe I should go to his office" I said again picking my purse.

"Aamm, Bianca I think you should have a change of clothes." She let out staring at me seriously.

"Oh, that's true. " I said as I ran back to room and change my dress, he hates it when my skin reveal too much.


"So how do I look?" I asked as I rushed back out of my room.

"Perfect as always." She smiled.

"Alright thanks, Fiona please clear all my schedule from today till next three months and you can tell them I am having a short break before the next Victoria secret" I explained calmly, knowing I might jot see her again today.

"Bianca, I really hope you don't regret this" she addmitted kind of worried.

"I won't darling." I assured her.

I know Fiona is worried about me, she has been like a sister to me ever since she became my manager two years ago and I also love her a lot.

"Bye Fiona I won't take long "

"Alright darling."


"Good afternoon, Bianca" Kelvin Secretary greeted the moment I got to her desk.

"Good day Stella is he in his office? I asked, nervous.

"Of course Bianca, should I make your present known?" She asked wanting to stand and go tell him, but I quickly stopped her.

"No don't, he might be mad at me and won't want me to come in" I told her.

"Alright you can go in" she said smiling. She must have sense my nervousness, and seems to understand me.


Getting into his office, every damn place was very quiet. The only sound I heard were the clicking sounds of his hands on the system…

"Hmm, appears like he is very busy which explaines why he didn't pick up," I thought.

"Babe?" I called nervous.

"Why didn't you pick up?" He asked, whiooing his head up.

"I am sorry, I have been so busy…."

"So are you trying to tell me now that, I am not busy that's why I am able to call you?" He interrupted me from explaining.

"The hell babe! That's not what I mean, I have my reasons. For God sake you know I wouldn't intentionally avoid your calls." I opposed.

"Seriously I can't argue with you right now I have a lot on my mind." I let out irritated, I was so tired of explaining myself for any little details.

"I am sorry, I was paranoid that was why I loose it." he said now getting up to hold me. I agreed and went to sat on the couch vacated by the right side of his office , I also felt him tag along.

"I need to tell you something babe…." I mumbled sitting down.

"It's about my career…" I stopped waiting for him sit before I break the news to him. Hope it will end smoothly.

"What is it?"

"Well I will be working as a secretary in Darker tech for the next three months…"

"Excuse me?" He scrutinized with an out rage look.

"Yeah you heard me right" I retorted sharply

"I heard you, but why exactly?" How come? I don't understand you, Are you having an issue with your career?I can help you clear the issues" Gosh I expected the series of questions from him.

"Babe breathe, I am not having any issues with my career, I just need to learn some basis about be a secretary so i can be in a drama I have so much wanna be in. It's gonna add more fame to my career. And again it's the DD entertainment we are talking about, they are gonna pay me more." I explained all out once. Hope it's going to work.

"Fine, I will help you talk to some people so you won't need to go learn about anything anywhere" he replied after few minutes silent.

"Babe I can't keep depending on you I need to do this on my own, I wanna prove to Mr. Charles that I can be the best of any actress he has ever had." I explained again, I was so tired of depending on him.

"So he doesn't have any other way than to make you be a Secretary, what the heck? How about your modelling stuff?" What do you want your so called fans to say? "For God sake you have a lot of haters" what do you expect them to say?"

I already know it won't be easy to make him understand.

"Babe I won't allow them to know anything I already told Fiona to make it known that I will be taking a short break" I explained again.


"Common let's just agree on this, I am so tired I need to go home and rest I will be starting very soon." I hope he would understand and not question me anymore.

He breathe out frustrated before talking again "I will take you home sweetie, and besides I hope you haven't forgotten about our deal babe?"

"Let's not go to this chapter again please, I am so exhausted babe" I told him already feeling irritated with him.

"I brought my car with me so I will go home myself….it seems you were kind of busy when I came in, you can continue with It." I affirmed smiling.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah I am, and I will take my leave now." I stood, kissed his cheek and ran out.

If I don't do that he is gonna take it to the next level and I don't wanna have a fight with him.



"What is the update about her?" I asked my Personal Assistant.

"She is gonna work as a secretary in your company sir." He answers.

"Hmm....that's good, Seems like she really wants to get more fame as predicted." I let out with a sly smile happy things are going my way.

"Have you settled Charles?" I asked again.

"Yes sir, I've done that already right after she agreed with the contract." I smiled and nod my head, it going easy more than I thought.

