
In Love with my Personal assistant

she fell in love with her personal assistant will she be able to make him fall for her? Alexander Donald is one of the biggest business owner in X-city but people have no idea about his looks, he is in search of a wife but he felt like if he made it known to people that he wants to get married he will not find true love so Alex decided to work in julie Anderson company as her Personal assistant.

torpy_8998 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

First meeting

grrrrgrrrr The alarm sounds, julie felt annonyed by the constant buzzing noise she switched the alarm off and decided to stand up to avoid lateness because as the CEO of J.Anders company she has to lay good example to her workers. So she stood up and decided to pick her outfit which consists of black blazers, pink inner shirt and black skirt and lastly her underwears afterwards she hurried to the bathroom and do the necessary things and step out of the bathroom while hand drying her hair her phone started ringing and julie realized she forgot to return her mothers call so she answered the phone Hi mom ,Susan her mom replied ; have been calling you since yesterday but you refused to pick your mother's call .julie replied mom I was so busy yesterday and forgot to return your calls forgive your baby please Susan shook her head from the other side of the phone her daughter always give the same excuse when she calls most of the time she then replied ok come home I will cook your favourite dish for you don't be late love you , love you too mom bye .julie sighs she loves her mother so much but she hardly had time to visit her so she decided to make it up to her. After the conversation she rushed down the stairs and microwaved the leftover food in her freezer when she pressed the timer, she suddenly remembered that her secretary told her that she had found a new personal assistant for her so she hurriedly ate her food and drove away in her range rover sports car.

when she reached the company she gets down and immediately walked into the office her workers greeted her as usual and she replied with a nod and smiles sweetly at them. samantha stood up and greet her boss and says mam you are looking beautiful this morning julie smiles and says thank you, as she was heading back to her office Samantha immediately informed her about the handsome man waiting for the interview and julie nodded and ordered samantha to send him to her office.

Meanwhile, Alexander was quite impressed when he first step his foot into the office the colours were not girly it was just looking good and nicely built like how a company should be while walking he noticed the stars of the female workers some were smiling and flirting at him he just shook his head and thought in his mind that women will always be women so headed to the secretary front and told her his name and she flashed him a sweet smile and directed him to a closed to room to wait for her boss to arrive.

Back there in julie's office she was wondering how the guy will look because this is her first time employing a Male personal assistant while she was lost in thought a noise distracted her and she check the source of noise and realised it's a knock sounding from the door so she spoke,^ come in then Alex comes in and she was shocked with her mouth wide opened that her personal assistant is so handsome she couldn't resist how handsome he looked while Alex was also staring at the spotless beauty without any trace of makeup but when he saw how she was staring at him this made his ears reddened a little and he made a clearing throat sound hunhun then this made julie shake all this thought from her mind but she was still looking at him with her mouth wide opened and Alex pointed to her opened mouth and she wondered what was wrong she then realised that her mouth is still opened so she felt embarrassed immediately closed it. julie then asked him questions and checked his CV and she told him he us hired and Alex was shocked that she didn't ask him much questions but she asked one question that made him wonder if it is part of an interview question "do you have a girlfriend " he shook his head and she let out a sigh of relief but he didn't understand what is going on in her head so he stood up and bid her goodbye. julie started doing her piles up work but his face keeps popping to her mind so she called samantha for her early morning coffee after drinking the coffee she was able to concentrate on her work and signed the necessary documents she checked the time and realised it's already 5:30pm so she stopped working and decided to leave early to see her mother moreover she even missed the taste of her mother home made fried rice and grilled chicken her stomach grumbled from the thought of food ,she entered her car and sped off to her mothers house when she reached there the butler greeted her and she smiled at him and rushed in to greet her mom this made her mom happy that her daughter finally had her time so they ate and chatted till it's late at night and she bids her mom good bye.

when she reached home, she showered and changed to her pyjamas and the thought of her having Alex to her self popped to her mind and she could not sleep so she switched on her laptop and decides to watch her favourite movie "boys before flowers " she never gets tired of watching that movie while watching she stood up and went downstairs to pick her potato chips and hurried back to her bedroom to continue watching the movie she was smiling all through watching the movie she thought of going to shop for new sets of clothes to begin with seducing her personal assistant she laughed at the thought that by the time she is almost done with her plan he will not be able to resist her charms she then rearrange her bed and switch off the laptop and throw the chips into the dust bin and dozed off in the process.