
Birthday Part 2


"Excuse me" Pamela said and went up the stage. She addressed the people politely and told them to enjoy. Many people gave her gifts and some smiles, claps and lot more. She came and asked David for a dance and David didn't even glanced at me before going. Many people danced too. But I remained sitted .

"Excuse me, do you care for a dance?" I heard a husky voice behind me. Looking up my gaze met a handsome face it was The man I asked for a drink to be delivered to that asked me. At least somebody cared and the person is handsome.

"Of course, but I'm a terrible dancer". l told him and that was the fact.

"It doesn't matter, and you look really gorgeous" He told me but to my surprise I was blushing.

"Thank you" I said to him walking on the stairs to the stage. I could feel many eyes on us. The he placed my hand on his shoulder, the other hand interwined with his other hand and his other hand on my waist, then our body started moving to the beat. it was a changing of dancing partner style, from his hand to another, then another, and then David. And when I landed in his arm, my heartbeat started

beating faster. Only David makes me feel this way and WHY!!. I screamed crazily in my mind. Get a hold of yourself. Then we started dancing to the song. The song has changed into a heart warming song just for us. It was like he was the only one in the whole world. Looking into his eyes I was mesmerized. He looks like the king of handsome merman.

"Why, were you dancing with that guy?" . David asked me and it sounds like he was irritated.

" Because you didn't want to dance with me, but he offered himself, you don't expect me to turn him down, do you?". I barked at him but in more irritated tone.