
In Love With my CEO Cousin

Aaliya Siddique: Definition of strong willed, Confident, Sharp minded businesswoman. Who has quite immediately made her own name in corporate world with her sharp mind, intelligence and some credit can also be given to her family reputation as she belongs to The Popular Siddique Family, big name in corporate world. But she has worked hard for her own fashion brand which has made its place in people's heart in no time due to affordable prices and uniqueness. Arslan Siddique : He is a prince of modern era, with name, fame and Greek god like handsome features. He decided not to join his family's legacy and went to abroad and started his own chain of hotels across the world, started his construction company and several other businesses on his own. Aaban Siddique : He has followed his father's path and started working in family business, which made him reach the top in no time, he is confident, handsome features with brown hairs and Striking blue eyes, he has been made CEO of Textile business. ~*~ Yes so,after all how can you know about love? Leave about love You didn't even respect about your promises!" She scoffed at him,he felt hurt on her statement but then his hurt turned in to rage. "You don't know anything so i would suggest you to keep silence on the topics which you doesn't have knowledge about!" He said in rage closing his eyes as well as fists to control saying anything further. Her mobile rang flashing Aaban's name on the screen which made him scoff at her. "Go,i think he might need you. Why don't you provide him comfort through your words and hugs?" He felt bitter saying those words but that is what it is. "Are you out of your mind?" She yelled at him in anger not taking his non sense talk anymore. "Oh,did i say something wrong? But then again it's fact right. As i have always seen you close to him on the other side it feels as if my touch burns you!" He too shouted at her,his insecurities and jealousy were talking on behalf of him. "It's because he is my Mehram,he is halal for me!" (Permissible) she said in comparatively small voice looking at him with hurt expressions. His eyes snapped at her with disbelief,does that mean... "You two got married?" He whispered in small broken voice trying to gulp the big lump formed in his throat as well as to keep his tears at bay. ~*~ Three cousins, unbreakable bond but something happened which made one of them to break apart. What was that? Continue reading to know. Hey guys! This is my original story,please comment on it and add it in your reading lists. Story is going to be so fun and amazing. Thank you!!

fazu_Mansuri · Urban
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36 Chs

Chapter 26 : He loves ME?

Arslan was sitting on the black leather couch in a half-laying posture, his eyes shut down feeling the weight of his negligence. After two days he was trying to relax himself in front of his Psychiatrist.

He had never told the entire story to his psychiatrist, he has always given him attributes in bits and pieces. Today he explained him everything that he went through in the hope that he would feel a little lighter after telling someone.

"Arslan, it was not your drawback, anyone in your place would have comprehended it in that way only!" Dr. Richard said in an attempt to lessen his remorse.

Dr.Richard was a man in his late twenties with amazing eyesight to assess the person sitting in front of him with just a glance. Arslan Siddiqui was one difficult case to handle as the man was very strong and powerful yet very fragile due to his emotional distress.

When Arslan started his treatment first, Dr.Richard himself was surprised to see such an individual going through an amount of strain. He was a very tough nut to crack but eventually, he came around and ultimately opened up a little.

Arslan's condition was much better but it has gone dangerous now, Richard was afraid of the consequences now as he was now completely drawn into the ocean of guilt and shame.

"You need to sleep, your brain needs rest Arslan." He said staring at the bags under his eyes and red-colored eyes.

Arslan just nodded his head getting up from his place. He straightened his clothes, shook his hand, and went to the door.

"Try to let it out, the more you will suppress it the more it will formulate hardships." Richard said trying to make him understand, he didn't turn but again nodded his head and went out.

Arslan came to his apartment, thinking about the words of Richard. He concluded that he needs to sleep. He took two pills with a glass of water and slept. Putting these worries and concerns aside, slipping into the world of abyss.


He woke up after the effect of medicines exhausted, he took shower, ate food. Did a quick check on his phone for any emergency call or text. After taking a quick glance towards his works.

He again took pills and slept to go away from his own thoughts which were tracking down to only one person making his chest heavy with unknown weight.

This routine continued for 2 days, he would wake up, would take shower, eat and go back to sleep. In hopes to get some comfort physically and mentally only as it was not possible for them emotionally.

He took his phone to get notified of the news of Aaban's engagement date getting fixed. He got a message from Raziya commanding him to be there in India at least a day before an engagement.

He definitely would go back but only after calming down a little more. He started his work from home after three days of only sleeping.


This past week felt the longest for Aaliya. It was a week before when she got a text from him. A week of his disappearance, a week of her restlessness.

This week her mind would always seem to wander around his thoughts only. It looked like he booked one permanent spot in her mind.

This past week many things happened, All Siddiqui's have gone to Sofiya's house to ask her hand in marriage with Aaban.