"Make sure she's comfortable in her new line of professional also...treat her like other staffs but in a comfortable way. Any sign of discomfort from her be prepared to lose your head." I said sternly and he gulped down in fear.

"I understand sir." He responded in a trembling voice.

"Get my car ready...I want to see my queen." I proclaimed with excitement.

"Yes sir." He scurried out immediately.

I dressed as casual as possible.... A black turtleneck and jeans and nose mask and face cap.....

"Stop the car." I halted my driver.

As predicted she'll be here… I watched as she walked out her condone with a smile on her face.

I didn't know when a smile spread on my lips, as the memories of when we both used to joke around and have either lunch or dinner together.

"Follow her." I instructed my chauffeur as Bianca's car drove off to the exquisite mall. She's so predictable...she came to shop for her wears for her new job. I chuckled within myself.

"I'll be back." I alighted from the car and adjusted my mask before going into the mall.

I walked into the mall with the pretense of buying something and I watched how she smiled so heartily....as she and her manger were picking dresses.

I saw a yellow dress..I picked it and I pictured it on her perfect body. It'll surely look good on her.

"Uhm...excuse me miss…," I called out to her.

She turned sharply.

"How may she be help to you?" Her so called manger asked.

"I was talking to miss Bianca not you Fiona." I said sharply to her. What the hell? Won't they find me strange that I know their name. Gosh, way to go Derek..

"You're a fan am I right? Am certainly not in the mood for autographs or selfies so scram." She said rudely.

I chuckled within myself.), she's still as sassy as ever.

"Didn't you hear her ? Excuse us". Fiona seconded.

"Well I'm not here for any of that, I saw a dress that'll probably look good on you, but…..with your behavior I'm sure it'll look awful on you." I grumbled and turned to leave and…

"Hold on!" Fiona called out..

"Don't even think about asking me to get it for you ! It's in section C …" I let out smirking.

"You'll probably find it there. It's limited edition Louis Vuitton probably the last one you'll ever find. "

I walked out of the mall with a grin on my face. She's definitely going to turn the whole mall down.


"What hairstyle do you think would look good on me Fiona?" I said flipping through the magazine pages.

"Is that what you should be worried about Bianca?" Fiona asked, still not in agreeing with my decision to work a secretary

"Uhh... Yes. I've got to look my best on my first day working as a secretary do you want me me to look like a moron tomorrow?" I snorted.

"We both know that's not what am talking about ... I mean shouldn't you be worried about how you're gonna cope tomorrow."

"I'm Bianca Hillson for Petes sake." I can do anything. I bragged.

"Really Miss Bianca Hillson... What do you know about being a secretary?" She scrutinized.

"You just have to print out some papers...do some corrections...put some files together. Photocopy some stuffs...be attentive in meetings, seal a contract…. It's that easy Fiona...don't get worked up for nothing." I elucidated smiling.

"You think that's all it takes to be a secretary Bianca?" Fiona clamored with a sad face.

"Why are you making it look like I am going to a war front and I am going to die there. Come on girl it's just for three months…"I tried explaining.

"Before you know it I'll be done with it. So what could happen?" I said with a broad smile on my face.

"You know it's not too late to cancel that damned contract...you're already very famous so what more would more fame do if not harm?" She rasped, in fervor.

"Can you not for once in your life be positive Fiona? If you don't have any reasonable thing to say...you better shut your trap! " I was becoming irked now.

"Instead of you supporting my decisions, If I become more famous won't it benefit you...if you know you can't support me the door is that way Fiona!" I yelled at her.

"I am sorry Miss Bianca, I shouldn't have questioned your decision. I have forgotten my place as your manager." She mumbled with her head bowed down.

"You know I didn't mean it that way Fiona, I hate it when people tell me what to do. I.am the boss myself, no one is and you are worth more than a secretary to me." I cooed.

"I overstepped my bounds Bianca.. I won't question your decision anymore,"

"Have you picked what I'll be wearing tomorrow?" I asked sipping from the juice that was served to me.

"I already picked it…. Mr. Charles already sent your schedule for the week... And rules and regulations plus another contract of which you just need to sign your part. " Fiona said operating the tab.

"Have you gone through it?" I asked, way to go Bianca. What about the one you signed in with Mr.Charles.

"Yes I have...just need you to sign it."



"Prepare a spa for me and the manicurist and pedis people should be here in less than hour.

I need to look to good tomorrow." I said cat walking out of the lounge.