
Boss Lady

   I got to the living room and mom was on call.

  "Yeah I know right, I have been through it twice."

She said and adjusted her lenses again, it's a sign of seriousness on her part. When she does that, just know that whatever she is doing or saying is serious and you will not dare argue with her. 

  She looked at me and smiled then returned her attention to the phone call.

  "I know Susan, I will talk to her. You know how your sister is but she will understand"

  They were talking about me and I am curious to know what it's all about.

  "Alright dear, I will get back to you. Take care of the baby"

Mom said and hung up.

  "Mom here!"

I said handing over the glass of water to her. All the while she was on call, I was standing.

  "Thanks dear, I am sorry I kept you hanging. You know your sis how she is when she calls me especially since she got pregnant, she would like to complain the world to me"

  She said and took a sip then drank the whole content and set the glass in the side stool. I said nothing, only smiled at her.

    "You see, your sis wants you to move in with her especially now that she is due for delivery"

   Mom suddenly said and I stared at her dumbfounded. Did I hear her right?.

 "Don't look at me like that Jennifer. It's not like you are going to stay with her for a long time. Just for short while"

   "Mom, I don't like this. You know that I can't possibly live with Sis. If she wants help, let her hire one, mom. I am not going to be anybody's nanny"

  "Jenny, don't be like this. The world is not safe now and you know it. Your sister trusts you, that's why she wants you around for now. You have to go and that's final"

  Mom said, adjusted her lenses again and left the room. I watched her back until I could see her no more.

    Mom has this rigid personality that when she says something, it's final. If you are a stranger and you spoke to her on the phone for the first time, you will think it's all this boss lady who is up to fifty years but the truth is, mom is just 38. 

  Yeah, she is 20 years older than I am. She got married to dad when she was 17, had Susan at 18 then I came 2 years later. People mistake us as sisters because I look so much like her, it's hard to believe us when we tell them that we are mother and daughter so we stopped trying to convince people.

  I sighed and sank deeper into the couch.

I can't possibly go and live my sis, it will be the end of me. I know you might see it as nothing wrong with helping one's sis but I tell you what, in my case, everything is wrong about it.

   Trying to convince mom will be a lot of hard work but I had to at least try, make her understand the reasons why it's not okay for me to go.