
In Love With Me

Do you believe that there might be a world similar to the world we live in... Do you believe that there might be people similar to ourself, just some minor changes in them or something completely different... No one knows... Our Protagonist is a narcissistic girl named Elina, that is because of a stupid curse given to her by a women who loved her father, Because of that even though she's a beauty, she never had any relationship in her 20 years of life... She can't love anyone....that was until she met him... though it was only for a mere second, she could not get him out of her mind... That's where her story of love finally begins... The question is... will she be able to find him again?? So let's go to the adventure of some world which you have never seen or heard of...

liliposa · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Strange person

The chirping of birds were heard from outside the window as the window was left wide open... some bold ones even came inside the room and chirped loudly with their voice as sweet as honey, it was pleasant to hear unlike the crows, which were unbearable, but then again... they atleast try... unlike most people who are afraid that they might offend other people if they say something unpleasant... Just listen to your heart, not to other's word, don't restrain yourself because of someone else... The life is your's not other's.

That is the policy of the beautiful girl laying on the bed, She lives her life by the way she wants, ignoring other's complain, no matter what people says about her, she doesn't give a single second of her time to them.

Life is like a train, your destination is fixed but how you spend your time on the way to it, is in your hand, other's can assist you but not walk with you, because they have their own destination, no matter how close you are with them, they will part with you one day... just like two train can't always have the same way... they have to part a some place, you want or not... it's not even in your hand.

So cherish the moment you are in, because it's not going to last forever... no matter how the days are, whether it is bad or good, it's gonna end someday... untill then enjoy yourself to your fullest with your loved ones, because... nothing in this world is permanent.

The girl laying on the bed woke up and stretched her hands up and smiled towards the bird which was probably waiting for her to wake up, She neared her hands towards it and raised her index finger slightly up, gesturing for the bird to sit on it.

After the bird said on her finger, she smiled sweetly and said, "Good morning, little guy, did you wait for long?" The bird chirped loudly as if agreeing with her words.

After hearing the bird chirp loudly she smiled more sweetly and said, "Is that so, then I'm sorry for making you wait, but it's also your fault for waking up so early in the morning...", the bird made a humph sound as if showing that it is angry for her to wake up so late and saying that it will not talk with her.

She stopped her words after seeing the bird angry and then looked up at the clock, then continued her words, "... It's not even 6°clock in the morning, what will I do waking up even earlier than that..." she then turned her gaze towards the bird only to see the red little ball of anger as it puffed it's cheeks.

She laughed after seeing this, but the little guy was not amused by her laughter, it chirped and chirped until there was no breath left in it to chirp again.

She did not stop laughing even after seeing the little thing chirping loudly. She then whipped her tears from her eyes which was formed by the constant laughter and then said in a sweet coaxing voice as if trying to calm the ball full of anger, "Ok. Ok, I understand, I should have said that I should play with you after waking up early in the morning, but don't I play with you long enough... you bad guy, want even more of my time??"

She humphed and then knocked the little head with her finger lightly and said, "What is filled in this small head of your's??"

The bird chirped again and this time, she laughed even louder, after laughing for a good while, looked towards the bird and said, "Ok, Ok, your brain is filled with brain, Ok now??."

She could never get bored with this little thing by her side. If she doesn't have the power to listen to other animals talking, she would have never guessed that this cute little thing is such a chatterbox whose mouth never stops spouting words even if it's nonsense which does not make any sense at all.

She got out of her bed and walked towards the bathroom, if she never leaves this chatterbox alone it would never stop, so it's better to sneak away if you still have a chance.

After reaching inside the bathroom she closed the door and stood at her usual place...umm... the bathroom mirror... ahem.

As you know, she's a total narcissistic for a stupid enough reasoning... she just does the usual things a narcissistics would do...

She stood by the mirror and watched herself in aww, I'm so beautiful, I even doubt that there is someone more beautiful than me in this world, I've never seen anyone more beautiful than me, ahhh can't I just marry myself... my mother always nags me about how I doesn't talk with anyone, what will happen if anyone will not agree to marry me in future... it's not like I don't like them, it's just that... I doesn't want anyone to hear my sweet voice... it's so sweet that anyone can melt away... aww, I'm really thankful for my parents to give me such a beautiful body and sweet voice....

Ahem... ahem... so readers it's better that you not go any further than this...

Beep... beep...

Elina's thoughts were distrupted by the beeping sound of the alarm she set.

"Shoot... how can 1 hour pass by this early... I was only here for few minutes... geez... What can I do, I have classes, have to go... stupid classes, disturbing my precious time, humph." She cursed the classes for sometime then showered for a while and got out after taking it. She chosed a cloth and wore it.

"Wow... I look so beautiful in it...good that I bought it..." she smiled and then made her hair to match the cloths.

She then walked herself towards the living room, only to find that everyone was present... was I late or is everyone early... hmmm maybe they later.

She obviously did not realise that more than two hours have passed and now it's already past 8°clock in the morning.

She sat on the table by her brother's side and them smacked him on his head, which made a huge pa.. sound. Everyone did not seem surprised, just like this was then usual greetings the boy received every morning.

"Good morning piggy." She laughed while putting her hand on her lips but it did not touch it, then smiled like an old fox, sneering at her brother for having just a little meat than her.

The boy obviously did not take it to heart and said with a smile while his cheeks was full of food, which made him look cute, " You look pretty today too, sis." the boy obviously knows how to handle her sister, just say some few good words to her and she will become lovesick.

The thing happened just as he predicted, Elina jumped on him and hugged him while giving him a kiss on his head and said, "Alex, you're so cute, I'm so happy to have such a cute brother, I think God loves me for giving me so many good things."

Alex enjoyed his leisure time with his sister, whom he loved dearly... ahh my sister is so sweet, if you just ignore her narcissism.

But his leisure time did not last long as he heard a voice coming from the opposite of the table, "My daughter is always so beautiful..." he said with a stern voice but was filled with love.

Then he received a hug from his daughter before a kiss on his cheeks, "I love you dad, you're the best dad."

He was happy to receive a kiss from his daughter and happily ate his breakfast.

Seeing this the mother pouted and said, " You gave brother and father a kiss but where is my share, how can you leave me..." But Sia ignored her and walked towards her seat but turned after hearing her, "...My beautiful daughter, Elina." Elina then smiled and did the same to her mother.

Now that the happy family breakfast was done, it was the time for everyone to leave the house.

They bid goodbye to each other and was gone to their respective roads.

Elina drove towards her University and dropped her brother at his school and bid goodbye, "Bye Drake, see you later." Drake looked back and said. "Bye sis." and gave a flying kiss, which Elina caught by her hand and smiled sweetly... 'my brother is so cute.'

She just walked inside her University gate and was gone to her class.

After all the classes was over, she had some time to waste so she walked towards the garden in the university. and sat on the bench, the rays falling from the sky were scattered by the trees which came in the way of it.

The wind blew strongly and then the leaves which fell on the ground blowed in it's direction as Elina saw a unexpected thing....

She could vaguely see a figure which emerged from it, when the figure turned towards her, she froze as her eyes widened in disbelief...

Hey everyone!! Liliposa here...If some people doesn't know, then, I'll like to say that this is a fantasy novel so there will be many fantasy elements.

As for our male lead... ahem... he will appear in the next chapter... Everything about him is a secret for now..shhh...

liliposacreators' thoughts