
In love with a demon king {BL}

Luke had it rough growing up with his mother who got divorced by his Dad. he tried his best to provide for his mom who is currently in the hospital. he got a job working for that Demon King and ever since his life changed.

Emma_Rose_8125 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4 {The Wedding}

Days has passed and Amy informed me that my wedding is tomorrow. I felt like running away, I felt like killing myself but I can't. I gave Amy my word so I can't just abandon everything after everything she has done for me. I laid on my bed and I couldn't sleep cause I was thinking about what my husband would look like. I don't even know the guy I'm getting married to, I don't know if he's kind or heartless. Who am I kidding I'm getting married to a Demon and we both know Demons are cold hearted, evil, wicked and they don't have a soul. What have I gotten myself into?.

The next morning was hell. Amy almost killed me with the dress. Amy it's too tight {i said} it's the way it's suppose to be {Amy replied} Do you want me dead before we get there? {I asked} don't be silly...it's just a major procedure {Amy said} Procedure my ass {i said} No curse languages here {Sunset said} The maid applied makeup on my face, they made me wear this heavy ear ring. I looked at myself in the mirror and I realized I looked good in makeup. I wore the red dress and the red veil is super heavy, I infact everything I'm wearing is heavy.

I went outside with Amy. Luke we would be going by Teleportation {Amy said} For real? {I asked} Mhm...give me your hand {Amy said} I took Amys hand and we suddenly got to this weird forest. I saw some men waiting for us and I also saw this weird Chinese carriage. Get in {Amy said} That thing? {I asked} Yes {Sunset replied} I reluctantly got in. The carriage started moving, it felt like I was floating. I pocked my head outside and I saw those men carrying the carriage with their bare hands. Put your head inside...no one is allowed to see your face except the King so keep the veil on {Amy said} I obeyed her. I sat down properly and my heart is racing seriously. it feels as though I'm not coming out alive.

We got to this huge Palace, the Palace had a huge gate that opened up immediately we got there. I saw so many guards. Amy helped me out of the carriage but I couldn't move. I was as if my feet had been glued to the ground. Come on..what are you waiting for? {Amy asked} I..I..I can't...I can't do this {I said} what do you mean by you can't? {Amy asked} I..I should have thought hard before coming here...lets leave now that no ones looking {I said} Luke, Luke..take a deep breath...There's no need to be scared, remember I said I'd watch over you...I would always watch over you and that my word {Amy said}

I took a deep breath. Are you ready? {Amy asked} Yeah {I replied but deep down I'm terrified}. We got to the Palace and the Palace door opened. I'm beginning to get scared...I mean to way the doors just opened without someone knocking is really freaky. I entered the Palace and i noticed everyone was staring at me. Long story short the ceremony started but I don't really remember much. I was told that my husband would take off the veil...so I shouldn't take it off myself. when the ceremony was over I hugged Amy and I watched her leave the palace

Soon after a lady came to me, she said her name is Mingxia. she showed me to my room, when I got to my room I feel asleep. I must confess sleeping with the veil on is pretty hard, I felt like I was suffocating. Some hours later I was on the bed with my eyes shot, I felt the veil slowly leaving my face. I immediately held the persons hand, I opened my eyes to see a handsome man with long white hair. Who are you? {I asked} He didn't response. Who the heck are you? And what the hell are you doing in my room? {I asked} I like you...you are bold {The guy said} Bold?..I'll show you bold {I said} I about punching him but he pinned me to the bed. That's no way for a lady to behave {He said} Lady? Who the fuck are you calling a lady?....I would have you know young man that I am no lady in fact I'm a fucking guy like you {I said} Then why did you marry a guy?..is it because of the wealth?, fame? or perhaps is it because you want to know what it feels like to be royalty {He asked} What? I don't give a fuck about those things...I'm only here because I have no choice....I don't care about fame or wealth, I'm here because I don't want to people I love to suffer because of me....Now you haven't answered me who the fuck are you? {I asked but this nigga wouldn't budge} I turned around and pinned him with my waist on top of him. If you don't tell me who you are...I swear to God I would cut your throat {I said} Do it...I dare you {The guy said} this nigga think I'm joking?...I picked up a knife from a fruit basket and I slit his throat so hard that blood came rushing out....but the weird thing is that the wound closed up by itself, I looked like nothing happened. I immediately jumped off the bed. Who are you {I asked but before he could say a word everything went black}