They all have accepted the alliance happily after asking Sofiya who jumped in happiness hearing the news. They have decided to do their Engagement a week after and then marriage in few months.

Everyone was delighted with everything but Aaliya wasn't happy as she has to be with the news of her brother's engagement. Because she was in her own turmoil.

Reminiscing memories of two years ago has become her habit, every night before sleeping she would recollect those memories. She has a strong feeling telling her that he left because of some incident that has taken place in the past only.

Today was no different as she was again laying on her soft mattress with wide-open eyes and her mind in constant commotion.

She remembers clearly, she met him in the afternoon after the nikah. He even appreciated her look. But then she witnessed him going out of there in anger. Yes, he was angry and before she could follow him, her dadaijaan (Grandmother) called her.

Then again she stopped on that point only, where she is finding a dead end. What is she missing? When she couldn't find anything, she started guessing or imagining what could have happened?

What if he came after her, then he would have found her in Dadijaan's room (Grandmother's), but she didn't find him or didn't talk to him! Means he didn't come or he didn't found her there!

Next, she went to the terrace when Aaban had confessed his love, If he would have come there then...Wait!! Did he witness that? But then again what would go wrong?

Only if he misunderstood it. Did he...did he thought Aaban was proposing to her? Oh yeah, he thought that only, it was clear from his conversation that he misinterpreted it.

So he went away thinking she hid it from him? But he didn't even think to confront her before leaving? But again even if he misinterpreted it was not a big deal! It has bound to happen one day as some or other person would propose to her one day. Maybe he was angry that She didn't tell him by herself?

But ignoring for two years, for this reason, seems really ridiculous to her! Only if he loves her?! Wait where did that come from?

She sat up straight on her bed, she got down from her bed and started pacing around in her room now thinking about her newly found conclusion.

Did... Did he love her? No does he love her? It can't be possible!! How can he love her?

She was biting her nails in anticipation, her forehead became clammy and damp. Her whole body now started shaking in nervousness.

After a lot of contradictions to her own outcomes, recalling his statements, his behavior around Aaban, his anger. Everything was pointing at only one thing which she was trying her best to oppose.

Does he really love me? She tried to calm down her self taking deep inhalations and exhalations. She sat down on her bed once again in order to steady herself.

But her restlessness was not allowing her to steady, she again stood up and started pacing around.

If...if what she is thinking is right, then she should try to think from his perspective. The person he loves maybe, he saw Aaban proposing to her so he thought he lost her. He couldn't tolerate his heartbreak so he left.

Everything was joining together just like lost pieces of the puzzle. And was giving more access to the information related to her conclusion.

After a lot of thinking, denials, acceptance, conclusions. She ultimately ended up on the thought that what he did was right! If she was in his place then she too would have done the same thing.

Her mind was pointing towards the now greater dilemma but she was deliberately avoiding that bigger dilemma that was 'What does she feel for him?'

If it was even an hour ago question she would have told 'He is her Arsh bhai, what else?' but now her own heart betraying her to answer that.

Isn't it ironic that what a single piece of information can do to your whole existence? Her entire line of thoughts changed because of that one piece of information.

She forgave him. He didn't do anything wrong then why was he asking for forgiveness?

Arsh bhai why didn't you ever thought for once to confront me before leaving? Why you hid it from me for two freaking years?

Now her mind went from investigation mode  to anger. Why is she angry if he hid it from her? She doesn't know? All she now knows is he loved her or maybe loves her today also!!

All this contemplation made her hungry. She looked at the watch showing 3:17 A.m. Sleep was the last thing in her mind today as it was already clouded with his thoughts by now.

She wore her flip-floppy slippers, took her phone, and went out of her room to go to the kitchen.

She was walking towards the kitchen lost in her own world of notions, absent-mindedly she climbed down from the staircase. She was about to veer around to go to the kitchen.

But stopped hearing the click sound of the main door. She went towards the main entrance to find about the intruder.

Her feet on their own started walking to the entrance door as if someone has cast a spell on them. Before she could ask or think anything she came face to face with a silhouette of a very familiar person.

The person locked the door behind him, took his duffel bag from the ground putting it on his shoulder in a stylish way, started taking confident and intimidating notches in the house.

She stood there dumbfounded on seeing the person in her front, yellow lights of the bulbs from the chandelier illuminating the whole living room, same yellow light falling upon her making her look more gorgeous and glamourous even in her nightdress.

The intruder stopped in his tracks identifying the beauty in his front, her naturally highlighted brown hairs disheveled but looking gorgeous, her face was marred with confusion, her eyes narrow towards him making her look like the innocent beauty that she is!

And just like that, he lost his heart to her once again without any grievances.


Hey people!

Long update, Right?


Who is he Arslan, Rehaan, or someone new now??

Vote, comment, and follow if you like!

Till then the next update, Allah Hafiz.