
In Love With My Husband's Son

A very beautiful 20-year-old young woman who lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by a very poor woman. Stacy is an independent woman with good morals. She has the dream of being a superstar, but her beautiful world was shattered when she was forced to sign a contract with one Mr. Edward, a middle-aged man, to save her ailing mother.

Rugged_King · Urban
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Chapter Two

"I don't know how to say this, but when I saw you dancing on the stage, I was captivated by your beauty, and I knew at that moment I would never get you out of my mind," Mr. Edward confessed. Stacy was shocked and started backing away.

Mr. Edward came forward and held her hands. "Will you marry me, Miss Stacy, and I can give you all you desire in this world? Whether it's being a top superstar, money, connections, or even traveling around the whole world."

"Just say yes, and you will see all your dreams come true." His words sounded very enticing, like the devil's call. To be honest, Stacy was moved. If it were anyone else, she would readily jump on it. Yet she wasn't like other girls. Without a word, she pulled her hands away from him.

"I am sorry, Mr. Edward, I can understand your feelings, but I'm sorry to disappoint you. I am not interested in marrying you. Please respect my decision and don't chase after me. Thank you." Stacy carefully chose her words.

The man standing in front of her is no ordinary man. He is one of the wealthiest and most well-connected men in the country. She couldn't say words like, "You're too old to even be my father," or other offensive words.

She stepped back and made a hasty retreat once she was out of his reach. Mr. Edward watched her as she left the guest room in a hurry.

He thought for a while before giving a throaty laugh. "Interesting," he muttered.

Stacy was flustered as she hurried out of the guest room. It was a close encounter with Mr. Edward. She couldn't believe that a man who is even supposed to be older than her late father would actually ask her to marry him. She couldn't even begin to think of the idea. She saw her friend Anna in the corridor and waved at her. She didn't feel like staying anymore and had decided to go home straight.

Inside the guest room, a man stepped out of the washroom. He was burly and tall, looking like a bouncer.

"She actually rejected you, boss?" He said in disbelief.

"Yes, you don't believe it," he gave a smirk. "Actually, I had expected that. She seems to be the stubborn kind. You have a new task now, Kindo. From now on, you and your men should watch over her and give me every slightest bit of information about her."

His tone was flat and authoritative. Kindo couldn't find the courage to argue, even though he so much wanted to. He was the son of Mr. Edward's most trusted confidant, who is also Mr. Edward's personal butler. The father and son duo were the most loyal subordinates of Mr. Edward.

"I know what you want to say. You want to argue about my self-esteem and all that, but you don't have to worry. I am not going to do anything that serious. It's just that I want to find a weak spot where I can grab."

"I don't believe she is invulnerable," there was a glint in his eyes. He looked thoughtful for a while before walking out of the guest room with Kindo.

Moore Street, a very popular street in the city. The silhouette of two beautiful women could be seen walking on the road. It was Stacy and her friend Anna.

"Come on, Stacy. You refused to tell me what happened with your meeting with that Sir Edward. And also, you have to be happy for getting the opportunity to meet him in person. Why the long face? It's not every day you get to talk with a big shot like him," Anna prodded her. She only gave a small smile, but after pausing for a while, she replied.

"He asked me to marry him," she replied.

"What!" Anna could feel her brain buzzing at that moment, and it seemed like she wouldn't be able to think clearly as she tried to wrap her mind around what she just heard.

"What did you just say?" She grasped Stacy's hand, looking incredulous.

Stacy shook her off. "Don't give me that look. What's the big deal? I turned him down, after all. The man is more than old enough to be my dad. Forget his looks; he must be fifty-something years old."

Anna looked at her with a shocked expression. "Stacy, you are incredible. I can't believe you actually turned him down. Don't you know who he is? Other girls would willingly jump to get his attention."

Stacy ignored her and continued walking faster. After some few minutes, the two separated on their different paths home. A few miles later, she had already reached her street and could make out their house.

A very old building. Some parts of the building had already started falling off. Reaching the house, she knocked on the door for a few minutes without any response.

"Maybe Mom left for her friend's house," she thought to herself as she brought out her spare key. There was a creaking sound as the door opened slowly.

Stacy walked inside and was shocked by what she saw. Her mother was lying sprawled on the ground, in a pitiful manner, her eyes bulging.

"Mom!" She shrieked as she grasped her mother, tears raining down from her eyes. "Mom, wake up! I am here, Mom, wake up!" Stacy yelled. Soon, she forced herself to calm down.

She rushed outside and called for her neighbors. They helped her carry her mother as she hastily flagged down a cab on the road. Her mother was placed inside the cab before the car zoomed off.

Inside the cab, Stacy held her mother's hands as she cried profusely. The driver, aware of the urgency, tried his best to drive faster. After some minutes, they arrived at City Hospital. She was rushed to the emergency ward.

Stacy wasn't allowed in and stayed outside while feeling nervous. Soon, her friend Anna came in. She had called her earlier and informed her of what happened. Anna consoled her, and the two waited for the doctor together.