

Sophia stood at a distance looking at one of the hugest and tallest buildings in the city.she has seen the company's upload online about the search of a personal assistant and she had applied for it as the company was one of the most richest companies in the country.

She walked nervously to the receptionist. "Good morning ma'am " Sophia greeted . "Am here for a job interview" the receptionist who was busy looked up to see a young beautiful girl in a corporate dress. "Then you are welcome. move over to the waiting room at your left side" the receptionist replied "okay then thank you "Sophia said and started walking to the waiting room. "You are Welcome I wish you good luck " the receptionist replied and went back to work

When sophia reached the waiting room her jaw dropped as her eyes gazed all over the room "oh my God why is there so many people here just for a single job "she mumbled to herself. She went to have a sit at a corner.

A man came into the room and announced that the interview has began. The first person for the job interview entered and came out after five minutes, the second Person went in and came out after some minutes and it continued untill it came to Sophia's turn .

Sophia who was at a corner kept looking at the people going and coming out of the room.she kept on checking the time and almost lost hope of getting interviewed today. "Sophia Charles "the interviewer called Sophia stood up and walked nervously into the room .Her gaze swept the whole room as she saw four people sitting on a chair and she confirmed that they were the interviewers .

Sophia greeted and said "Good morning ladies and gentlemen,am Sophia Charles and am here for the job interview" "you can have your seat "one of the interviewer's said .Sophia sat nervously on the chair as she tried to be as calm as she could.

"So from your resume it states that you graduated from the CUNY City College"one of the male interviewers said as he looked up to her "Yes Sir" Sophia replied calmly. "And what are your purpose of working here if I may ask? " the male interviewer asked. "As you have seen in the resume that I submitted, I studied business administration in CUNY city College and I graduated this year.I might not have any experience but I promise to do my utmost best in this job and put all my efforts and also help the company grow in good and positive way" Sophia replied sincerely .the interviewers spoke softly to themselves and asked her to leave and wait for the feedback after asking her some more questions .

Immediately she stepped out of the company's building she let out loud breath that she was holding since she walked into the company." Oh God I pray I get this job "Sophia prayed silently as she called a cab to take her back home.