
In Love With The Devil Prince

The kingdom of Bryxton has enjoyed 200 years of peace and prosperity until the unexpected arrival of the Devil kingdom's army. Chaos and destruction ensue as the Devil kingdom launches a war on Bryxton, killing and infecting its citizens. The people of Bryxton are terrified and some opportunistic citizens begin migrating to the Devil kingdom, hoping to gain power and protection. In this dire situation, the King of Bryxton turns to an ancient prophecy that speaks of a certain individual who will save the kingdom in its darkest hour. The King sends out a call to action, seeking these individuals to fulfill the prophecy and rescue the kingdom from destruction. As the war rages on, the fate of Bryxton rests on the shoulders of these unknown heroes. Will they be able to come together and fulfill the prophecy? Only time will tell if their bravery and skills will be enough to save the kingdom from the Devil kingdom's wrath.

Friggaz · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

My princess, you are already set. Well, I like the spirit. So he began by teaching the princess the basics of magic and casting spells. Everyone has a different power. Some can just think of what they want in their mind, and it will be carried out. Some need to use the spell word to activate their magic, and some can do both, but spell magic is the most powerful kind of magic.

And there is also sorcery, which is unlike magic and spells, they need sacrifices, such as shedding blood or anything tangible, and this is also powerful, but most people tend to use sorcery for evil things, that's why it is not allowed. So he gave her books on basic magic and asked her to read them and learn what she could from them so that when they met again, they would have some practice.

The princess returned after a long talk with Dallas, and he asked that she trade carefully and not try to overdo her strength. She met Azazel, who was sitting in the garden close by, talking with Leif, and when she came closer, she decided to join them. After a while, they decided to call it a day. But before they left, Lydia called Leif and said, "I had a vision of you. It's still not clear enough, but in the vision, you seemed cast away by your people.

You became different, though your kind nature did not change. I still do not know what it is. But just be very careful. I hope nothing would befall you, my dear brother." He thanked her and said he would be very watchful and careful as she had instructed, but to keep him posted if anything became clear from her vision.

So they both departed, and the princess joined Azazel while they return to her chambers, she decided to have some rest before she starts her study of the book Dallas had left her. She went to bed while Azazel set off for Lucia. Since he is of the devil's blood, Lucias' arc that was set to detect the entrance of people into the kingdom, who did not have the permission of the king or belonged to them, did not set off. Azazel covered himself with a cloak and hood, to prevent anyone from seeing him, and he started looking around the kingdom. He went into a hall where Lokia kept people who remained loyal to Elkano and did not support his course.

They were bound by chains and kept to do labor or serve in quarters, Azazel sighted one of his father's most loyal subjects Erik chained and kept in a corner. They were unable to break free of the chains since the chains were made of sorcery, which weakened them from being able to use their powers.

He walked up to him and called out Sire Erik, why are thou bound in chains? Who is asking, or are you not aware of what's been going on in this kingdom, since king Elkano's disappearance? Sire, it is I who asked, Erik, lifts his head but could not recognize the face and the man standing before him, I do not recognize you, nor do I recall crossing paths with you, who are you? he asked.

It is I Azazel, who speaks, with a glaring and surprising look from Erik, he said, that's impossible, Azazel died long ago, No Sire, I Lived, I was saved by an old man in a town known as Tania, after my uncle slit opened my neck and threw me into the river.

There is not much time to talk Sire, but I would return when the time is right to save all who remained loyal to my father, do not relay my emergence with anyone yet, until the time is right, yes my lord, I would keep this a secret, Erik said. His eyes were filled with tears as he saw Azazel, your emergence brings hope back to us, we would hold on till you come for our rescue.

We also have a lot to discuss when the time is right, Azazel put on his hood and bid Erik farewell, as he began going back, but on his way back, he was stopped by two men, who demanded to know where he was going, I am just taking a ride out the forest, it is nightfall, so I want to go hunt.

No one leaves the forest without Lokias permission, he threw a bag filled with gold at them, and they granted him passage.

The princess who was awake and studying was worried about Azazel and where he could have gone too during that late hours and why he was not by her side and wanted him to come back. She returned to studies and practiced a bit of what she was learning, and there was a knock on her door,

My Lady may I come in, she granted him access. and he pushed the door opened and went inside. Where do you always go to late at night and do not want me to accompany you? well, my lady, you are busy with a lot of things these days, from your training and all that has been happening in which you needed to be resting, so my lady I cannot take you along, so I do not add to them.

I have not complained, let me be the one to decide if I will or not, alright my lady, sorry about that, I would not carry out assumptions again.

So what are you doing, I have been trying to practice what Dallas asked me to study, but they are a bit too difficult for me. No spell or magic is difficult for someone with your kind of powers, you are just afraid and scared of letting yourself loose, so you do not hurt yourself or others. Put your mind to it, stop thinking about anything, make your mind clear and calm as the gentle breeze, then try it again, and this time, put in all you've got, I'm here to save you if anything goes wrong.

