
Chapter 2 Her Anger

She was sitting calmly on her head chair,her stance looked calmed on outside but visitor knew better than to believe her fake composure.

Whole cabin was engulfed in silence,only sound was coming from her cup of coffee when she would put it back on desk and keys being tapped when she would type it after taking a sip from her beverage.

After finishing her cup of rich black liquid,she turned on the Television putting an international business news channel to get latest news on business world.

Visitor found her patience wearing off as she stood up from her place and turned off voice of the Television.

In return she was bestowed with the frightening glare from the person sitting behind the desk.

"How dare you?" She asked in a cold voice which could have made anyone tremble but she was her best friend.

Sophia Saeed, Best friend of Aaliya from her university days. They both had done Fashion designing in same batch and hence came close and with time their bond became stronger and unbreakable.

Only Sophia can dare to demand answers from her except her family. She was with her through her struggle and though she was the first one to join her company when she established it.

Aaliya released a huff of annoyance,and took a sharp inhalation, leaned back in her chair and rested her head on it.

"He is going and didn't inform me!" She said while closing her eyes,but her beautiful features were marred with irritation and annoyance.

"Must have.." she was brutally cut off in middle with her angry shout,her face by now have turned red in anger.

"I don't want to hear anything in defense!"she shouted in anger by now her grey eyes spitting anger and Sophia knew better not to push her buttons now.

She quietened and looked at her with worry lacing on her face. Former just took a deep inhalation and composed her breathing which became shallow in her previous angered state.

Sophia gave her a glass of water,she took it from her hand and gulped down the whole content in one go. Her features visibly relaxed now.

After drinking water her rational mind took over and again she composed her features in a moment and offered a small smile to her Best friend,the latter just gave her a full blown smile in return with a little nod.

This bond they had,they don't need to use or? verbalize their emotions for communication. They both would just understood each other that way and all would be forgiven.

After that sophia got back to her seat and turned on the Voice of Television.

"The youngest billionaire or as magazines or social media states Handsome prince was spotted on the Airport at 5 in the morning,sources says that he is returning back to his home in india.

We would like to remind you that Arslan Siddique was given a title of 'Youngest Eligible Bachelor of the world' this is the third time in a row when he received this title from the top magazine named as GLOBE.

We would like to show footage of this billionaire going towards his private jet.." News anchor was saying on which she hardly paid attention as she was immersed in her work by now but due to her all senses working all the time,she heard everything.

"Your cousin is coming back?" Sophia asked from her seat as she was facing back to her friend,as she herself was facing the Television screen.

"I don't know!" She said without lifting her gaze from her Screen and her expressions as usual of unreadable.

'I don't know about it him from past two years!' She thought still keeping her eyes concentrated on work.

"I still don't understand why he changed?" Sophia asked now finally facing her,her face looked like in deep thoughts.

"I don't care." She said without a single change in her expressions and still engrossed in her work,her eyes still on her work screen.

'Even I don't know, and i wish to know it some day!' Aaliya thought.

She engrossed herself completely in work after continuous working,finalizing summer collection designs and back to back meetings finally it was time to head back.

She shut down her screen,took a look at the future schedule and tidied her desk. She took her steaming cup of black coffee from the desk and turned towards the glass window.

She leaned herself to the wall beside the window and looked at busy city. This city has so much to offer anyone who wants name,fame or power. This would offer you everything except the peace of mind and heart.

But with time she learned to change her expressions in a moment or how to keep outer self composed whole time.To never allow anyone to know the state of your mind. She mastered this art and now she was amazed at herself how well she could hide it from her self also. Her expressions now changed from tired to of in deep thoughts,her doe shaped eyes narrowed and looked at the dark,black sky.

That was the exact condition of her, she had everything anyone could dreamt of but even after having everything what she has is nothing!

The peace,happiness and contentment she had before entering in this corporate world was now nowhere to be felt. She feels that even after having anything she has nothing.

She has a void in her heart that something somewhere or someone she wants is not here.In her proximity!!

She has now turned out to be an exact opposite person she used to be before two years. She was a notorious,loquacious, lively person. But past is called being past for some reason only, that it cannot be changed. What you can feel is regret of your actions which you cannot reverse!

She finished her bitter liquid,kept it on the desk and the tapping of heels on the marbles was the only sound resonated in her cabin.

She took her hand bag,composed her posture and made her way out of cabin. As usual her assistance ran towards her and walked with her till entrance of the office and she sat in car when chauffeur opened car door for her,she just nod at him in gratitude.

"Home" she said to driver and drive to her home started within a moment of her command.


Hey guys!!

Do you like her bossy behavior?

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Till next time,Allah hafiz!!