
In Love With Mr. Billionaire

Zanvil Black,31, CEO of the Black enterprises, powerful business man, hardworking, good looking, and most of all arrogant. Doesn't talk to anyone He commannds , except one. Jules Adams, 21,a cute, loving person, beautiful in and out, loves everyone . Her motto is to spread love. looking for a job. and ended up as a secretary of Mr. Black. what will happen when love meets hate? does love overpower hate or not? check the story

Pranchal_Gupta · Urban
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3 Chs



While shining in the sky the Stars look so pretty, so magnificent . A single star can make one's life bright . The sky looks very peaceful , lightful just opposite of my life . I don't know but by Looking at the sky my heart is always at peace . The sky is the only thing which bring peace to me .

The only thing.

I closed my eyes feeling the peace .

" Jule" but got interrupted by my dear friend Kesha.

"Yes"  I replied

"What are you doing at the rooftop. Come down, I am  getting bored " she shouted from the ground for me to listen .

"Yeah , just coming in 5" I too shouted back.

My life is very fucked up or say messed up .My parents are my life . They made my life beautiful, funny or what not but they cannot be their with me all the time . They will not always fight for me . I have to fight my own battles .

I just got graduated, being 21 with no experience, means  unemployment nobody wants to hire an inexperienced person. In my childhood I was always depended on my parents , indirectly my parents were their for me , but Now I decided to stand up on my own .

I want to stand on my feet .

It's a big thing to say . My life was peaceful. I always had money or whatever I want because of my parents. But Now I want them to feel proud of me .

I want them to feel happy . I want them to be happy because I made them proud.

But all my ambition came to end when I moved out of my parents house ,MY HOME . Now I realised that this world is fucked up. Earning money is very difficult.

I was never the rebellion kid . I respect my parents and their opinion,their words .

They stopped me from moving out but to get in this world I had to do that .

Thatswhy  I and Kesha live together. She and I decided to shift in an apartment with whatever money I and her  saved. I refused to get help from my parents. I got a job in a cafe  which make me earn sufficient.

But I need more to prove myself.

I- "what are you thinking? "

I got interrupted by kesha.

" Oh! Nothing " I simply replied.

"Stop thinking to much otherwise whatever brain is left in here will be gone soon" She said pointing towards my head.

"Shut up. I have  brain and that to sufficient" I scoffed

"Yeah. That's why I was waiting for you to come down from 30 mins but you the queen don't want to come down " She explained.

"It's not like that I was just thinking about my job "

"Their is nothing to think about just do your best and the God will definitely give you the results" She said hopefully.

She believes in God too much. She is a God person,just opposite of me. I believe in God but not too much I believe in spreading happiness and love.

"Yeah. Thanks for motivating me .  Now let's go down and have dinner".

Our apartment is on the top so basically the rooftop can be seen from our apartment.

We moved down and had dinner while talking and catching up with each other.

I don't want her to know what I am facing in my life because I know she will definitely help me as her parents are very rich and known person in the business just like my but I said to both of them . I want to do it myself.

After dinner we went back to our rooms respectively.

And now I am sitting on my  bed in indian style with laptop on my lap looking for any job.

I stopped my courser on one of the job advertisement.

Need a assistant for the CEO of Black enterprises. No preferably gender, graduate, no need of only experienced face . Looking for a fresh face, 21- 40 age, good communication skills, computer literate, friendly nature, hardworking.

Interested candidate may contact at Blackenterprises@gmail.com

"No need of only experienced face" I muttered happily.

"Fuck yes... Yes yes.. " I am going crazy. I finally had a job means atleast I found something in which I can be related.

"Why the fuck are you screaming at midnight? " Kesha asked   while yawning and standing at the doorframe.

"I finally found a job in which I can interview" I screamed again.

"What! Really" She said and looked surprised .she came  towards me and sat on bed beside me and looked on the screen.

"See See , I told you believe in God. He will definitely help you. Oh! Thank you god "

She practically screamed on my face.

"Yes.thank you God " I muttered

"Did you contact them? " She questioned

"Oh! No, I was just so shocked "

"So what are you waiting for. Do it " She said.

"Yes yes. I will do it and you go back to sleep . You have a job and for that you have to wake up early "

"Yeah, I am going. You do it. Goodnight"

She said and walked back to her room.


After that I fastly contacted them and sent my resume and started looking continuously at the screen waiting for the reply but NO REPLY. I looked at the clock on the wall left to me. 12:30AM

It is too late for the reply and should wait for it tomorrow.

I convinced myself. And shut down my laptop and kept on the sidedesk , getting ready to sleep.

I laid on my bed , pull the covers up my chest. Closed my eyes and drifting to sleep with hope in it.


Thank you ❤