

Azalea, grew up with no parents. The only family she had was her brother, Chase. Chase had been her father and father figure ever since she was five. He thought her how to fight and defend herself. This was because her father was the wealthiest mafia drug lord that ever existed, but he was killed by a known enemy who pretended to be friends with her brother. Azalea was totally unaware of the deep enmity between her brother and the his treacherous friend until the day Chase was attacked by Bethany and his group. Her world crashed as she was kidnapped by the same man who killed her brother, and requested to own ownership of everything her brother had worked hard for. Whilein his grasp, Azalea decided to escape by every means but Bethany wasn't a man that she could easily run away from. There was something about him that kept her in chains no matter how she tried to escape and avenge her brother's death. What could this be? Her doom or her liberation.

Proudwriter · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Rohan could not believe her ears when he told her to strip, and not only that, he threatened her with her new found boyfriend.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You should have known better than disobey me."

"You are a monster!"

"Really?" Suddenly Bryan punched some buttons on his computer and turned it over to her. She glanced at what he was showing her, and to her greatest horror, it was Tristan who had been caught by Bryan's men.

"Don't you dare hurt him!" Bryan stood uo from his chair and walked up to her. His gaze looking like a pissed up lion .

"Will you obey me or you want me to tell them to take his head off this minute!" Rohans gasped bat what he said. Knowing Bryan, she was sure that he would do that which he had just said .

"You want me to strip? Fine!" Rohan tried to control the tears that clogged her eyes. She hated him, she hated the fact that she was going to strip in front of no one else but him.

She raised her gaze to the ceiling as she began taking off her shirt and dumping it on the floor. She dared not look at him, afraid of what sge might find.

Why did he want to see her naked? It's not as though her body was as attractive as the other ladies whom he hanged out with or slept with.

Rohan hugged her chest as she was left with just her bra. Her cleavage was exposed and she was trying to hide it away from him.

"You aren't done yet."

"Huh?" She was forced to bring down her gaze to him. What she saw in his eyes made her shiver in fright. His eyes had darkened while he stared at her chest. She had never seen him like this before.

"I said you aren't done yet." His vice sounded weak and should she say romantic. Why was he sounding that way?

She slowly pulled down the zipper to the skirt she was wearing, and took the skirt down her knees.

Now she was left with just her pant and bra.

For the first time in her life, Rohan felt nervous in front of Bryan. She was curious to know what he was trying to watch her strip. She raised her gaze up at him only to find him, swallowing hard.

Rohan's skipped. She sincerely hoped he wasn't acting that way because of her body.

"Can you let Tristan go now?" She whispered to his hearing. Suddenly, he walked closer to her. He held up her chin and made her stare into his now dark eyes.

"Why did you kiss him?" His voice alone made her feel like melting away. What is wrong with her? This s was the same voice she had heard for ages, why does it sound different and enticing to her ears now?

"I kissed him because I love him." His gaze only darkened more with her reply.

"You don't even know what is love, how could you say you love him?"

"Because that's how I feel whenever I see him." God help her with the lies she was spouting.

"I told you never to hsve a boyfriend. Why? You want to feel what those who have sex feel don't you?"

"Yes, I want to! Is that so wrong?!" She could see him shivering for reasons she couldn't tell.

"I'm so sorry, but you just unleashed the beast in me, and you Rohan will be taught a lesson you will never forget in a hurry."

He pushed her slowly over to the desk. He tucked the hair which was on her face behind her ears and began caressing her face.

"You are beautiful, do you know that?" Rohan didn't say a word. Anger could not best describe how she felt . She was scared as well. He had threatened her with Tristan, the beast!

Rohan tried to glance at anywhere but his face she couldn't look at his face because she was scared of her very own feelings.

"Look at me Rohan." She refused. Just then, he crashed his lips in hers, kissing her forcefully.

The kiss was different from yet again. Why? She opened her eyes to see his eyes closed. He was kissing bher with do much passion which made her throb underwear.

Why was she suddenly feeling this way?

The worse happened when she suddenly let out a low moan. That wasn't supposed to happen.

Suddenly he pulled away from her lips and attacked her neck. He grazed his tongue on her nape and sucked her like some vampire.

"Mph." She was trying to control her moans bjt he wasn't giving her the space to. Her head was messed up with different sensations. He suddenly cupped her breath with both hands abd squeeze them gently.

Rohan swore that she fe was only hanging by a thread. She quickly covered her mouth with her palms as ahe was about releasing another moan.

What should she do. She feels some liquid coming out of her. What was that? It can't be her period, or was it. He squeezed on her boobs with one hand, while he took the other brgind her and began unfastened the hook of her bra.

"No please."

"Shhhh. Accept your punishment without complaint."

He unhooked her bra and began pulling the bra off her shoulders while he stared at her. His eyes held something different, anger? Or lust? She couldn't.

She held on tightly to remnant of the material covering her books. She didn't want him to seemed her bare chest. But he slowly took her hands off her chest.

Closed her eyes the moment the bra slipped off her chest and her chest was open to him.

She didn't hear a sound apart from her beating heart which was beating loudly and his heavy breathing.

Just then she felt something wet on her nipples. She couldn't help moan loudly into his kissess, she opened her eyes, only to find him sucking on her nipples like some hungry toddler.