A man with no powers wants to save me, that's ridiculous, well I might not look like it my lady, but I am pretty tough, you'd be surprised when you get to know how strong I am. You do not have magical powers in you, how come you know a lot about them?

I have studied a lot over the past years, studied magic, studied about kingdoms, studied about the beast and magical creatures and beast, my father was well versed in them, he lived in an era where these things all existed.

And so he made me study a lot about them, and he tells me a lot too about them in his stories, that is why I am well versed about it, so would you give it a try now? She went ahead and gave it a try again, and this time she got it right.

She moved an object with her mind. My lady, you are one of a kind. You can do magic by just thinking about it, and you can also do magic by using spells. Not many are blessed with both gifts; some only get to do one or not all, and most people can only perform spell-based magic. Most people possess only one magical attribute when they are born.

The most you can see is two, but possessing the four attributes and more, such as you do, is very rare to see. They come once in a century. You possess the fire, water, wind, and earth elements of magic, and you can perform any magic that has to do with these attributes too.

You are indeed a lucky princess. Your kingdom might be looking up to you in the forthcoming battle.

I do not want anyone to get hurt, especially my loved ones, I lost Laila because I was weak, and I want to become strong enough to protect my people.

Azazel drew her close and assured her, "You would be fine, my princess. I believe you would grow stronger, someone Laila would be proud of where she is." She looked into his eyes and he looked into hers, and then this spark that drew them together began to grow.

The princess, who had been falling for Azazel for a while, shifted closer to him while he held onto her waist, and he bent his head a little towards the princess like she knew what was coming. She closed her eyes, also taking her face closer to Azazel. Azazel's hand began moving over her beautiful, sexy, and smooth body.

She then hugged her arms around his neck and they continued kissing passionately, until Eve and Lily badged in, interrupting the two love birds who were caught up in the moment. We are sorry.

My Lady, we should leave. You do not have to. Come on in. Azazel said while letting go of the princess, "I'm sorry, my lady." I will be out for a while in the chamber your father gave me, and he walked out. Eve and Lily rushed to the princess and they started asking her to tell them what happened while they began laughing. Has our Princess finally decided to fall in love, said, Lily.

She smiled and said, well I do not know what that was, but I did not want it to stop. By the way, what brought you, girls, to my quarters this late? Nothing actually, we were just passing by and we saw that your torch was still on, so we decided to check up on you to know if you were still up or if you might have slept off while studying. We did not know you were having a good time, and they all burst into laughter. So you have seen that I am fine, so I think you all go back to your chambers.

Thanks for ruining my good time, and I will see you in the morning, so they bid the princess goodnight and departed to their chambers.

She was getting ready for the day with Eve and Lily trying to clean her up. When she was finally ready and dressed up, the princess walked out of her room to go have breakfast in the garden. She invited her maids to join her for breakfast and thought to herself, "Azazel never misses breakfast with me, I hope he is fine."

In an opposite way to how her brother treats his servants, the princess has a special bond with her maids and considers them to be sisters rather than just household help. Eve and Lily then cleaned up after having breakfast and left the princess in the garden by herself after they had joined her. After some time spent sitting, she got up and proceeded to lie down on the garden's white swing. While enjoying the cool wind and the view of the sky, she began thinking of Azazel.

What could Azazel be thinking about now? As she thought about their kiss and the moment they shared last night, she was puzzled while fluttering and smiling. Why do you laugh so much?

She turned to face the question when she heard a recognizable voice behind her and gasped, "Azazel," as she looked back. He sat next to her after she shifted to make room for him on the chair.

He smiled and said, "Hope you had a great night." Yes, I did, and I believe you did too. Well, I did, but as the hours went by, my night got lonely. " He then glanced at the princess, and they both chuckled. It is almost time for your training with Dallas. Would you be leaving now, and do you need me to accompany you? You say that as if you do not already know the answer, and they laughed and got up, leaving for the training ground where Dallas was already waiting.

Dallas held a crystal ball in his hands and said, "Come my princess, I have been waiting for you to come." What do you have in your hands, sir? What's that for? The princess asked, and Dallas answered, "It is a magical attribute detector; it tells which element you possess."

He handed over the crystal to her and asked that she fill it up with a little of her powers, and she did so. When she did so, the crystal ball detected all four elements of the princess's powers. Dallas, seeing this, was surprised. He knew the princess was powerful, but he had thought it would be just two elements.

Possessing all four elements, he was amazed. You possess all four magical attributes, my princess, but the fire seems to be the one you are more powerful with. The princess started wondering. How come Dallas never knew she possessed all four magical attributes until he had tested her with the ball, but Azazel already had an idea of it? Who exactly is this man?
