
In Love With Amadioha

Ziterem, a down to earth nerd, gets wrapped up in the clouds of the metaphysical. What happens?

Chidolue_Itesi · Fantasy
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3 Chs


"Ziterem!! "

An unknown voice screams into the oblivion.

I wake up feeling as though I have spent the night in Atlas's shoes,

as though I have carried the weight of the world on my shoulders,

as though Mo Farah has carried me along in his marathon race,

as though I have finished eight training rounds with Anthony Joshua -against my will-

I was drenched in sweat and could feel my head swooning, my legs wobbling, and my throat felt as though it had frogs in it.

I doubled over and retched on the floor of my hostel room.

I could swear that somebody had called my name but nobody was around me.

"Amaka will so kill me for this", I thought as I laid eyes on the outcome of my retching.

Tiny particles of Eba, complemented by Egusi soup, which found its way into Amaka's shoes.

Nobody was in the room, which meant that they had all gone for the valedictory service.

I quickly took the time to recall the events in my dream.

They had felt so true, so clear, like they had happened in broad daylight.

I had been walking down the road, that served as a shortcut, that led to the other side of the school where the teachers resided from my hostel.

The same shortcut that nobody bothered to take all session, the same road that had tall Bush paths at each side dangerously looking to enclose whoever walked through it.

The same road that had been rumored to house all forms of the supernatural, the same that I loved walking through because of its quietness and its solemn nature.

Halfway, I noticed the bushes were swaying wildly, as if propelled by an unseen, unknown force. They suddenly stopped and calmed as if they were asked to.

"Fuck it Ziterem! It was only the wind", I assured myself.

Then I noticed something at the other end moving towards me.

I lost my wits and took off, heading back the way I came, but it seemed as though the bushes had connived with whatever it was that was behind me.

Caught between the clearing the bushes and finding a path, I glanced back. It was human. It was not a thing after all, it had a human physique.

I focused my attention on clearing the path for my escape. However, I took a glance back, and it was there, he was there, right behind me.

I reckon never meeting anyone like that before. Mere sight of him drove all nerves out the window, I was suddenly interested in how he would look under those clothes.

I made to speak but Mr handsome immediately dragged my hand and started pulling me back with him. I felt painfully ripped from my thoughts and common sense slammed back into me with a loud bang.

How had he gotten behind me in less than three seconds? What form of human went that fast? The strength in his grip and his physique did not tally -he looked like he was 17- and he felt distant.

He turned his head towards me and my heart melted as I saw his eyes, a mixture of grey and blue, he also had a wicked sneer in his face, and he looked at me, eyes full of wanton lust.

I lost my senses as my brain went numb.

I wanted him with me, in me, here on the bushy floor.

I wondered if his thrusts were as wicked as the smile on his face. His grip spoke of power and I wondered how firm he would hold me while he drove into me, exploring the depths of my being, filling my insides.

A small moan escaped from the back of my throat, and had a positive sexual effect on poor Mr handsome.

He growled as though he were fighting to keep control.

Mr handsome stopped walking, we were near one huge Udara tree.

He faced me and held some form of concoction in his hands.

He pushed it towards me and forced my mouth open with his hands, now free from holding me, and went on to pour it down my throat, and in the seconds before I blacked out, I saw his concern through his eyes.

He was not hurting me.

Two claps bring me back to my body and I see an old wrinkled woman bent in front of me, on my bed!

I spend the next few seconds wondering how she had come into the hostel room.

She opened her mouth, which housed various forms of maggots and a foul odour and immediately, I feel my head swooning and I know I was soon going to black out.

Within the moments that herald my loss of consciousness, I pray that my body would remain whole when I came back, that is, if I came back.