

Azalea, grew up with no parents. The only family she had was her brother, Chase. Chase had been her father and father figure ever since she was five. He thought her how to fight and defend herself. This was because her father was the wealthiest mafia drug lord that ever existed, but he was killed by a known enemy who pretended to be friends with her brother. Azalea was totally unaware of the deep enmity between her brother and the his treacherous friend until the day Chase was attacked by Bethany and his group. Her world crashed as she was kidnapped by the same man who killed her brother, and requested to own ownership of everything her brother had worked hard for. Whilein his grasp, Azalea decided to escape by every means but Bethany wasn't a man that she could easily run away from. There was something about him that kept her in chains no matter how she tried to escape and avenge her brother's death. What could this be? Her doom or her liberation.

Proudwriter · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Rohan had never been as angry as she was now. She not got humiliated, by the same person person who was supposed to back her up.

Ryan was the worse thing that had happened to her entire existence. If only sbe could just run away. With what's happening, Rohan do not wish to be in under Ryan anymore. She just wa m t to runaway to somewhere unknown. Just as she was thinking of her escape plan, her door flew open, and Ryan walked in.

"Still awake." Rohan did not bother to respond to him as she was still very angry about what happened earlier.

"Well uhm..."

"I want to leave." She muttered, cutting him shut from what he was about saying.

"What do you mean?"

"You heard me right. I said I want to leave."

"You just can't leave."

"And why not!" Rohan was beginning to get very pissed with his constant refusal."

"Because you can't!" Rohan stared staring at him, utterly confused.

"You dont want me to leave? Just how long do you plan to keep me locked in for?"

"I don't know , fir as long as it takes." That answer shattered her heart into a thousand pieces.

"You are not just cruel, you are a monster!"

Rohan shook in anger. How could someone be so cruel to his fellow human being. How could he lock her up for years?

"Listen to me, Rohan, I know you are angry, and I don't blame you. I know Randy was eeknv to have treated you that way, but he's my very important customer. "

"Oh yes, you told me that. A very important customer who you could do anything for. So if your all so very important customer

Asks you to stop every customer you have from coming to the bar, you would gladly obey him, not so?"

He didn't say a word to her. Seeing him acting dumb, only angered her the more.

She slowly stood uo from her bed and approached him with folded hands.

"You know what I think about all this? I think you are not as powerful as you were, and hence you are willing to take the deepest of shit!"

Ryan glared at her, she could see the fiery flames of anger in his eyes, but she dare him to lay a finger on her."

Why don't you do yourself the honour of letting me go. It' won't hurt if you let me go. I couls go back to my family and pretended nothing like this ever happened. My brother is dead anyway ."

"No, you are mistaken if you think I will ever let you go. In your wildest dreams. You are my prisoner and that you will always be."

Rohan's anger came in full this time. She realised that if she continued letting him lead, she would remain a prisoner until the day she died. That cannot happen. She won't sit back and let him control her life.

"Well Mr Ryan, I urge you to keep watching me because you might not be able to handle what's coming your way."

After she was refused from going to the bar to work, in order not to keep her locked in, Bryan decided to enrol her in a school that was securely monitored by his men.

To Rohan, she was still a prisoner, because she was made to go home the moment she was done with class for the day. It was a boarding school, but Bryan nevet let her board, all because he thought it wasn't ne essay for her to board since her house was close by.

Not only that, she wasn't allowed to make friends. It wasn't as though she was a little kid, because if she was, she would understand why she wasn't allowed to board.

Despite all the restrictions given to her, she still managed to keep some friends. It so happened that a friend of hers named Tristan, decided to see her off.

"Tristan, i think you should go back now," Rohan stated while looking around the area, just in case Bryan's men were around.

"Why? you are not home yet. I will see you off to your gate, how about that?"

If only Tristan would understand why she wanted him to leave.

"I know, and I'm almost home."

Tristan gave her a weird look. Are your parents strict?"

That was an opportunity for her.

"Huh.. yes, very strict especially my uncle. He doesn't like me coming home with friends." Tristan's expression looked like that of a person who seemed to have heard something really strange.

"Your uncle is weird."

"Exactly, he is so weird that sometimes I wish I could escape already."

"Huh?" Rohan just realized that she was unknowingly speaking out her distress to Tristan."

"Never mind, I think you should go now."

"Okay Roh, see you tomorrow." Tristan hugged her before leaving. The moment he was gone, Rohan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew!" She can't even begin to imagine what will happen if Bryan's men were to see Tristan with her. The boy will not understand that she was trying to save his ass. To be honest, this was the second school she was attending and she prayed it was the last school she would attend.

She had to leave her first school, all because a guy asked her out and wanted them to hang out. Since she was always locked in, she decided to sneak out from the house.

Roshan had no idea that Bryan's men already saw her leave. She thought she was safe, not until she met the boy and they both decided to hang out in a bar.

Just as they were about making themselves comfortable on a chair, Bryan's men came and the first thing they did was beat up the boy while they took her to Bryan.

She could remember how he yelled at her for ever going out with a guy. Sometimes she wondered if Bryan was sick or something. How could he have stopped her from having friends or even a boyfriend.

She knew how much he had sex with different women, because they always hover around him like flies. It was annoying that she was old enough to get a boyfriend, bit he still won't let her have one. If that wasn't him being cruel, then what should it be called.

Despite the fact that she was in school, he still made her feel like a prisoner. It was totally unfair and uncalled for. Nobody should be treated the way she was treated. It would have been bettering he sold her out, just like he said earlier, no need to torture her this much.

Rohan was about to walk into her room, when she heard footsteps approaching. From the way the footsteps sounded on the floor, she didn't need anyone to tell her that it was Bryan.

"It seems you don't take correction, do you?" Rohan tried to comport herself. She wabtedti avoid lashing out on him, but he was pushing her to. She breathed a long sigh before turning around to face him.

"What do you want now?"

"Who is that boy?" His expression was that of a pissed tiger who was wanting to explode.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." He walked over to her, his face looking very stern.

"You don't know what I'm talking about or you choose not to know?"

"Is there any difference in what I said?"

"You will talk to me with respect, if you know what's good for you."

"What, are you going to lock me up again?"

"Don't tempt me Rohan, I could do far worse."

Rohan shook her head. It seemed that because she was quiet, she was beginning to loose her touch.

She had tried not to be violent with him all because she was scared of becoming his sex slave, just as he had always threatened her.

This time, she was going to show him that she wasn't scared of him one bit! Rohan walked silently towards him.

"You know what, I don't care anymore what you want to do. But I can assure you that you can't stop me from having a boyfriend!"

"You can't have a boyfriend, Rohan!" She walked even closer to him, her eyes penetrative his. She could see his big blue eyes clearly, his slightly crooked nose and attractive thin pink lips.

Rohan quickly shook her head. She can't possibly be thinking of the devil and admiring his features. He was her brother's enemy to even start with.

"What,the cat's got your tongue now?" That annoyed her terribly.

"You can't stop me from having a boyfriend or do whatever shit I want to do with him!"

"Does that include having sex with him?"

"Yes! Oh yes!" That didn't seem to settle for Bryan as his facial expression suddenly changed to that of anger. She could feel his temper rising. But what for? She was sure that if her brother was still alive, he would let her have a boyfriend.

"Repeat what you just said right now!" Rohan stared at Bryan weirdly. He's really a weird type of guy, and answering to him would be wasting her time.