
Causes of the Jewish Holocaust

In Nazi Germany, Hitler's anti-Semitism served to pass laws to exterminate and dispossess German Jews who had good businesses. Those laws served to carry out one of the vilest acts humanity has ever seen.

The plan had already been predefined by the national socialist ideologies in 1891 and adopted by Hitler. Finally, and after having drafted and approved the laws, prepared the infrastructure (ghettos, concentration camps and railways), the government makes the "final decision" of the genocide and definitive extermination of Jews, not only in Germany but in other countries of Europe in 1941.

development of events

In 1941 the Nazi plan of Jewish extermination began, after making the laws and preparing gas chambers in trains and trucks, ghettos and concentration camps, which was the final destination of the captured Jews, subjected to all kinds of inhuman torture, executions and cruelties.