
Chapter 10

"Stay away from Dan, he's a pervert, he doesn't care who you are as long as you have what be wants, he could....." Ron paused and he just told her to go.

As Olivia was walking away, she decided to use the bathroom, the female bathroom was full, so she went to the general bathroom and Dan followed her, as Olivia washed her hands, she saw Dan.

He cornered her as she remained speechless, he wanted to suck her neck and he noticed Olivia had started breathing heavily.

"Calm down darling, I've not started yet and you are already breathing heavily, it seems like you want this, I could just f*CK you quickly, you'll beg for more" He said as removed her tie.

"Do u want this" He asked Olivia looking into her eyes

She nodded no and pushed him aside, she then took her tie and ran out of there.

Ron saw her pacing from the bathroom and went to meet her.

"What's the matter, what happened" Ron asked her


And then Ron saw Dan coming from where she came from and also saw her tie was loosened.

"Did he f*ck you!" He asked angrily

"No, but he almost" Olivia answered

"I told you to stay away from her" Ron yelled at Dan

"Easy bro, easy! What makes you so overprotective of her anyways, she's just your secretary, I could've f*CK life out of her, if not for you ruining it" Dan said

"You really have made her a target, I said stay away from her, go f*CK someone else at a bar or something " Ron said as Dan walked away

"Sorry for his behavior " Ron said helping her with her tie

The closeness made her heart beat faster

"I feel like you should kiss me" Olivia thought

She wanted to get closer, then she remembered Tasha.

"Oh f*CK he has a girlfriend" She thought

When he helped her with her tie, she said 'Thank you' and turned to leave

"You're incredibly seducing, I see why Dan wants you badly, I want the same, but Tasha is still with me and I can't let Dan have you" He said staring at her biting his lips