
Chapter 48 - Kidnapped (2)

  Reynard heard Esme's voice through the Mind Link, he got up abruptly, surprising his Beta and Gamma. Since he already marked Esme, their minds are now linked and so was their body. He felt her distress and he knew she was in trouble. 

 "Reynard, what's wrong? Dennis and Collins asked in unison.

 "Esme! She's in trouble!


  Reynard dashed out of the house, he shifted into his Wolf and ran towards Esme's school. He rushed in unannounced and he rushed into Esme's class following her scent. He found Ashley and Kim in the classroom, there was no teacher so he just barged in. His eyes searched the class but there was no sign of Esme. He only found her bag." 

 Reynard held the bag and he Could still smell her scent on the bag. "So that's why he thought she was still in the classroom.

 "Where is Esme? Collins asked.

Ashley blushed hearing Collins voice. She gave him a sheepish smile. "You are here?