

*ding dong*

the bell rang loudly inside the house. after about few seconds the doors flew open and Mariana was welcomed by an unpleasant face. a face she didn't plan to see today. A face she's has been wishing and praying to the Lord not to see but hey... guess she has to be unlucky today.

Lucas rolled his eyes immediately he saw who it was at the door.

"don't you have your own house". Lucas said sarcastically as he walked away.

Mariana scoffed at the mean comment. "how rude".

Lucas turned back facing Mariana with a frown. he just can't get use to this face, ever. and like always that face and her presence annoy him to the very core. "do you know the trending thing people are doing now?" Lucas asked about to be a awful jerk.

"I don't know Lucas. tell me". Mariana said sarcastically knowing what he was about to do

"staying in there own house and not disturbing other people with their stupid presence". Lucas said.

Mariana frown deepened. she hated this being since birth. always the jerk he has always been her whole life. they have been enemies since she was born. "I fucking hate you asshole". Mariana said looking furious. She walked past him making her way for the stairs.

Lucas had a victory smile on his face as he sat very comfortably on the sofa while facing the TV.

"You cannot ruin my mood Lucas. You just can't". Mariana yelled half way through the stairs

"But I already did". Lucas whispered to him self with a satisfying smirk.

Mariana walked through the corridor and pushed open a door at the far end, got into the room and slammed the door behind her. She was so furious.

"You guys had a fight". Martha said with a mocking smile. She was sitting on her bed with her legs straight forward. her back was resting on the bed board. She was eating chips from the pack.

"Your brother is the biggest jerk there is". Mariana said almost yelling as she took off her backpack. She placed it on the sofa and walked up to Martha. Mariana jumped on the bed sitting facing her best friend.

"I told you not to lose your cool around him". Martha said calmly

"he always succeed in pissing me off". Mariana said. She took a deep breath to cool off.

"Sorry about him, okay. now to what's important. we have two hours before lesson. how is the math coming?". Martha asked looking a lil' worried.

"horrible. I keep getting different answers when I cross check. what about you?" Mariana asked with the same expression as Martha

"Same. I don't just get it". Martha said passing the chips to Mariana

"I've an idea..." Mariana said with a suspicious smile

"what's it?" Martha asked with slightly raised one eye brow

"we watch netflix and chill for thirty minutes then we use the remaining time to work on the equation. how does that sounds...?" Mariana asked with a smile

Martha looked at Mariana surprisingly for a while but returned the smile after wards. "I like the way you think girl".

the girls giggled and Mariana joined her bestie in the same sitting position.