
in love with rubena

how can you fall in love with the person you have meet only once...it was a the same with rubena she fall in love with Andrew a boy who was different from her in case of status can rubena get Andrew#

rarely_2511 · Teen
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2 Chs

make him know you presence

Ruby was just wondering in how to make Andrew fall in love with her as she didn't experience the felling she is feeling right at the moment ...mmh she signed

she didn't have any experience in dating so she was new with the game she decided to call her best friend Akira

hell with a very low voice hello Akira was heard shouting hey Kira where are you.with disappointed tone .

ooh sorry rubby iam at the. party so what do you want .rubby thinked for a moment and she knew Akira will laugh at her never mind just continue just as Akira wanted to speak she heard a bip bip sounds

Akira continue to continue to flirt with men in the club .

rubby had tried to think of the way so she decided to Google ...mmmh Shel clared her thort she hesitate for a moment and then she tipped how to make someone love you ...

just tell him that was one of the response she get just make him know you presence .just conference just flit with him there was many comments and runny just read one by one and took only those that she will be possible helpful

after that she notes important things to start with

make hime know you presence#

it was Friday and Akira for the past few days she has greated Andrew for many times so that he can know her but it went to gain


I have been stressed out that my parents force me to marry and Iam not that old enough to marry IAM just

20 also iam a Playboy I can't get married soon I will be tied with my wife ..

recently in school there is a girl haven't taken my eyes off her she is so innocent and sweet

her name is rubena for the last week wherever I have been meeting her she will greet me with her bold smile which make her look so cute

I don't know what this feeling is that is how love is don't know but I don't feel good when I see her with other boys

I will make my move to approach her so that she can be my girlfriend

rubena p.o.v

I have tried everything that I found in Google. but I have got any positive view from Andrew as he is a rich boy I can't get him andalso he is a play boy.i was heart broken when I found him kissing onother girl in the washroom I was so sad that i felt my eyes betraying me I runned away so that I can't see him


iam so sad that rubby she has not great me so I was in my way to find her and this girl samatha she has been trying to get my attention so hii Andrew she greated me with bold smile she just come near me and she just lead about to kiss when I saw her smiling I know we where in a bad position that anyone will misunderstood I followed her gaze ooh shit it was rubby and she was crying .

I knew I screw up so I had to run after her

hey stop I touched her sleeves.just leave me alone Andrew while sobbing

I couldn't continue to watch her cry so I hugged her she cried while beating my chest mmmh.why why

why Andrew did you do this to me

hey I was not doing anything to samatha stop lying to me Andrew I saw you with my own eyes I tightened her hand listen she just lied to my ears and she started wispering nonsense.oooh I was embarrassed

rubby has finished to cry so I decided to tease her

so why did you run while crying

mmh mmh because me.

yes you i love you idiot can't you see.i can see that she is scared that i will not like her she continues it's fine it's better to tell you anywhere because

you think I can't date and love you because of you economic status right

eeh she looked at me in the eyes the I noticed that her eyes are blue like ocean

that not the case rubby I love you and I was scared that you will not be satisfied with me

really rubby I love you she hugged me tight fear that is l will run I away I rubbed her back while feeling so happy