

Henry and I quickly became the closest of friends. We would eat in the cafeteria together, read in the library together, even though he often dozed off when it came to reading, and share our experiences.

One day, my sister made some Chinese noodles, one of those peculiar recipes she learned on YouTube. She packed them in my lunch bag and dropped me off at school. At first, I hesitated to eat the meal, but I felt compelled to do so to avoid hurting her feelings. She excelled at cooking normal American dishes, but her attempts at other cuisines were usually disasters. I remembered the calamity when she tried to make Italian minestrone – I couldn't tell if it was the water or poorly cooked vegetables, but it turned out terrible. However, she did make an effort with African dish Nyama Choma. Today, I hoped it wouldn't be one of her off days.

I took a seat in the cafeteria and placed my lunch bag on the table. As I was about to start eating, Henry interrupted me. He had two enormous sandwiches on his tray and a soda. I wasn't surprised – Henry had a substantial appetite. He also had a distinctive fashion sense. Today, despite the scorching heat, he wore a blue shirt under a green jacket, accompanied by black trousers and boots that complemented his dark hair. I couldn't help but wonder how much he'd be sweating, as black clothing tends to absorb heat.

"I was told Mrs. Dean would be leaving soon," Henry began.

"Are you serious?" I asked, heartbroken.

"I love your white shirt, though," he remarked. "Wait, have I complimented you today? You look gorgeous, princess."

"Can't say the same for you."

"Emily, that was mean," Hannah interjected, placing a tray of salad bar and bottled water on the table. She took her seat and dropped her bag on the ground.

"Don't you ever eat? Like actual food?" Henry asked.

"I'm trying to reduce weight."

"Hannah, you're slim figure with virtually no weight. What's there to lose?"

"Henry, I refuse to enmesh myself in a futile argument with you this afternoon," Hannah expressed calmly. She turned to me and asked, "How was your night, darling? Ugh, is that Chinese noodles?"

"Unfortunately, it is. My sister made it," I answered.

"Try it out," Henry insisted.

In trepidation, I took a spoonful of noodles and placed it in my mouth. As I chewed gently, the sweetness enveloped my taste buds, and I found myself craving more. I enthusiastically savored each bite, and my friends also enjoyed their meals. My sister had truly outdone herself.

"You see, Henry? Not everyone is a bad cook like you," Hannah retorted.

My short, nerdy friend, Hannah Williams, was a slender figure with dark brown hair and wore spectacles. She was renowned for her exceptional ability to comprehend any topic in one sitting. She lived with her aunt since her parents were preoccupied with establishing themselves as "scientists" in the city.

Hannah and I had been friends since middle school. Like me, she struggled to connect with new people. Her nerdy nature turned her into a bookworm, and she literally read everything she came across.

Another quirk that set her apart was her belief in supernatural creatures. She firmly believed in the existence of vampires and werewolves among us. Although I couldn't confirm her werewolf claims, my father made sure our hunting activities remained secret. So whenever she brought up topics like "werewolves," I would dismiss them.

"Henry, you never talk about your parents. Why?" Hannah asked, wiping her lips with a napkin.

"My father's dead, and my mom has gotten married to a rich dude," Henry answered causally.

I felt heartbroken by the news. It was the first time he had opened up to us. Usually, hr would deflect such questions with humor or steer the conversation elsewhere. I couldn't help but imagine the trauma he must have endured witnessing his family fall apart in such a way.

I extended my hands towards him and said, "I'm so sorry, Henry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about," Henry said. "It was an awful family arrangement anyways."

"You've got us, Henry. We're your family," Hannah said, comforting Henry with her words.

An unmistakable smile graced Henry's face. I could sense his happiness.

The day passed quickly, and it was soon coming to an end. The bell rang, and I walked to my locker to retrieve some textbooks I had stashed there. Just then, I received a call from my dad.

I answered and said, "Good afternoon, dad. What's up?"

"Hey, kiddo. I've got an issue with my vehicle right now. I'm currently at the mechanic workshop, so you might just have to hang around for a while. I'm sorry," my dad explained.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll meet you up later."

"Thanks, kiddo."

I hung up the call and gave a deep sigh.

I was startled when I heard Henry say, "I can walk you home."

"Were you eavesdropping on my call?" I asked, turning to him.

"Are you going to let me walk you home or what?"

"My house is quite far... Like, really far."

"Your dad said he was gonna come get you, so maybe he'll meet you up."

"How did you hear all that?"

"Come on, let's go."

I placed my books in my bag and walked out of the school building with Henry. I observed as Hannah's stylish aunt picked her up from school on a superbike. That middle-aged lady always dressed as if she were a spy.

The sun's intensity had diminished somewhat, making the walking conditions more pleasant.

"I'm really sorry about your family, Henry," I said.

He scoffed and said, "You really don't know how awful that family was. I'm glad it broke up."


"My father was a heroin addict. My mother had me when she was in her early twenties. According to her, my dad and her never planned for my arrival. It was spontaneous. Safe to say I triggered a whirlwind of events that caused the couple to double up their hustle. My dad spent all the money he made buying drugs, while my mother used the little income she was making to take care of me. Unfortunately, my dad died mysteriously. He just kinda disappeared, and the police found his body in the woods. He had claw marks all over him," he sighed. "My mom thought something awful was about to happen, so she gave me to my uncle, who has always been single since I can remember. She got married a few years ago. News is, she has given birth. I've been living ever since."

"Damn, that's sad."

"What about you?"

"Lost my mom when I was in middle school. My sister and I have been with my dad ever since."

"Guess we're two emotionally scarred kids."

I chuckled.

I spotted my dad's vehicle from a distance, and a smile lit up my face. He pulled up near me and Henry, inquiring, "Thought you were still in school?"

"Dad, this is Henry," I gestured towards Henry with my hands. "My very good friend."

"Well, thank you so much for keeping my daughter company, Henry," my dad expressed his gratitude. "I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, sir," Henry replied.

My father inquired, "Where do you stay?"

"No need to worry about me; my house isn't far from here," Henry revealed.

I hugged Henry and said, "Thanks so much." Afterward, I climbed into my dad's truck and waved goodbye.

As my father drove away, a smile once again graced my face. I turned to see if I could cat ch a glimpse of Henry, but he had disappeared from sight.