
In Love With My Husband's Brother

After being forced into an arranged marriage to save her father from going to jail due to bankruptcy and being neglected by her husband, she falls in love with her husbands brother instead. What disasters will this their forbidden love bring?

Mehola · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Whispers Among Silk and Satin

Young-jae stood there staring at the woman who has come to shatter his world, a woman he had no right feeling this way about and yet her had control over it. She was going to be the death of him and he knew it but even at that, even at that he knew she was worth the risk and more.

She stood before him clad in a bikini that she had hurriedly wrapped a scarf around probably because of his impromptu visit. Staring at her he felt his blood rush through him and he could not control himself anyone as he also sensed equal need coming from her.

His name had not completely left his lips when he threw his bag on the floor and grabbed her pulling her to him her scent making him more intoxicated. He sniffed her neck and groaned, 'I've missed you so much, it took all the willpower I had to control myself but I don't think I can control myself anymore. 'I've missed you too she said her voice inaudible covered up by her need.

He pulled himself from the embrace to stare into her eyes, those eyes that always drew him in, that had called out to him from the first day he had seen them and no it was not at the wedding and this time they were calling out to him for a different reason and he was ready to answer.

He kissed her slowly and paused to look into her eyes, after getting the confirmation he needed he kissed her again, slightly more intense than before as a soft moan escaped her lips and she leaned her head backwards to give him more access and he took it. He wrapped her hair with one hand while the other hand was wrapped around her waist pulling her into him so much that their heart started beating with one rhythm. He raised her up and carried her on his waist as she wrapped her legs around him her hands behind his neck thanking charge of the situation as he slowly carried her into the bedroom, kissing her along the way.

He got to the room and slowly eased her into the bed, he paused for a minute admiring her features and tracing the lines of her face with his hands and she smiled shyly trying to cover her face with her hands but he stopped her laughing and kissed her, her laughter seized and she stared into his eyes longing for more. 'Oh those eyes' he groaned and instantly covered her mouth with his and she wrapped her hands around his neck pulling him in. He slowly lifted her from the bed and continues kissing her while she unbuttoned his shirt he loosened her bikini with one hand placing her bad on the bed and they continued kissing.


It was evening when Mi-soo finally woke up and she was alone on the bed, she slowly dressed up and walked out of the bedroom. She heard a noise in the kitchen and went to check on it and she saw Young-jae cooking something. 'what are you making?' she asked startling him a little bit. 'Oh, you're finally awake' Young-jae said smiling at her. 'You must be hungry, I'm making dinner' he added. 'I'm starving she said going to him and wrapping her hands around him. She was falling madly in love with this man.


Weeks after she came back from the vacation house, Mi-soo started having secret rendezvous with Young-jae. She would visit him in the office and they would make out in the office after he instructs his secretary not to let anyone in.

They would make out in restrooms at events and parties, while her husband was busy having his own fun, she was also having hers and loving every bit of it.

She finally convinced her Father in-law to give her a job at the company as she was wasting away just staying at home. Her mother in-law had objected at first saying she needed to save her energy and make babies and she had almost choked on her food but eventually her mother in-law gave in and she started working at the company making seeing Young-jae more easy.

Her husband did not care about her and mostly came home late or sometimes never does and so after work Young-jae would pick her up secretly and they would sneak into his apartment. They would talk, laugh, sip wine, play house and have incredible sex and then late into the night he would drop her off. Every day better than the day before it, she was totally walking on cloud 9.


One faithful weekend while Mi-soo was preparing to go on her beach date with Young-jae, her mother visited her impromptu. Mi-soo heard the door ring and had rushed to answer it hoping it was Young-jae although they had plan to leave separately so that no one would suspect but she was felt he had wanted to surprise her so she excitedly went to get the door until to realise it was her mother and disappointment just showed all over her face.

'Why do you look disappointed to see me?' her mother asked but she lied that she wasn't, she said she was just a bit tired as she was preparing to go out to the beach with some friends.

'I haven't been to your house in a while and now that I'm here you want to run out on me?' her mom asked, 'I just wanted to bring you some fresh side dishes because you've always been a terrible Cook' . ' We can get side dishes from stores now mom, it's really not that big a deal but thank you, I'll enjoy it well' Mi-soo said hurriedly putting the side dishes in the fridge.

She asked her mum if she needed anything and she offered her mom some tea while she caught up on things happening at home, she hardly ever went to her own home as her father had told her that was no longer her home and her home was with her in-laws.


After she saw her mom off she quickly got into her car and drove up to a stop where she safely packed her car and called brought out her phone to call Young-jae. When she opened the phone she saw several missed calls from him. Her phone was on silent so she did not hear it ring, she immediately called him back and he directed her to where he was packed and she explained the situation that happened with her mother earlier and how her phone was on silent so she did not see his calls. He assured her everything was okay and then he proceeded to drive.

He drove for a while before the beach was finally in view, she was amazed at the beach as she winded down the car glass and brought her face out to be kissed by the sea breeze. He looked at her and laughed satisfied, she turned to him and gave him a slight punch and they both laughed and finally he got to the inn they were to stay at. They were so far from the city and they doubt any one would recognize them.


After they had unpacked they went to a local restaurant to eat an early dinner or rather a late lunch if we don't count the small snacks they had on their journey.

Mi-soo kept commenting on how delicious the food was and they laughed and talked while they are. The owner of the restaurant brought a hot pot to their table but they told her that they did not order it but she said it was on the house because they looked like a very cute couple. They thanked her while smiling and proceeded to eat the food.

After they were done eating, they took a stroll round the place and proceeded to take a walk on the beach, they looked so looking so lovely together. They played on the sand and chased it other round the beach and afterwards proceeded to right their names in love and laughed enthusiastically when the sand washed it off and after that Mi-soo faked sadness and proceeded to hug Young-jae burning her face on his chest.

'Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to hug me' he whispered in her ears but she hugged him tightly as she got shy and he proceeded to kiss her hoping it would break her from the embrace but she just giggled and stayed out.

Far across from them was a reporter who had come to cover some news in the small town, he had also written an article about Young-jae's divorce so when he saw him with another woman he was curious and took some pictures of them but he could not see her face and just as she was about to raise her head he got an urgent call and hurried off.

Unaware of the situation Mi-soo raised her head laughing and Young-jae proceeded to kiss her on her forehead and gave her a peck on her lips, and another one, then another one, eventually it turned into a kiss and they kissed each other passionately.

In the whispers among silk and satin, amidst the elegance of their world, Mi-soo and Young-jae had found a love that defied expectations. Their hearts beat in unison, a symphony of passion that would forever change the course of their lives.